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And don't forget about our recipe sharing meme tomorrow: "Recipe Swap Meet Thursday" - have you got your recipe ready??? Don't forget to grab our button and play along... Happy cooking!


Did you end up getting a massive storm? I got to see my parents and their yorkie this past weekend so I got my fix, now I have to stalk your blog again for more yorkie pics. I hate that dog but I miss him. I am clearly weird.
Awesome shot! Send us some of that rain!
I am with Texas Type A Mom... and PLEASE send us some of that rain : )
I love the daily rains you guys get in Florida - I absolutely wouldn't mind a storm rolling in and out quickly every day!
Great shot of the clouds!
we finally had some storms blow through... brought some much needed rain & heat relief!
hugz, Faythe
So beautiful! We've been having some amazing clouds and mix of rain/sun the past few days as well. I keep shouting to the kids "OMG!!! LOOK at those clouds. Just LOOK at them!" they're so pretty it hurts. They might think I'm crazy but oh well :)
I LOVE stormy skies-They're so breathtaking with the look combined with the feel of the impending storm.
Great capture!
Beautiful! I love taking photos of the sky... because it's never the same shot twice!
whenever i take pics of the clouds/sun...
i always think of you my friend!
That's a little spookily! Thanks for sharing.
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