Monday, April 30, 2012

Monday's Music Moves Me: 4/29/2012 ~ Spring is in the Air


Welcome to 2012's Monday's Music Moves Me!!! We are going to make this meme SPECTACULAR this year!! But of course, we cannot do that without all of you... so come on share your music with us and get your friends to share with us, too. Our fearless leader is none other that the sweetest and most wonderful Marie of XmasDolly. Helping her keep this train running are ME, my dear friend Stacy of Stacy Uncorked, the lovely Callie of Jamerican Spice and now we are introducing a new member of our crew... the wonderful and talented Cathy of Cathy Kennedy's Blog - let's give her a standing ovation, shall we. We will also have some helpers along the way when we need to because life is.... well, life!  For the month of May (starting today) our dear friend Denise of RunDMT, who is a faithful supporter of Monday's Music Moves Me, will be helping out due to lots of "life" that is going on with several of us. Thank you SO much Denise - you are AWESOME!!
Here is what you need to do to play along....

First step: Head on over to You Tube, or anywhere you get your music videos and post them on your blog! Upcoming themes are to you LOWER RIGHT of XmasDolly's blog.

Second Step: Grab our "Monday's Music Moves Me" Button, mine is on my right sidebar, or off of any of the hosts' sites.

Third step: SIGN THE LINKY - Follow your hosts (we will all follow you and try to comment each week), grab their buttons too when you visit (mine is on my right sidebar above the 4M button) and show them some love by leaving a comment.

Final step: Go visit the other Rockers on our Linky and PLEASE show them some love by leaving them a comment, you know you like comments, they do too!

This week's theme is FREEBIE WEEK!!! So you can post whatever is moving you to groove. With the weather here in Florida being hot and sunny, and all the fun things happening around central Florida, I'm thinking all about Spring. So here are the songs that have me moving this week.....

Daydream ~ Lovin' Spoonful

Feeling Groovy (59th Street Bridge) - Simon and Garfunkel

Beautiful Day ~ U2

And of course... I had to throw in one from the King.....

Spring Fever ~ Elvis Presley and Shelley Fabares

So now pick your songs, write a post and don't forget to add it to one of the linky's - there is one on each of the hosts' blog. We can't wait to hear your songs, plus you might be chosen as our Spotlight Dancer and be in the #1 or 2 linky spot, like this weeks spotlight winners.

Ashley of Dr. Pepper Diva ~~ and ~~ Martha of Mom on Caffeine


Don't forget to grab the Spotlight Dancer button from XmasDolly's blog and proudly display it on your blog showing everyone that you were picked!

Now, go on and post your songs... get your friends to post their favorite songs and link up so we all can hear them... and have a musical Monday.


Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available. I'm very sorry to say there are some people not playing along just using our linky to get traffic for their blogs! Unfortunately, these bloggers will be marked and ignored, you will not get any benefit from our linky, so don't bother. All we ask is that you leave a comment, grab our button, ad/or follow us. If you don't want to post a video, you can post a link to a video, or post some lyrics, but please - at least attempt to make it music related.

*** Just one more thing...
PLEASE, we are family friendly blogs
and while we really don't want to censor anyone,
but we do ask that you keep your songs rated PG13 or less.
If you find that you need to post songs of an explicit sexual nature or language,
please find a different venue.
If your song does contain a small amount of questionable language,
please put disclaimer BEFORE the video.
Thank you very much!***


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: 4/25/2012 ~ Bath Time for Wiggles


Welcome to Wordless Wednesday.....

Please join us by posting your photo and linking up on the Wordless Wednesday hub.


Monday, April 23, 2012

Monday's Music Moves Me: 4/23/2012 ~ Sometimes One is All it Takes!



Welcome to 2012's Monday's Music Moves Me!!! We are going to make this meme SPECTACULAR this year!! But of course, we cannot do that without all of you... so come on share your music with us and get your friends to share with us, too. Our fearless leader is none other that the sweetest and most wonderful Marie of XmasDolly. Helping her keep this train running are ME, my dear friend Stacy of Stacy Uncorked and the lovely Callie of Jamerican Spice. We will also have some helpers along the way when we need to because life is.... well, life! This month the lovely Cathy of Cathy Kennedy's Blog will be our cohost. Dolly will chose one each month, if you'd like to help, please let one of us know.

