OK... we know you have all these recipes that you love to make. You got them from your mother, your grandmother, a magazine, or maybe you made it up, perhaps you don't even remember where the recipe came from. Well, how about sharing them with all of us? We are going to share ours with you every Thursday!
My good friend and (according to her husband) excellent cook, Dolly over at XmasDolly and I are now doing a recipe swap; we want to share ours with you and wold LOVE to get some of your favorites as well... So, Welcome to Thursday's Recipe Swap Meet, here is all you have to do:

Post a recipe on your blog, sign the linky on either blog (they will be linked), grab our new button - isn't she cute - hubby says she looks like me... TeeHee? (above, on my sidebar and on my Co-Chef Dolly's blog) and check out the recipes. Don't forget that each week you actually will be getting at least TWO for the price of ONE because both Dolly (Hi, my dear friend!!!) and I will post a recipe on each of our blogs. How simple is that??
**I saw a recipe similar to this on another blog and I cannot remember where, so if it was yours, PLEASE let me know because I want to THANK YOU... I totally LOVE these!!**
Brownie Covered Oreo Cups
1 Pkg brownie mix (I prefer Duncan Hines, but Publix had a BOGO on Betty Crocker and I am all about saving money!)
1 Pkg Oreo cookies (I always use Double Stuff and I found this new flavor with chocolate and vanilla flavor - TO DIE FOR!!)
Plus my secret ingredient for everything chocolate that I make..... 1/4 tsp. Espresso Powder
~ Preheat oven to 350 degrees; spray muffin pan generously with cooking spray (I only use Pam)
~ Mix brownies according to package directions, adding Espresso Powder to the dry mix before adding wet ingredients.
~ Put approx. 1 Tbs. of brownie mix into each muffin cup; then add one cookie to each cup; followed by one more Tbs. of brownie mix.
~ Let them cool in pan for 10 min. then remove from pan and cool completely on wire rack.
~ Serve plane or as I like them with whipped cream (Reddi-Whip is my favorite) with each bite..... of course I have to share the whipped cream with the doggies. TeeHee!
But that is ALL they get - no chocolate for my babies.
See the delicious layers of the Oreos! |
So now all you have to do is sign our linky so we all can find your recipes. You check out all ours and we will check out all yours. If you don't want to write it all down and you know of one on line just post a link to it on your blog or leave it in a comment if you prefer!
Let's get cooking..... Bon Appetit!
{Disclosure: I have not been paid by any of the companies who's links I have included. I have found that they work best in my recipe and wanted to share them with my friends. However, if any of these companies want to contact me to do any reviews or giveaways, I am more than happy to oblige!}

OMG - yummy delicious and mmmmmm.....can you mail me some?
WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU> I'M ON A DIET! YOU KNOW I CAN'T HAVE THIS KIND OF STUFF, BUT I CAN DROOL! ~hehehe~ Have some for me! That looks so dam good. Where's the tall glass of cold milk? Gotta have milk with this.
Oh lord lady that is JUST not right. hehe it sure does look amazing!
It might be hot outside and my brain is slowly melting, but I still want piece of that yummy chocolate decadence.....
This sounds amazing and so gourmet! I would have thought this would be so much more difficult than it actually is. I know what I'm making for the next birthday around here!
MMM, I have these Oreo stuffed brownies on my blog (http://ahensnest.com/2011/03/oreo-stuffed-brownies.html) and now that I see them again I need to make them! they're so yummy!
Oh lord I come back and what do I see but this is up right there for me to drool at .. hehe Love you girl!
Those look delicious girl! Thanks for sharing the recipe.
OMY! This is positively sinful! I think my thighs just quadrupled in size reading that recipe. YUM! I stumbled this post.
Lorie, Lorie, Lorie...what are you trying to do to me? My husband's favorite cookies are Oreos, and well, he adores brownies. I think I will earn brownie points if I make these. Get it? ROFL.
Oh, a kitty I once had loved Redi-Whip too! That was his treat each night and he knew the sound of the can shaking. He would not touch any other brand. Isn't that funny?
Have a great weekend lovely!
What a delicious yummy recipe but alas, I am diabetic. Have a nice weekend.
Those look so amazing!!!!
i could stab you..
lol, that looks amazing!
i want it with ice cream :)
Oh me, oh my! I do wish I could try one of these!!
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