Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Wordless Wednesday ~ My Grandson Colby and His Disney Hats


Welcome to Wordless Wednesday.....

Please join us by posting your photo and linking up on the
Wordless Wednesday hub.

My beautiful DIL (and wonderful friend), Debbie and grandson, Colby

If you have a Disney-themed post, please also add it to the blog Focus on the Magic each week, and visit the blogs there. You'll see some awesome Disney photos - and who doesn't like photos about Disney??? =) Hope you are having a fabulous week. HUGGLES!


Sunday, June 24, 2012

Monday's Music Moves Me ~ The Week that Was.....



This is the 95th week and EVERYONE who plays today and the next FIVE weeks is in the running for our
Head on over to XmasDolly's blog to start entering -
the Rafflecopters are now up!
Welcome to our 94th Monday's Music Moves Me!!! We want to make this one of the BEST meme's in all of Blogville, but we cannot do that without YOU.... so come share your music with us and bring your friends to share theirs with us, too!!

Running this little dance party of ours is the sweetest and most wonderful Marie of XmasDolly. The cohosts helping to keep the party rockin' and rollin' are ME, Callie of JamericanSpice, Stacy of Stacy Uncorked, and our newest, and of course just as fabulous, Cathy of Cathy Kennedy's Blog. Also, because life gets to be so hectic at times, we occasionally have one of our faithful followers/participants help us with our cohosting duties. This month, we have the lovely Naila Moon of Just The Suff Ya Know helping us out, so don't forget to go visit her and follow her blog also!
This week is FREEBIE WEEK.... so you get to post anything your little heart desires. We've had an interesting week, so here's several different songs going through my head this week. As many of you know, Nano hurt his leg earlier in the week and had to go to the vet, got a steroid shot, and is taking meds. He is doing better, but still a little soar.

This first song is for my baby Nano.....
Puppy Love ~ Donny Osmond 

We have had really crappy weather with LOTS of rain the last couple of weeks and we're expecting a big storm this week, possibly even a hurricane named Debbie, so that got me thinking of this song.....

Rainy Days and Mondays ~ The Carpenters

On Saturday, we attended Noah Larkin's Celebration of Life at the Corpus Cristi Church. It was bittersweet, he was such a wonderful child who touched so many lives including mine. The last song that was played at the service was Noah's favorite song and one he wanted played at the service...... Rest in peace my friend, God bless you and your family.

Theme from Star Wars ~ John Williams

Well, I hope you enjoyed my selections... I can't wait to hear what's moving you this week. Here's all you need to do to play along:

Step One: Head on over to You Tube, pick your videos and post them on your blog! Upcoming themes are to you LOWER RIGHT of XmasDolly'sblog.

Step Two: Grab the 4M Button and the Hosts' Buttons and place them on your site... we all have them clearly visable on our sidebars.

Step Three: Make sure you are following your hosts - either on GFC, Linky, via email, Twitter, etc. and we will follow you back. This one is really important if you want to participate in our Grand Gala Giveaway coming up in 2 weeks.

Final Step: Most important, SIGN the linky, visit the other participants AND LEAVE A COMMENT! You know you like comments, so do your fellow players.

Now lets get musical... every week we will have a random drawing for our spotlight dancers who will be in our #1 and #2 spots in the Linky... however, this week we have a SOLO dancer! This Spolight Dance has been given to one of our regulars who has also been so helpful with our Grand Gala Giveaway, by helping design our button and created a piece of jewelry as one of the prizes!! This spectacular woman is none other than:


Don't forget, as a Spotlight Dancer, you can proudly display your badge telling everyone you were chosen as our winner. Go on over to XmasDolly's blog and grab the button to let everyone know just how special you are!

So let's go everyone... post your songs, link up, tell your friends, and don't forget about the GIVEAWAY - good luck everyone!


Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available. *** Just one more thing...
PLEASE, we are family friendly blogs
and while we really don't want to censor anyone,
we do ask that you keep your songs rated PG13 or less.
If you find that you need to post songs of an explicit sexual nature or language,
please find a different venue.
If your song does contain a small amount of questionable language,
please put disclaimer BEFORE the video.
Thank you very much!***


M4 Grand Gala Giveaway Now Open to All Players!!

Pay no attention to last two words on the button!


~ SIGN THE LINKY and POST A VIDEO (or link to one)

Friday, June 22, 2012

Friday Flashback Photo ~ Baby Nano


Alicia from More Than Words says she started Friday Photo Flashback because "I have so many pictures from my PRE-digital camera days. I thought it would be fun to scan them and share them here with you.. I'm having so much fun doing this, that I would love for you to join me, too! So dig out the photo albums and put your scanner to good use! Don't forget to link up so we can all visit and comment on each others blogs!"

