****CLOSED*** Congratulations to Barb @ Winterbabe98!!
I think everyone has heard of Walt Disney World... many of you have even been there, several of you have even been there more than once. Many of my readers have been there LOTS of times, just like me... It is known as "the happiest place on earth."
But, do you know the amazing set of events that allowed Walter Elias Disney to finally bring his vision of Disney World to reality in those rural swamplands and orange groves in central Florida? Right near where I live...
The book "Project Future: The Inside Story Behind the Creation of Disney World" is that story - from Walt Disney's search for an Eastern site for an amusement park through the opening of Walt Disney World on October 1,1971.
The book is written by Chad Denver Emerson who interviewed several former Disney executives and personnel from Reedy Creek Improvement District (the entity responsible to provide for surface water control and drainage, utilities and mosquito control; roads and bridges; land use regulation and planning; fire protection; emergency medical services; environmental services). Chad also did tons of research at countless libraries and Florida state and National Archives, because he had no official help from Disney and was given no access to their archives. There is an extensive list of those that helped him and the publications that he got his information from in the book.
Lee Cockerell, who wrote the foreword, says this book does an "excellent job providing rich details and historical context to the incredible efforts that individuals like Walt and Roy Disney... and many others took to make Walt Disney World a reality." He also went on to say, "I hope that you, like me, enjoy this trip back to where the magic began." I know that I certainly enjoyed this book thoroughly! I loved reading all about Walt Disney, as he is a hero of mine and, as you all know, I ADORE everything Disney and it was so wonderful learning more about the place that I love to go to several times a month. I know any of you who like Disney or like to read about the history of Florida will truly enjoy this book..... I read it in two days!!
You can purchase this book on Amazon.com for $13.45 ***OR***
*** One of my lucky readers can WIN a copy of this book from the very generous author Chad Denver Emerson..... Thank you Chad!!***
Here is how- (Please leave me a way to contact you, either public profile or email in comment)
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Giveaway will end on April 30, 2010 11:00 pm (ET) .....Thank you for entering and Good Luck!!
Until next time..... Lorie
{FTC Compliant: I received a copy of this book to read for my review. No other compensation was received. All opinions are 100% mine and not influenced at all by anything except my undying love for all things Disney}