Here is what you need to do to play along....

First step: Head on over to You Tube, or anywhere you get your music videos and post them on your blog! Upcoming themes are to you LOWER RIGHT of XmasDolly's blog.

Second Step: Grab our "Monday's Music Moves Me" Button, mine is on my right sidebar, or off of any of the hosts' sites.

Third step: SIGN THE LINKY - Follow your hosts (we will all follow you and try to comment each week), grab their buttons too when you visit (mine is on my right sidebar above the 4M button) and show them some love by leaving a comment.

Final step: Go visit the other Rockers on our Linky and PLEASE show them some love by leaving them a comment, you know you like comments, they do too!

This week's theme is One Hit Wonders!! Since there were so many to chose from, I really didn't know where to start, so I decided I would start with the 1950's and work my way up to the 2000's and post one song from each decade. I hope you like my selections (and don't get too bored. TeeHee.).....

So, I'd first like to present to you from 1959 (a take off of The Battle of New Orleans).....

The Battle of Kookamonga ~ Homer and Jethro

Since I was born in 1965, I had to pick a song from that year for this decade, so I give you.....

Everyone's Gone to the Moon ~ Jonathan King

And now onto the 1970's. I was in love with the singer of this next song, who was by NO means a musical artist. He took his stardom from a popular TV show that I also watched every week and gave us this gem (which, BTW, I still know all the words to because I bought the 45 and still remember that the flip side was "Black Bean Soup").....

Don't Give Up On Us ~ David Soul

This song from 1987 is from one of my absolute favorite movies, ever, and when I found out who sang the song, I couldn't believe it because I loved him. From the movie Dirty Dancing.....

She's Like the Wind ~ Patrick Swayze and Wendy Fraser

(BTW, there are 2 other videos on YouTube that are even better of this song, but I couldn't embed them.)

Next we head to the 90's and I head to the country. I chose this song from 1992 that I really loved and I know my hubby can't stand (sorry sweetie). This artist has other hits on the country chart, but this is the only one that made it to the Pop chart, it even had it's own dance.

Achy Breaky Heart ~ Billy Ray Cyrus

And finally onto the 2000's... picking my favorite one hit wonder was simple. After the attacks on September 11th, the following song became an anthem for our whole country and still fills many of us with pride every time we hear it. Here is.....

God Bless the USA ~ Lee Greenwood

Dedicated to all those who serve and protect our country and our freedoms - God bless you all.

So now pick your songs, write a post and don't forget to add it to one of the linky's - there is one on each of the hosts' blog. We can't wait to hear your songs, plus you might be chosen as our Spotlight Dancer and be in the #1 or 2 linky spot, like this weeks spotlight winners.

Gillian of A Daft Scots Lass
~~ and ~~
Marie and Brooke of The Howard House


Don't forget to grab the Spotlight Dancer button from XmasDolly's blog and proudly display it on your blog showing everyone that you were picked!

Now, go on and post your songs... get your friends to post their favorite songs and link up so we all can hear them... and have a musical Monday.


Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.
I'm very sorry to say there are some people not playing along just using our linky to get traffic for their blogs! Unfortunately, these bloggers will be marked and ignored, you will not get any benefit from our linky, so don't bother. All we ask is that you leave a comment, grab our button, ad/or follow us. If you don't want to post a video, you can post a link to a video, or post some lyrics, but please - at least attempt to make it music related.

*** Just one more thing...
PLEASE, we are family friendly blogs
and while we really don't want to censor anyone,
but we do ask that you keep your songs rated PG13 or less.
If you find that you need to post songs of an explicit sexual nature or language,
please find a different venue.
If your song does contain a small amount of questionable Language,
please put disclaimer BEFORE the video.
Thank you very much!***

Friday, April 20, 2012

Happy 6th Birthday Mia Judith Shewbridge


Today was Mia's 6th birthday and we celebrated by taking her, just her - to the dismay of the other four doggies - on our errands.

Mia was so excited to be in the car alone with Bill and I. Plus we went to pick up clothes at the dry cleaners, we went to the bank - and saw our favorite teller, Michelle, who of course offered Mia a dog biscuit. Mia, being the snobby eater that she is, stuck her nose up in the air at it.

We then went to the MD's office and Bill went inside to pick up my RX... Mia sat looking out the window until he came back. At the pharmacy, she got so much more love and attention, she was so happy that I even got a kiss from her. That is a rare treat... she usually only kisses Bill, he's her pet.

