Saturday, August 29, 2009

Shuttle Discovery: Final Night Launch

We had the privilege of watching the final night launch of the space shuttle (Discover) from our 2nd floor porch off our bedroom, just after midnight Saturday morning, 8/29/09. I took some pictures, we are in central Florida and Kennedy Space Center in on the east coast, about 22 miles away, so the pictures aren't really that detailed or clear. It looked much better in real life, but I thought I'd share this historic event with you anyway. Hope you enjoy.

This is about 1 minute after lift-of, the entire eastern skyline began to glow orange, it was really cool!!

Then the glow got brighter and more defined as the shuttle began to get higher and higher in the sky.

Then as the shuttle got farther and farther away, it didn't glow as orange, it glowed more whitish. The last little speck is the last time I could see it with my naked eye (or with my zoom lens) right before the shuttle dropped the booster rockets.

That occurrence is shown in the last picture, which I cannot take credit for, as I photographed that off the television, courtesy of WKMG, Local-6 New.

It was really exciting to watch, even if we stayed up late to watch it... which I usually do anyway, to blog...

Sorry the pictures aren't any clearer... but I did my best... If you'd like to see some really great pictures, her is a terrific link to our local news station, WKMG Local-6.

Until next time..... Lorie


Not So Average Mama said...

That is so awesome! One time when my oldest daughter and I were traveling through Fl, we stopped at a rest area and actually seen the shuttle going up. It was really a cool thing to see!

S3XinthePantry said...

Great pictures. Very cool!

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