We had to take poor little Nano to the Vet Thursday morning because he was having trouble with his right front leg. We noticed it on Wednesday night and had no idea what happened. The Vet said he was pretty sure nothing was broken and that it was just a soft tissue injury. We figured it happened while the dogs were horsing around with each other. He was given a steroid shot and an anti-inflammatory and is doing a lot better today. He still cannot walk on it completely and the Vet said not to let him take his walks all weekend so he can rest his leg - that makes him really sad because he LOVES going outside with us.

All this had looking at photos of Nano as a baby, so I decided to share some with y'all today. Hope you like them, I happen to think he's adorable:

I think Nano is still really adorable at 5 1/2 years old, and he'll always be my baby.

I can't wait to see your photos, so don't forget to link up with Alicia on her blog.


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wordless Wednesday ~ My Baby Mia Taking a Bath


Welcome to Wordless Wednesday.....

Please join us by posting your photo and linking up on the
Wordless Wednesday hub.

Hope you are having a fabulous week. HUGGLES!


Monday, June 18, 2012

6/18/2012 Monday's Music Moves Me ~ In the Summer Time



**REMINDER: All players who keep participating are in ther running for our
Don't forget to keep playing along and follow all of the hosts.
Not to mention, we LOVE hearing all your fabulous songs each week. Have a great one!

Welcome to our 94th Monday's Music Moves Me!!! We want to make this one of the BEST meme's in all of Blogville, but we cannot do that without YOU.... so come share your music with us and bring your friends to share theirs with us, too!!

Running this little dance party of ours is the sweetest and most wonderful Marie of XmasDolly. The cohosts helping to keep the party rockin' and rollin' are ME, Callie of JamericanSpice, Stacy of Stacy Uncorked, and our newest, and of course just as fabulous, Cathy of Cathy Kennedy's Blog. Also, because life gets to be so hectic at times, we occasionally have one of our faithful followers/participants help us with our cohosting duties. This month, we have the lovely Naila Moon of Just The Suff Ya Know helping us out, so don't forget to go visit her and follow her blog also!                                                                               

This week's theme is Summer Songs! Summer is my favorite time of year, so I can't wait to post my songs for this theme. I sure hope you like this theme as much as I do.....

This is from one of my all time favorite fun movies. You can't help singing along to all the songs during this movie, especially this one.....

Summer Nights ~ Olivia Newton John and John Travolta

Summer of Sixty-nine ~ Bryan Adams

Summer in the City ~ The Lovin' Spoonful

.... and finally a song that always starts my feet tapping.

Summertime Blues ~ Eddie Cochran

Well, I hope you enjoyed my selections... I can't wait to hear what's moving you this week. Here's all you need to do to play along:

Step One: Head on over to You Tube, pick your videos and post them on your blog! Upcoming themes are to you LOWER RIGHT of XmasDolly'sblog.

Step Two: Grab the 4M Button and the Hosts' Buttons and place them on your site... we all have them clearly visable on our sidebars.

Step Three: Make sure you are following your hosts - either on GFC, Linky, via email, Twitter, etc. and we will follow you back. This one is really important if you want to participate in our Grand Gala Giveaway coming up in 2 weeks.

Final Step: Most important, SIGN the linky, visit the other participants AND LEAVE A COMMENT! You know you like comments, so do your fellow players.

Now lets get musical... every week we will have a random drawing for our spotlight dancers who will be in our #1 and #2 spots in the Linky, just like this weeks winners:

~~ and ~~


Don't forget, as a Spotlight Dancer, you can proudly display your badge telling everyone you were chosen as our winner. Go on over to XmasDolly's blog and grab the button to let everyone know just how special you are!

So let's go everyone... post your songs, link up, tell your friends, and don't forget about the GIVEAWAY - good luck everyone!


Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.
*** Just one more thing...
PLEASE, we are family friendly blogs
and while we really don't want to censor anyone,
we do ask that you keep your songs rated PG13 or less.
If you find that you need to post songs of an explicit sexual nature or language,
please find a different venue.
If your song does contain a small amount of questionable language,
please put disclaimer BEFORE the video.
Thank you very much!***

Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Age-Old Question Finally Answered

Photo Credit

NOW, we know why the chicken crossed the road!!

{Have to give the credit to a friend who sent this to me via email, but it made me crack up, so I had to share... hope it made you giggle.}

Happy Father's Day to the BEST Father, Step-Father, and Grandfather!