When we got home, the other doggies gave us our usual happy dance and kisses welcome home; then they were all over Mia - sniffing her, licking her, wanting to know where she had been, what she had been doing. It was quite funny.

What a nice day we had with our special little lady, who is now our oldest doggie in the house.

Happy birthday, Mia, we love you!


Monday, April 16, 2012

Monday's Music Moves Me: 4/16/2012 ~ All About Cars



Welcome to 2012's Monday's Music Moves Me!!! We are going to make this meme SPECTACULAR this year!! But of course, we cannot do that without all of you... so come on share your music with us and get your friends to share with us, too. Our fearless leader is none other that the sweetest and most wonderful Marie of XmasDolly. Helping her keep this train running are ME, my dear friend Stacy of Stacy Uncorked and the lovely Callie of Jamerican Spice. We will also have some helpers along the way when we need to because life is.... well, life! This month the lovely Cathy of Cathy Kennedy's Blog will be our cohost. Dolly will chose one each month, if you'd like to help, please let one of us know.

Here is what you need to do to play along....

First step: Head on over to You Tube, or anywhere you get your music videos and post them on your blog! Upcoming themes are to you LOWER RIGHT of XmasDolly's blog.

Second Step: Grab our "Monday's Music Moves Me" Button, mine is on my right sidebar, or off of any of the hosts' sites.

Third step: SIGN THE LINKY - Follow your hosts (we will all follow you and try to comment each week), grab their buttons too when you visit (mine is on my right sidebar above the 4M button) and show them some love by leaving a comment.

Final step: Go visit the other Rockers on our Linky and PLEASE show them some love by leaving them a comment, you know you like comments, they do too!

This week's theme is FREEBIE! We went to Celebration's Annual Exotic Car Show this weekend and saw some AWESOME cars, including the largest collection of Ferraris and DeLoreans in one place, plus cars from TV and movies.

It is the 5th largest and respected exotic car show in the U.S. It is held for charity, including Special Olympics. There are several celebrities who show up for the events during the entire weekend. Because of all the fabulous cars that we saw, I am focusing on songs that feature cars this week... hope you enjoy my songs and some photos from the show......


Little Deuce Coupe ~ The Beach Boy

This one is a dedication to my hubby, Bill, he owned a 1965 (the year I was born, TeeHee) gold GTO, marker number EP69... Here's to you sweetie!

Little GTO ~ Ronnie and The Daytonas

Dead Man's Curve ~ Jan and Dean

Little Old Lady from Pasadena ~ Jan and Dean

This one is actually about a motorcycle rider, but I love this song.....

Leader of The Pack ~ Shangri-Las

So now pick your songs, write a post and don't forget to add it to one of the linky's - there is one on each of the hosts' blog. We can't wait to hear your songs, plus you might be chosen as our Spotlight Dancer and be in the #1 or 2 linky spot, like this weeks spotlight winners.

Shary of Shary Loves You ~~ and ~~ Amber of JadeLouise Designs


Don't forget to grab the Spotlight Dancer button from XmasDolly's blog and proudly display it on your blog showing everyone that you were picked!

Now, go on and post your songs... get your friends to post their favorite songs and link up so we all can hear them... and have a musical Monday.


Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

I'm very sorry to say there are some people not playing along just using our linky to get traffic for their blogs! Unfortunately, these bloggers will be marked and ignored, you will not get any benefit from our linky, so don't bother. All we ask is that you leave a comment, grab our button, ad/or follow us. If you don't want to post a video, you can post a link to a video, or post some lyrics, but please - at least attempt to make it music related.

*** Just one more thing...
PLEASE, we are family friendly blogs
and while we really don't want to censor anyone,
but we do ask that you keep your songs rated PG13 or less.
If you find that you need to post songs of an explicit sexual nature or language,
please find a different venue.
If your song does contain a small amount of questionable Language,
please put disclaimer BEFORE the video.
Thank you very much!***


Sunday, April 15, 2012

How to Gently Exfoliate your Skin


With the approach of Spring and Summer, we all want to look fresh and new and exfoliating will help us do that. However, many exfoliates contain harsh ingredients that can irritate our skin. Watch the following video by Mary Radford, RN to learn about gentle exfoliates that will make your skin healthy and beautiful.

