Sunday, July 29, 2012

Monday's Music Moves Me ~ Silly Songs



Welcome to Monday's Music Moves Me!!! We want to make this one of the BEST meme's in all of Blogville, but we cannot do that without YOU.... so come share your music with us and bring your friends to share theirs with us, too!!

Running this little dance party of ours is the sweetest and most wonderful Marie of XmasDolly. The cohosts helping to keep the party rockin' and rollin' are ME, Callie of JamericanSpice, Stacy of Stacy Uncorked, and our newest, and of course just as fabulous, Cathy of Cathy Kennedy's Blog. Also, because life gets to be so hectic at times, we occasionally have one of our faithful followers/participants help us with our cohosting duties. This month, we have one of our original cohost's Larry of Cakeblast helping us out, so don't forget to go visit him and follow his blog also!
This week is FUNNY SONGS week! Let's start your week off with a laugh.....

Like a Surgeon ~ Weird Al Yankovic

Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini ~ Brian Hyland

Witch Doctor ~ David Seville

So, what's moving you this week? I can't wait to hear what you post. Here's all you need to do to play along:

Step One: Head on over to You Tube, pick your videos and post them on your blog! Upcoming themes are to you LOWER RIGHT of XmasDolly'sblog.

Step Two: Grab the 4M Button and the Hosts' Buttons and place them on your site... we all have them clearly visible on our sidebars.

Step Three: Make sure you are following your hosts - either on GFC, Linky, via email, Twitter, etc. and we will follow you back. This one is really important if you want to participate in our Grand Gala Giveaway coming up in 2 weeks.

Final Step: Most important, SIGN the linky, visit the other participants AND LEAVE A COMMENT! You know you like comments, so do your fellow players.

Each week we've been having a random drawing of all our participants to be our Spotlight Dancers to be in the lucky #1 and #2 spots of our linky. Marie has been trying each week to reach the Spotlight Dancers via email, but many of you don't have your email address available on your blog. I have also tried to help her a couple of times and we have left messages on all forms of social media for our wonderful players. Soooo, if we can't find your email address easily, you'll miss out.

During our Grand Gala Giveaway, we are only featuring ONE spotlight dancer; and our fabulous dancer this week is:

RoryBore of Time Out for Mom

Now don't forget to go on over to XmasDolly's blog and grab the exclusive Spotlight Dancer's button and display it on your blog to let everyone know just how special you are!

Now everyone, don't forget to add your post to the linky and visit and follow everyone on the linky and good luck with the drawing this afternoon!


Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available. ***Just one more note, please keep your songs PG - this is a family blog.
If you do have one song that has some questionable lyrics or content,
PLEASE put a disclaimer BEFORE the video
so my readers can make an informed decision as to whether they wish to view it or not. Thank you!***


Thursday, July 26, 2012

Disney Wordless Wednesday (A Little Late) - The Letter "C"


Focused on the Magic

I'm linking up with Focused on the Magic for my Wordless Wednesday..... and the theme this week is The Letter "C". (Sorry I'm late this week, it's been one of those weeks ~ UGH!)  Here is my interpretation of Disney's Letter C.......

Contemporary Resort

"Cars" - Lightning McQueen and Mater with Grandson Colby and DIL Debbie

City Hall Clock - Main St, USA, Magic Kingdom

Cinderella's Carousel

Hope you enjoyed my photos, if you have any Disney photos, link up with Focused on the Magic along with the Wordless Wednesday Hub.

Have a great week.


Sunday, July 22, 2012

Monday's Music Moves Me ~ In Memory of Sue, Friends Forever



Holy cow... can you believe that it's week 99 of Monday's Music Moves Me??? One one more week until our 100th week Grand Gala Giveaway??

Don't forget to enter for some totally awesome prizes!!

Welcome to Monday's Music Moves Me!!! We want to make this one of the BEST meme's in all of Blogville, but we cannot do that without YOU.... so come share your music with us and bring your friends to share theirs with us, too!!