Today I want to wish the most wonderful man in the world a very happy Father's Day... Yes, Bill is the most wonderful father to his two children, the BEST step-father to my no-so-little boys, and a great grandfather to his four grandchildren.

We all love him so much and are SO lucky to have him in our lives.

Three Generations of Shewbridges: Bill, Colby, and Del (plus Debbie sneaking in)

I'd also like to wish a very happy Father's Day to my step-son Del, who is a fabulous father. I saw first hand just how wonderful, a couple of weeks ago when they were visiting from Texas. His son Colby is such a well behaved, polite, and loving little boy. And that can only be from the way he has been raised by his father and mother. So happy Father's Day, Del... you deserve it!

Bill and Nikolaus at Basic Training Graduation

Bill and Alexander (one of my favorite photos)

Hope all my friends have a very happy Father's Day and get to be surrounded by the ones they love.

As always, please keep in mind those fathers who are not able to be with their families because they are protecting us all by serving in the military. Praying they all return home safely soon.


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Happy Flag Day

Image Credit
On June 14, 1777, The Continental Congress passed the first Flag Act stating, "Resolved, That the flag of the United States be made of thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new Constellation."  In 1949, President Harry S Truman officially named June 14th Flag Day in commemoration of this event.

So today... show your colors proud, either on our home or on yourself. OR, like we do - on both.

Also, please keep in mind the men and women who serve to keep our flag flying free!

God Bless America!!


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Happy Birthday to my Friend Marie @XmasDolly

Photo courtesy of Marie's blog

Today is my dear friend Marie from XmasDolly's birthday and I wanted to wish her a super day and hope all her dreams come true!

She and I along with some other wonderfully lovely ladies host Monday's Music Moves Me and Marie does SO much of the work!!

If you have a chance, please head over to Marie's blog to wish her a happy birthday and enter her blogoversary giveaway - or any of her other giveaways... or just look around, she posts terrific photos and great weight loss ideas. Don't forget to tell her I sent you.



Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Wordless Wednesday ~ Colby and Grandpa


Welcome to Wordless Wednesday.....

Please join us by posting your photo and linking up on the
Wordless Wednesday hub.

Hope you are having a fabulous week. HUGGLES!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Monday's Music Moves Me: 6/11/2012 ~ OOPS, Sorry I'm Absent...


So sorry that this is so late and that I don't have any music. My step-son, daughter-in-law, and grandson have been visiting for the last week and we have been running around like crazy (especially trying to dodge the rain that they brought with them).  We spent 4 days at Disney World and then a day at Downtown Disney... several photos to come. =)
I did want to remind you of our Grand Gala Giveaway coming up on our 100th week Anniversary.


This week's theme is FREEBIE... so you can post anything that moves you today.

Here's all you need to do to play along:

Step 1 ~ Head on over to You Tube, pick your videos and post them on your blog! Upcoming themes are to you LOWER RIGHT of XmasDolly's blog.

Step 2 ~ Grab the 4M Button and the Hosts' Buttons and place them on your site... we all have them clearly visable on our sidebars.

Step 3 ~ Make sure you are following your hosts - either on GFC, Linky, via email, Twitter, etc. and we will follow you back. This one is really important if you want to participate in our Grand Gala Giveaway coming up in 3 weeks!!!

Final Step ~ Most important: SIGN the linky, visit the other participants AND LEAVE A COMMENT! You know you like comments, so do your fellow players.

Now lets get musical... every week we will have a random drawing for our spotlight dancers who will be in our #1 and #2 spots in the Linky.

So.... come on everyone, post your songs, link up, and grab your friends and have the join the party.... tell them about the giveaway coming up, that should get their attention!


Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

*** Just one more thing...
PLEASE, we are family friendly blogs
and while we really don't want to censor anyone,
we do ask that you keep your songs rated PG13 or less.
If you find that you need to post songs of an explicit sexual nature or language,
please find a different venue.  
If your song does contain a small amount of questionable language,
please put disclaimer BEFORE the video.
Thank you very much!***


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Disney for Adults - You can WIN a @DisneyD23 Silver Membership!


As most of you know, I am in LOVE with all things Disney... especially Disney World.  I actually was there today with my step-son, daughter-in-law, and my grandson: it was his very first time there, so it was SO exciting.

However, some of my favorite times as Disney are the days that Bill and I go together just the two of us. We love to head over for a few hours, or the whole day, to see our favorite attraction, have something to eat, or for a special event like the Food and Wine Festival at EPCOT, or the Flower and Garden Festival in the spring to see a concert. Disney is a special place for adults, it's not just for kids.