If you'd like to get any of the products Nurse Mary spoke about, you can contact me at my website, my email, or call me (407) 433-2806. Plus, with every $75 purchase, you receive a free Lip Micro-Dermabrasion and a Lip Shield SPF 25 as your gift from me.

Have a happy, healthy, spring!


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: 4/11/2012 ~ Such a Life, Sleepy Wiggles By My Side


Welcome to Wordless Wednesday..... Please join us by posting your photo and linking up on the Wordless Wednesday hub.

Hope you have a a great Wednesday. Looking forward to seeing your photos.


Monday, April 9, 2012

Monday's Music Moves Me: 4/9/2012 ~ Songs that Make Me Laugh

So sorry I'm late today (again!), I had a really busy weekend that started on Thursday, and I was in quite a bit of pain and really tired. I'm just now getting my act together. Please forgive me.


Welcome to 2012's Monday's Music Moves Me!!! We are going to make this meme SPECTACULAR this year!! But of course, we cannot do that without all of you... so come on share your music with us and get your friends to share with us, too. Our fearless leader is none other that the sweetest and most wonderful Marie of XmasDolly. Helping her keep this train running are ME, my dear friend Stacy of Stacy Uncorked and the lovely Callie of Jamerican Spice. We will also have some helpers along the way when we need to because life is.... well, life!

Here is what you need to do to play along....

First step: Head on over to You Tube, or anywhere you get your music videos and post them on your blog! Upcoming themes are to you LOWER RIGHT of XmasDolly's blog.

Second Step: Grab our "Monday's Music Moves Me" Button, mine is on my right sidebar, or off of any of the hosts' sites.
Third step: SIGN THE LINKY - Follow your hosts (we will all follow you and try to comment each week), grab their buttons too when you visit (mine is on my right sidebar above the 4M button) and show them some love by leaving a comment.

Final step: Go visit the other Rockers on our Linky and PLEASE show them some love by leaving them a comment, you know you like comments, they do too!

This week's theme is Songs that Make You Laugh!  I was stumped at first, but then I realized that there really are a lot of songs out there that are really funny - whether they mean to be or not. So here are some I'd like to share with you.....

One Eyed One Horned Flying Purple People Eater ~ The Hit Crew

Witch Doctor ~ David Seville

Amish Paradise ~ Weird Al Yankivic

And finally, one of my favorites. This one is dedicated to Gillian... hope you enjoy my Daft Scot's Lass!

The Drunk Scotsman ~ Scottishtam

So now pick your songs, write a post and don't forget to add it to one of the linky's - there is one on each of the hosts' blog. We can't wait to hear your songs, plus you might be chosen as our Spotlight Dancer and be in the #1 or 2 linky spot, like this weeks spotlight winners.

Gillian of A Daft Scots Lass ~~ and ~~ Hazel of Aisling Cottage



Now, go on and post your songs... get your friends to post their favorite songs and link up so we all can hear them... and have a musical Monday.
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.
I'm very sorry to say there are some people not playing along just using our linky to get traffic for their blogs! Unfortunately, these bloggers will be marked and ignored, you will not get any benefit from our linky, so don't bother. All we ask is that you leave a comment, grab our button, ad/or follow us. If you don't want to post a video, you can post a link to a video, or post some lyrics, but please - at least attempt to make it music related.

*** Just one more thing...
PLEASE, we are family friendly blogs
and while we really don't want to censor anyone,
but we do ask that you keep your songs rated PG13 or less.
If you find that you need to post songs of an explicit sexual nature or language,
please find a different venue.
If your song does contain a small amount of questionable Language,
please put disclaimer BEFORE the video.
Thank you very much!***


Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Holidays to You All


To those of us who are Christian, today is a very special day in that we celebrate the resurrection of our savior, Jesus Christ. I am wishing all of you celebrating Easter, a very happy day with whomever you are with, and that you are all surrounded by love and joy.

For my Jewish friends, I want to wish you a joyous Passover... From my research and my own personal bible studies, I have learned the story of Passover as follows (taken from

"After many decades of slavery to the Egyptian pharaohs, during which time the Israelites were subjected to backbreaking labor and unbearable horrors, God saw the people’s distress and sent Moses to Pharaoh with a message: “Send forth My people, so that they may serve Me.” But despite numerous warnings, Pharaoh refused to heed God’s command. God then sent upon Egypt ten devastating plagues, afflicting them and destroying everything from their livestock to their crops.