Running this little dance party of ours is the sweetest and most wonderful Marie of XmasDolly. The cohosts helping to keep the party rockin' and rollin' are ME, Callie of JamericanSpice, Stacy of Stacy Uncorked, and our newest, and of course just as fabulous, Cathy of Cathy Kennedy's Blog. Also, because life gets to be so hectic at times, we occasionally have one of our faithful followers/participants help us with our cohosting duties. This month, we have one of our original cohost's Larry of Cakeblast helping us out, so don't forget to go visit him and follow his blog also!
This week is FREEBIE week! Since today would have been my best friend Sue's birthday (I wrote a tribute post yesterday, if you'd like to know about her) and I miss her terribly, I decided to post some songs in her memory.....
You're My Best Friend ~ Queen

Next is one of the ugliest rockers ever, but MAN can he sing!! BTW, check out who is on drums for this particular performance - the Queen of England's Golden Jubilee......

With a Little Help From my Friends ~ Joe Cocker

This next band was Sue's favorite and this song in particular was her favorite. We would have our monthly girls night out to get.....

Comfortably Numb ~ Pink Floyd

Happy birthday Sue, you were always my best friend, I will never forget you, I miss you dearly, and you will always be in my heart. Thirty years is a lot of memories to keep.

So, what's moving you this week? I can't wait to hear what you post. Here's all you need to do to play along:Step One: Head on over to You Tube, pick your videos and post them on your blog! Upcoming themes are to you LOWER RIGHT of XmasDolly'sblog.

Step Two: Grab the 4M Button and the Hosts' Buttons and place them on your site... we all have them clearly visible on our sidebars.

Step Three: Make sure you are following your hosts - either on GFC, Linky, via email, Twitter, etc. and we will follow you back. This one is really important if you want to participate in our Grand Gala Giveaway coming up in 2 weeks.

Final Step: Most important, SIGN the linky, visit the other participants AND LEAVE A COMMENT! You know you like comments, so do your fellow players.

Each week we've been having a random drawing of all our participants to be our Spotlight Dancers to be in the lucky #1 and #2 spots of our linky. Marie has been trying each week to reach the Spotlight Dancers via email, but many of you don't have your email address available on your blog. I have also tried to help her a couple of times and we have left messages on all forms of social media for our wonderful players. Soooo, if we can't find your email address easily, you'll miss out.

During our Grand Gala Giveaway, we are only featuring ONE spotlight dancer; and our fabulous dancer this week is:

Annie of Annie's Home


Now don't forget to go on over to XmasDolly's blog and grab the exclusive Spotlight Dancer's button and display it on your blog to let everyone know just how special you are!

Now everyone, don't forget to add your post to the linky and visit and follow everyone on the linky.... PLUS this is the last week to enter the Grand Gala Giveaway - next week is week number 100 and we will be choosing the WINNERS!!! Good luck everyone.


Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available. ***Just one more note, please keep your songs PG - this is a family blog.
If you do have one song/video that has some questionable lyrics or content,
PLEASE put a disclaimer BEFORE the video so my readers can make an informed decision as to whether they wish to view it or not.
Thank you!***


Saturday, July 21, 2012

Flashback Friday ~ My Best Friend Sue, Gone But Always in My Heart!


Friday Photo Flashback

Alicia from More Than Words says she started Friday Photo Flashback because "I have so many pictures from my PRE-digital camera days. I thought it would be fun to scan them and share them here with you.. I'm having so much fun doing this, that I would love for you to join me, too! So dig out the photo albums and put your scanner to good use! Don't forget to link up so we can all visit and comment on each others blogs!"

Sunday the 22nd would have been my best friend in the whole world, Sue's birthday. Sue and I were best friends for over 30 years, she was maid-of-honor in my wedding to Bill and I was maid-of-honor in her wedding.