And have I got a treat for you!!!  I have the privilege of giving away D23 Silver Membership,  the world's only official Disney fan club which unlocks the magic of Disney, providing unprecedented access to all of Disney's wonderful worlds through its beautiful Disney twenty-three magazine, informative website and online newsletter, memorable events and experiences, money-saving discounts and special offers, and complimentary gifts.

So what does all this really mean for you???
Disney twenty-three is the official publication of D23 and comes boxed and shipped to your home with a surprise collectible gift. Each issue features stunning photography, in-depth stories and exclusive interviews. (Magazine is included with D23 Gold Membership only.)

• Incredible events including exclusive tours of the Walt Disney Studios Lot and Walt Disney Archives, advance screenings of new Disney movies, signature holiday events at Walt Disney World Resort, special experiences at Disneyland Resort, commemorative events across the U.S. and much more.

• D23 offers members unique money-saving opportunities and special offers. From discounted tickets to Disney shows on Broadway and special deals at the Disney Store to savings on SuperShuttle (for your next Disney vacation!) and unique gifts from Brookstone, LittleMissMatched, Apricot Lane and the ABC TV Store.

D23 Expo 2013: The D23 Expo, the greatest gathering of all things Disney ever in one place, is “The Ultimate Disney Fan Event.” The event is open to the general public, but D23 Members receive an exclusive discount on tickets (on sale August 9, 2012!) to this bi-annual event. The next D23 Expo will be held August 9 – 11, 2013 at the Anaheim Convention Center across the street from Disneyland Resort. Past Expos have featured talent like Johnny Depp, Dick Van Dyke, the cast of Marvel's The Avengers, the Muppets, Miley Cyrus, Billy Crystal, and scores of Disney Legends and luminaries.

What a great gift idea for the father or grad in your life! Here is all you need to do do enter.....

Mandatory Entry:  Tell me what adult in your life you would love to win this for? Leave answer in a comment,please.
Additional Entries: (Mandatory Entry MUST be completed before doing any/all of the following) Leave one comment per entry, please.
~ Follow me on Twitter @LorieShewbridge
~ Follow me on GFC and/or Linky (left side of my blog): 1 point for each
~ Tweet about this giveaway using the Disney handle @DisneyD23 and the hashtag #1DisneyFan - Leave link to tweet in your comment, please. (This may be done once per day until the end of the giveaway)

You MUST leave your email address in your comment if it is not in your profile so I have a way of contacting you if you are the winner.... Winner will be chosen via Random.org and will have 48 hours to respond, or another winner will be chosen.

Giveaway ends at 11:59 pm CST on 6/20/2012 - Good luck!

By the way, if you can't wait to see if you've won the giveaway... you can purchase a D23 Silver or Gold Membership with a 10% discount through July 31, 2012 using a special code through my blog... Just head over to the D23 site and click "Join" at the top left corner, pick your NEW membership choice and add the code D23BRIDGE at checkout for your discount - how cool is that!

Good luck everyone - and magical dreams and happiness!

{This is a sponsored post brought to you courtesy of Brandfluential. All opinions are my own!}


Monday, June 4, 2012

I Was NEVER Going to Get Married Again - RIGHT!


While doing my post for Monday's Music with all those love songs, including Bill and my wedding song, it got me thinking about our love story.....

Now as most of you know, or can see, Bill is a bit older than I am. HaHa. He is actually 24 years older than me, so there was no thought of ever falling in love with him or marrying him when we first got to know each other.

We worked together and were both going through rough divorces at the same time. Besides my children, Bill was the one bright spot in my life at the time, he was able to make me laugh. One night at a going away party for a work friend, we sat next to each other and laughed so much - more than I had in months. (Which, BTW, he can still make me do after all these years.) Bill thought that maybe I would be interested in meeting his son who was about the same age as me.... that just never happened.

The more we got to know each other and the more we learned about each other, we found we had a lot in common... except our age. That kept coming up in my mind, but Bill was so much fun and young at heart that it really didn't seem to matter.

But.... I was NOT going to fall in love and NEVER going to get married again.... Bill would ask me and I would say NO... he'd say, not even to me? And I would say NO!  Well, he wore me down a little and when he would say, not even to me? And I would say, MAYBE.  One day as I was ironing his shirt for work at 5:00 in the morning - in my night shirt, all bedhead and everything - he came running down the stairs (in his underwear) and said, "You HAVE to marry me!" I turned to him, looking horrible and all, and said, "OK."  Three months later we were Mr. and Mrs.