At the stroke of midnight of 15 Nissan in the year 1313 BCE, God visited the last of the ten plagues on the Egyptians, killing all their firstborn. While doing so, God spared the Children of Israel, “passing over” their homes—hence the name of the holiday. Pharaoh’s resistance was broken, and he virtually chased his former slaves out of the land. The Israelites left in such a hurry, in fact, that the bread they baked as provisions for the way did not have time to rise. Six hundred thousand adult males, plus many more women and children, left Egypt on that day, and began the trek to Mount Sinai and their birth as God’s chosen people."

I wish the same for my Jewish friends as I do for my Christian friends, love and joy as you celebrate with your family and friends.

I would like to ask everyone today to please remember those who are away from their loved ones protecting our country and our freedoms and say a prayer for their safe return as soon as possible.

Happy holiday, thank you for being my friend!!


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: 4/4/2012 ~ Our Pantry After a Visit to @BJsWholesale


Welcome to Wordless Wednesday..... Please join us by posting your photo and linking up on the Wordless Wednesday hub.

Hope you have a a great Wednesday. Looking forward to seeing your photos.


Monday, April 2, 2012

Monday's Music Moves Me: 4/2/2012 ~ Nostalgia



Welcome to 2012's Monday's Music Moves Me!!! We are going to make this meme SPECTACULAR this year!! But of course, we cannot do that without all of you... so come on share your music with us and get your friends to share with us, too. Our fearless leader is none other that the sweetest and most wonderful Marie of XmasDolly. Helping her keep this train running are ME, my dear friend Stacy of Stacy Uncorked and the lovely Callie of Jamerican Spice. We will also have some helpers along the way when we need to because life is.... well, life!

Here is what you need to do to play along....

First step: Head on over to You Tube, or anywhere you get your music videos and post them on your blog! Upcoming themes are to you LOWER RIGHT of XmasDolly's blog.

Second Step: Grab our "Monday's Music Moves Me" Button, mine is on my right sidebar, or off of any of the hosts' sites.

Third step: SIGN THE LINKY - Follow your hosts (we will all follow you and try to comment each week), grab their buttons too when you visit (mine is on my right sidebar above the 4M button) and show them some love by leaving a comment.

Final step: Go visit the other Rockers on our Linky and PLEASE show them some love by leaving them a comment, you know you like comments, they do too!

Today's theme is FREEBIE WEEK! A friend of mine was talking about songs she remembered from when she was young and I loved lots of them, too. So that put me in a nostalgic mood for those songs, so I decided to post some of those for you to hear. Hope you like them.....

One Tin Soldier ~ The Original Caste

Where Have all the Flowers Gone ~ Joan Baez

Puff the Magic Dragon ~ Peter, Paul and Mary

... and finally a song from a band I am going to be seeing on April 14th at EPCOT:

Cherokee Nation ~ Paul Revere and the Raiders

So now pick your songs, write a post and don't forget to add it to one of the linky's - there is one on each of the hosts' blog. We can't wait to hear your songs, plus you might be chosen as our Spotlight Dancer and be in the #1 or 2 linky spot, like this weeks spotlight winners.

Cathy Kennedy of Cathy Kennedy's Blog
~~ and ~~


Don't forget to grab the Spotlight Dancer button from XmasDolly's blog and proudly display it on your blog showing everyone that you were picked!

Now, go on and post your songs... get your friends to post their favorite songs and link up so we all can hear them... and have a musical Monday.

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

I'm very sorry to say there are some people not playing along just using our linky to get traffic for their blogs! Unfortunately, these bloggers will be marked and ignored, you will not get any benefit from our linky, so don't bother. All we ask is that you leave a comment, grab our button, ad/or follow us. If you don't want to post a video, you can post a link to a video, or post some lyrics, but please - at least attempt to make it music related.

*** Just one more thing...
PLEASE, we are family friendly blogs
and while we really don't want to censor anyone,
but we do ask that you keep your songs rated PG13 or less.
If you find that you need to post songs of an explicit sexual nature or language,
please find a different venue.
If your song does contain a small amount of questionable Language,
please put disclaimer BEFORE the video.
Thank you very much!***

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