My Wedding - 1997

She was the kind of friend that you could call on the phone at any time day or night and with just the word "hello" either one of us could tell what mood the other was in and say, "I'll be right over."

It was really hard on us both when I moved to Florida because it meant that we wouldn't be seeing each other at least once a week and on the phone every day. She spent my last day in Connecticut with me, while I finished packing and getting the cars ready to take the trip. When she left we both hugged and cried for a long time.

We still kept in contact with each other via the phone, letters, cards, and e-mail, but it just wasn't the same. I missed her SO much.

Then our contact got less and less, but when we would talk, it would be for hours and it was like we never even lost contact. Until letters, cards, and phone calls I sent or made weren't returned... until I got an anniversary card that simply said "Love, Sue" - it just wasn't like her at all.

It was 2009, and I remember the phone call like it was yesterday - it came from Sue's daughter, Kimberly. Sue was in the hospital.... she was extremely sick, she had been hiding it from me. She had kidney cancer that had spread to her lungs, metasticized and was now in heart failure, she didn't have long to live.

Normally I would do what she would have done for me, jumped on a plane and gone to be with her... but I couldn't do that. I had major spinal surgery 6 weeks before this happened and I could barely walk, let alone get on an airplane. I was devastated, my best friend in the whole world had to go through the worst thing in her life without me. I know she knew in her heart, she knew I was there with her in my heart - we were always like that for each other, there is no way it would end now.

So although Sue has been gone from this world for 3 years, she will never be gone from my heart.... Happy birthday my dear friend, I love you and I miss you, and I will never forget you!!!

Sue's Nursing School Graduation Party - 2000

I loved to see your old photos and hear your stories... so don't forget to post your Flashback Friday Photos and link up with Alicia.


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Wordless Wednesday ~ Disney Weenies

Focused on the Magic

I'm linking up with Focused on the Magic for my Wordless Wednesday..... and the theme this week is Disney Weenies.  What the heck is that you may ask (I know I did)?  Well, I learned that they are the iconic structures or focal points in each of the parks and lands, like the castle in the Magic Kingdom or the Tree of Life in Animal Kingdom.

So here are my photos for this week's theme of Disney Weenies.....

EPCOT during Flower & Garden Fest 2012

Castle at Magic Kingdom on Leap Day when we stayed all night long until 5:00a.m.

T-Rex Store & Restaurant ~ Downtown Disney

Hope you enjoyed my photos, if you have any Disney photos, link up with Focused on the Magic along with the Wordless Wednesday Hub.

Have a great week.


Sunday, July 15, 2012

Monday's Music Moves Me ~ Gone But Not Forgotten



Holy cow... can you believe that it's only TWO weeks until our 100th week Grand Gala Giveaway??

Don't forget to enter for some totally awesome prizes!!

Welcome to Monday's Music Moves Me!!! We want to make this one of the BEST meme's in all of Blogville, but we cannot do that without YOU.... so come share your music with us and bring your friends to share theirs with us, too!!
Running this little dance party of ours is the sweetest and most wonderful Marie of XmasDolly. The cohosts helping to keep the party rockin' and rollin' are ME, Callie of JamericanSpice, Stacy of Stacy Uncorked, and our newest, and of course just as fabulous, Cathy of Cathy Kennedy's Blog. Also, because life gets to be so hectic at times, we occasionally have one of our faithful followers/participants help us with our cohosting duties. This month, we have one of our original cohost's Larry of Cakeblast helping us out, so don't forget to go visit him and follow his blog also!

This week is Gone But Not Forgotten week! Songs from singers that we have lost within the last six month, all too soon in my opinion.

Daydream Believer ~ Davy Jones

I've Gotta Get a Message to You ~ Robin Gibb

At Last ~ Etta James

I hope you enjoyed my selections... I can't wait to hear what's moving you this week. Here's all you need to do to play along:

Step One: Head on over to You Tube, pick your videos and post them on your blog! Upcoming themes are to you LOWER RIGHT of XmasDolly'sblog.