And they lived happily ever after..... R-I-G-H-T? Let's get real, girls!

Now the living begins... it became time to really realize that, yes, Bill is 24 years older than I am, we need to plan for our future. Time to realize that someday something might happen to one of us and we may need long-term care. We made sure we had life insurance, living wills, powers of attorney, and I made sure that my children were taken care of if anything happened to me.

But when it came to long-term care insurance, I was lost, I only thought about Bill getting insurance. Turns out, I should have gotten some, too. When I ended up disabled in 2003, we ended up in quite a difficult financial state as it took almost a year to get Medicare coverage.

I wish I had known about Genworth Financial back then, they have all the information you need on long-term insurance, life insurance, retirement, home ownership, and wealth management.

So, even though I was NEVER going to fall in love and get married again... here I am, married to the most wonderful man in the world and more in love with him every day than I was that day I finally said, "OK."

Life can be difficult at times, but as long as you plan for the future, stick together, and laugh with each other every day.... you CAN live happily ever after - just like a Princess.

{This sponsored post was inspired by Genworth Financial. Opinions expressed are my own, and the story is 100% true and accurate from my life. For more information about different long-term insurance plans visit the Genworth Financial website.}


Monday's Music Moves Me: 6/4/2012 ~ Goin' To The Chapel and We're Gonna Get Married



** This is week #92 of Monday's Music Moves Me... don't forget our Grand Gala Giveaway begins with week #95 - and you must be a participant and follower of all the hosts for at least  two weeks prior to the giveaway to participate! **

Welcome to our 92nd Monday's Music Moves Me!!! We want to make this one of the BEST meme's in all of Blogville, but we cannot do that without YOU.... so come share your music with us and bring your friends to share theirs with us, too!! 

Running this little dance party of ours is the sweetest and most wonderful Marie of XmasDolly. The cohosts helping to keep the party rockin' and rollin' are ME, Callie of JamericanSpice, Stacy of Stacy Uncorked, and our newest, and of course just as fabulous, Cathy of Cathy Kennedy's Blog. Also, because life gets to be so hectic at times, we occasionally have one of our faithful followers/participants help us with our cohosting duties. This month, we have the lovely Naila Moon of Just The Suff Ya Know helping us out, so don't forget to go visit her and follow her blog also!

This week's theme is Wedding Songs - it doesn't have to be yours, just songs that are usually played at a wedding as the couple's "song."  I decided to pick one from each decade, so here's what I came up with.....

The 50's: Going to the Chapel ~ Dixie Cups

The 60's: Can't Help Falling in Love with You ~ Elvis
(Like you'd think I'd leave him out when love songs were involved)

The 70's: Annie's Song ~ John Denver

The 80's: Cherish ~ Kool and the Gang

The 90's: Because You Loved Me ~ Celine Dion
(This was Bill and my song... it holds a special place in my heart)

..... and finally,

The 2000's: You're Beautiful ~ James Blunt

Well, I hope you enjoyed my selections... I can't wait to hear what's moving you this week.

Here's all you need to do to play along:

Step 1 ~  Head on over to You Tube, pick your videos and post them on your blog! Upcoming themes are to you LOWER RIGHT of XmasDolly's blog.

Step 2 ~ Grab the 4M Button and the Hosts' Buttons and place them on your site... we all have them clearly visable on our sidebars.

Step 3 ~ Make sure you are following your hosts - either on GFC, Linky, via email, Twitter, etc. and we will follow you back. This one is really important if you want to participate in our Grand Gala Giveaway coming up in 3 weeks!!!

Final Step ~ Most important: SIGN the linky, visit the other participants AND LEAVE A COMMENT! You know you like comments, so do your fellow players.

Now lets get musical... every week we will have a random drawing for our spotlight dancers who will be in our #1 and #2 spots in the Linky, just like this weeks winners:

Larry of Cakeblast ~~ and ~~ Danielle of Royal Legacy


Don't forget, as a Spotlight Dancer, you can proudly display your badge telling everyone you were chosen as our winner. Go on over to XmasDolly's blog and grab the button to let everyone know just how special you are!

So.... come on everyone, post your songs, link up, and grab your friends and have the join the party.... tell them about the giveaway coming up, that should get their attention!


Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

*** Just one more thing...
PLEASE, we are family friendly blogs
and while we really don't want to censor anyone,
we do ask that you keep your songs rated PG13 or less.
If you find that you need to post songs of an explicit sexual nature or language,
please find a different venue.
  If your song does contain a small amount of questionable language,
please put disclaimer BEFORE the video.
Thank you very much!***

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