Step Two: Grab the 4M Button and the Hosts' Buttons and place them on your site... we all have them clearly visable on our sidebars.

Step Three: Make sure you are following your hosts - either on GFC, Linky, via email, Twitter, etc. and we will follow you back. This one is really important if you want to participate in our Grand Gala Giveaway coming up in 2 weeks.

Final Step: Most important, SIGN the linky, visit the other participants AND LEAVE A COMMENT! You know you like comments, so do your fellow players.

Each week we've been having a random drawing of all our participants to be our 2 Spotlight Dancers; and they are in the lucky #1 and #2 spots in our linky. Marie has been trying each week to reach the Spotlight Dancers via email, but many of you don't have your email address available on your blog. I have also tried to help her a couple of times and we have left messages on all forms of social media for our wonderful players. Soooo, if we can't find your email address easily, you'll miss out. During our Grand Gala Giveaway, we are only featuring ONE spotlight dancer who will be in #7 this week (sorry you're so far down), and our fabulous dancer this week is the one and only:

Gillian of A Daft Scots Lass


Now I know Gillian has been in our spotlight before, so I'm sure she proudly displays her badge telling everyone she was chosen as our winner. For everyone else chosen, go on over to XmasDolly's blog and grab the button to let everyone know just how special you are!

So let's go everyone... post your songs, link up, tell your friends, and don't forget to head on over to Dolly's blog, and the rest of the ladies' blogs to enter our Grand Gala Giveaway!!!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Wordless Wednesday ~ People I Love at the Place I Love - Disney World


My Grandson Colby

Welcome to Wordless Wednesday.....

Please join us by posting your photo and linking up on the
Wordless Wednesday hub.

DIL Debbie & Grandson Colby - Animal Kingdom

DIL Debbie & Step-son Del - Magic Kingdom

Love of my Life Bill - Downtown Disney

Grandson Colby (with ice cream face) - Downtown Disney

If you have a Disney-themed post, please also add it to the blog Focus on the Magic each week, and visit the blogs there. You'll see some awesome Disney photos - and who doesn't like photos about Disney??? =) Hope you are having a fabulous week. HUGGLES!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Monday's Music Moves Me ~ Songs for IF I Win the Brandcation Trip



Welcome to our 97th Monday's Music Moves Me!!! We want to make this one of the BEST meme's in all of Blogville, but we cannot do that without YOU.... so come share your music with us and bring your friends to share theirs with us, too!!

Running this little dance party of ours is the sweetest and most wonderful Marie of XmasDolly. The cohosts helping to keep the party rockin' and rollin' are ME, Callie of JamericanSpice, Stacy of Stacy Uncorked, and our newest, and of course just as fabulous, Cathy of Cathy Kennedy's Blog. Also, because life gets to be so hectic at times, we occasionally have one of our faithful followers/participants help us with our cohosting duties. This month, we have one of our original cohost's Larry of Cakeblast helping us out, so don't forget to go visit him and follow his blog also!

This week is FREEBIE WEEK and many of you know that I am trying to win a giveaway for a Brandcation trip. So the following songs are how I will feel if I am the lucky recipient of that fantastic trip to Brandcation in Gatlinberg, TN. Enjoy.....

I'm So Excited ~ The Pointer Sisters

Can you believe those outfits - I swear I had a dress like that in the 80's. HaHa

The excitement will be so palpable that......

I Wanna be Sedated ~ The Ramones

and of course I'll be so tickled that I'll be dancing.....

Happy Feet ~ Stevie Wonder

I hope you enjoyed my selections... I can't wait to hear what's moving you this week. Here's all you need to do to play along:

Step One: Head on over to You Tube, pick your videos and post them on your blog! Upcoming themes are to you LOWER RIGHT of XmasDolly'sblog.

Step Two: Grab the 4M Button and the Hosts' Buttons and place them on your site... we all have them clearly visable on our sidebars.

Step Three: Make sure you are following your hosts - either on GFC, Linky, via email, Twitter, etc. and we will follow you back. This one is really important if you want to participate in our Grand Gala Giveaway coming up in 2 weeks.

Final Step: Most important, SIGN the linky, visit the other participants AND LEAVE A COMMENT! You know you like comments, so do your fellow players.

Each week we've been having a random drawing of all our participants to be our 2 Spotlight Dancers; and they are in the lucky #1 and #2 spots in our linky. Marie has been trying each week to reach the Spotlight Dancers via email, but many of you don't have your email address available on your blog. I have also tried to help her a couple of times and we have left messages on all forms of social media for our wonderful players. Soooo, if we can't find your email address easily, you'll miss out. During our Grand Gala Giveaway, we are only featuring ONE spotlight dancer who will be in #7 this week (sorry you're so far down), and our fabulous dancer this week is the one and only:

Danielle of Royalegacy


Don't forget, as a Spotlight Dancer, you can proudly display your badge telling everyone you were chosen as our winner. Go on over to XmasDolly's blog and grab the button to let everyone know just how special you are!
So let's go everyone... post your songs, link up, tell your friends, and don't forget to head on over to Dolly's blog, plus the rest of the ladies' blog to enter our Grand Gala Giveaway!!! Good luck everyone!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available. ROCK ON, MY FRIENDS!!


Thursday, July 5, 2012

Thank You PR for Working with Me!!

Being a member of the Blogging Community is totally awesome. Not only do I get to meet some of the greatest blogging women and men, learn from them, and get their support in every aspect of my life; I am also able to connect with some fabulous PR reps from awesome companies and work with them to learn about exciting products. Then I get to share them with all of my wonderful readers.
Trisha from, along with several other bloggers (listed over on her site) put the following video together to let these fabulous reps know how much we appreciate working with them and how much we appreciate their value of our talents and time.... Please enjoy:

Once again, thank you to all the PR reps I have worked with in the past and I look forward to working with many more of you in the future.

If you are looking for a wonderful group of bloggers to hang around with, grow with, and learn from, come and join the Momdot Community.... and if you are a PR firm or business that needs bloggers of any size or any niche for upcoming campaigns, contact Trisha(at)


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

PICK ME - PICK ME for Brandcation: Blog Lodge

Many of you know that I had the ULTIMATE privilege of attending Brandcation in November 2010 with 32 of the MOST fabulous women I have ever met.  I learned so much from those ladies, had so much fun, and made some of the best friends I have ever had, and still have.

This October Momdot and Brandfluential is holding another Brandcation, this time in Gatlinburg, Tennessee in this absolutely gorgeous Log Cabin.....

Photos from

Part of the itinerary is to go to Dollywood, Dixie Stampede, Titanic Museum, The Old Mill, and The Wax Museum... how AWESOME does that sound? I have ALWAYS wanted to see each of those places, especially since the Dixie Stampede here in Orlando closed.

When I heard about this trip, I was SO excited because I really wanted to go... so Bill and I talked about it and said we were going to save up some money and buy my ticket in a few weeks... WELL, that was NOT to be had! The tickets sold out in a day and a half... my heart broke, there went my chance to see those wonderful women who are so special to me. Maybe next time Bill and I said to each other. =(

BUT GUESS WHAT????  I have one more chance at going to Brandcation!! How is that you say?

Well, there is a special giveaway over at Momdot... Yippee!! (pick me... pick me.... pick me).  It is an amazing giveaway also... the always fabulous Momdot is sponsoring the ticket, the outstanding Minnesota blogger Life with Levi is sponsoring the lodging, AND to help with travel and/or incidental expenses, the spectacular Toni from Just Stop Screaming will be throwing in $100 cash stipend.  That is just incredible for whoever wins... even if it's not me. (pick me... pick me... pick me.)

The only thing you need to do to enter the giveaway is answer one of the two following questions:

1) WHY you want to attend and what it would mean to you


2) WHY you want to go to Pigeon Forge and the place you are most excited to visit listed on our iten up there.

So, if you can't tell by know that I have already answered WHY I want to go, I'll tell you again. The group of women who attend Brandcation events are the most friendly, smart, loving, and most important to me, supportive women I have ever met. I still talk to several of the women I met and roomed with every day via email, Facebook, and even texting.  We are there for each other during the good times and the bad times. We are there to laugh, cry, and support each other no matter what we or our families are going through. I know there are some things that I could never have gotten through without these ladies and I cannot wait to see them again to give them each a great big hug!

So even if I am not the lucky one who gets to go to TN, THANK YOU so much to the three wonderful bloggers offering this terrific giveaway to an outstanding event. And good luck to all the ladies who enter!

**UPDATE: My absolutely darling of a husband has just picked up two weeks of work at the Dry Cleaners he used to work at to help defray any costs that may come up JUST IN CASE I am the VERY LUCKY woman who wins this MOST AWESOME ticket...... Do you not just love this man?


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

G-OIL® Toyota to Race for Noah’s Light at Daytona on July 6th, 2012


 From Green Earth Technologies, Inc. press release:

The Green Earth Technologies, Inc. (G.E.T.) (OTC bulletin board: GETG.OB) #19 Noah’s Light / G-OIL Toyota Camry will be on a mission at Daytona’s Subway Jalapeno 250 NASCAR Nationwide Series race July 6th. The TriStar Motorsports team and driver Tayler Malsam will be racing to promote awareness for the Noah’s Light Foundation and the “Fast Forward” campaign for pediatric brain cancer research.

Created in 2010 by Amber and Dennis Larkin, the Winter Garden, Florida based Noah’s Light Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, was created in honor of young Noah Larkin who lost his fight with pediatric brain cancer earlier this year. The Fast Forward campaign is designed to accelerate research and cures for pediatric cancer through an aggressive and collaborative program including a number of leading cancer research organizations.

Amber Larkin, Noah’s Light Foundation:
“The Noah’s Light mission is to find a cure for pediatric brain cancer by supporting visionary doctors in pediatric oncology, funding new research in the field and raising awareness. The speed, communication and teamwork of NASCAR represent the approach that the Noah’s Light Foundation is bringing to cancer research. We are on Fast Forward for today’s children.”

Jeffrey Loch, President and CMO of Green Earth Technologies, Inc.:
“We are honored to feature the Noah’s Light Foundation on the #19 G-OIL Toyota Camry to help raise awareness of the Foundation and the Fast Forward campaign. GET is concerned about the environment and consumed toxicity as well as carbon emissions and VOC’s being emitted into the air or dumped into the soil that reaches our groundwater. GET was founded on the premise of creating safer solutions that work.”

Dr. Dennis A. Steindler, Ph.D., The Evelyn F. and William L. McKnight Brain Institute, University of Florida:
“Pediatric brain cancer should not exist on our planet, and we need to rapidly and innovatively apply all of the fruits of our progressing research efforts toward better treating these and all of the childhood cancers. Just as with environmental issues, cancer can be considered to be an invasive species that requires out-of-the-box, adaptive and less toxic therapeutic approaches to strategically treat this overgrowth of our own body’s cells. Collaborative teams like NASCAR, Noah’s Light Foundation and Green Earth Technologies are just the ticket to fast forward transformational research discoveries to new treatments and cures for these kids.” 
Click on Button to Donate


Monday, July 2, 2012

Tearful Family Reunion with Dog they Thought was Dead


I saw this on the web earlier and it moved me so much that I had to share it with all of you.

The ASPCA is one of the charities that I donate to every year, unfortunately the amount has gotten a little smaller each year, but I still try to find a way to help, even if it's only with a bag of dog food.

If you are considering getting a dog for your family, PLEASE consider adopting - you can save a life and receive the love of a lifetime - I know we have!


Sunday, July 1, 2012

Monday's Music Moves Me ~ God Bless America



Welcome to our 96th Monday's Music Moves Me!!! We want to make this one of the BEST meme's in all of Blogville, but we cannot do that without YOU.... so come share your music with us and bring your friends to share theirs with us, too!!

Running this little dance party of ours is the sweetest and most wonderful Marie of XmasDolly. The cohosts helping to keep the party rockin' and rollin' are ME, Callie of JamericanSpice, Stacy of Stacy Uncorked, and our newest, and of course just as fabulous, Cathy of Cathy Kennedy's Blog. Also, because life gets to be so hectic at times, we occasionally have one of our faithful followers/participants help us with our cohosting duties. This month, we have one of our original cohost's Larry of Cakeblast helping us out, so don't forget to go visit him and follow his blog also!

This week in honor of Independence Day, our theme is Patriotic Songs, which are some of my favorite songs. I cannot wait to hear what you have posted this week.  Here's what I've chose for this week.....

U.S. National Anthem ~ The Academy Choirs

You knew I would include a song by the king, of course.....

America the Beautiful ~ Elvis Presley

God Bless America ~ Celine Dion

Where the Stars and Stripes and the Eagle Fly ~ Aaron Tippin

I hope you enjoyed my selections... I can't wait to hear what's moving you this week. Here's all you need to do to play along:

Step One: Head on over to You Tube, pick your videos and post them on your blog! Upcoming themes are to you LOWER RIGHT of XmasDolly'sblog.

Step Two: Grab the 4M Button and the Hosts' Buttons and place them on your site... we all have them clearly visable on our sidebars.

Step Three: Make sure you are following your hosts - either on GFC, Linky, via email, Twitter, etc. and we will follow you back. This one is really important if you want to participate in our Grand Gala Giveaway coming up in 2 weeks.

Final Step: Most important, SIGN the linky, visit the other participants AND LEAVE A COMMENT! You know you like comments, so do your fellow players.

Each week we've been having a random drawing of all our participants to be our 2 Spotlight Dancers; and they are in the lucky #1 and #2 spots in our linky.  Marie has been trying each week to reach the Spotlight Dancers via email, but many of you don't have your email address available on your blog. I have also tried to help her a couple of times and we have left messages on all forms of social media for our wonderful players.  Soooo, this week is the last week that we will have two Spotlight Dancers and featured in spots #1 and #2 are:

Steve of bethere2day ~~ and ~~ Amethyst Moon of TamingTampa


Starting next week..... we have decided to SURPRISE YOU when you come by to sign the linky. Make sure you CHECK OUT spot #1 - the Spotlight Dancer could be YOU!  There will be only one chosen each week by!

Don't forget, as a Spotlight Dancer, you can proudly display your badge telling everyone you were chosen as our winner. Go on over to XmasDolly's blog and grab the button to let everyone know just how special you are!

So let's go everyone... post your songs, link up, tell your friends, and don't forget to head on over to Dolly's blog, plus the rest of the ladies' blog to enter our Grand Gala Giveaway!!!  Good luck everyone!


Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

*** Just one more thing...
PLEASE remember we are family friendly blogs
and while we do not wish to censor anyone,
we do ask that you keep your songs rated PG13 or less.
If you find that you need to post songs with explicit sexual content or language,
please find a different venue.
If your song does contain a small amount of questionable language,
please put a disclaimer BEFORE the video.
Thank you very much!***

Wishing you all a very happy and safe holiday with your friends and loved ones.
And as always... please say a prayer for our troops who are away from their families fighting for our freedoms so that we can celebrate.
Wishing that they will all be home safely soon.
God bless them all and God bless America!

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