"We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love." Dr. Seuss
On my walk with the dogs this morning, I saw this at my neighbor's house and I just had to take a photograph of it because I love the way it made a shadow on the sidewalk.....
How cool is that? I don't know if you can see the dragonfly on top of the house and in the shadow, but it just adds the perfect touch.
I LOVE Halloween and can't wait to add more photos from around my neighborhood, people go all out around here. We even have two houses that have synchronized lights and Halloween music. Halloween also puts me in the holiday spirit. Hope you are all having a great autumn so far.
OK... we know you have all these recipes that you love to make. You got them from your mother, your grandmother, a magazine, or maybe you made it up, perhaps you don't even remember where the recipe came from. Well, how about sharing them with all of us? We are going to share ours with you every Thursday!
My good friend and (according to her husband) excellent cook, Dolly over at XmasDolly and I are now doing a recipe swap; we want to share ours with you and wold LOVE to get some of your favorites as well... So, Welcome to Thursday's Recipe Swap Meet, here is all you have to do:
Post a recipe on your blog, sign the linky on either blog (they will be linked), grab our new button - isn't she cute - hubby says she looks like me... TeeHee? (above, on my sidebar and on my Co-Chef Dolly's blog) and check out the recipes. Don't forget that each week you actually will be getting at least TWO for the price of ONE because both Dolly (Hi, my dear friend!!!) and I will post a recipe on each of our blogs. How simple is that??
This recipe is really simple and you all probably know it or have at least seen it... we are having it for dinner tonight (hence no new photos) with some fresh tomatoes on the side. Just in case you don't know how to make them, I wanted to share the recipe with you.....
~ Preheat oven to 375 degrees ~ Separate crescent rolls into triangles; spread desired amount of mustard onto each triangle. ~ Cut cheese slices into 4 strips each; cut slit into each hot dog within 1/2" of each end; stuff 2 strips of cheese into each hot dog. ~ Lay 1 stuffed hot dog onto 1 triangle each, wrap dough around hot dog; place on ungreased (I use a parchment lined) baking sheet. ~ Bake in preheated oven for 12 - 15 minutes, until crescents are golden brown and cheese is melted.
These are soooo yummy! They get 6 out of 6 puppy tail wags as my doggies love everything about them: the hot dogs (of course), the cheese and even the crescents..... Bill and I like them too. =)
So now all you have to do is sign our linky so we all can find your recipes. You check out all ours and we will check out all yours. If you don't want to write it all down and you know of one on line just post a link to it on your blog or leave it in a comment if you prefer!
Let's get cooking..... Bon Appetit
{Disclosure: I have not been paid by any of the companies who's links I have included. I have found that they work best in my recipe and wanted to share them with my friends. However, if any of these companies want to contact me to do any reviews or giveaways, I am more than happy to oblige!}
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.
Welcome to Wordless Wednesday..... I'm looking forward to to seeing all of your photos, so if you leave a comment, please leave your email address so I can come on over and take a look.
For more Wordless Wednesday posts, head over to the WW Hub, leave your link, check out the other participants, and don't forget to leave a nice comment - you know you like comments, they do too!!
And don't forget about our recipe sharing meme tomorrow: "Recipe Swap Meet Thursday" - have you got your recipe ready??? Don't forget to grab our button and play along... Happy cooking!
**Let me apologize for this being so late, I had a computer virus that I thought was gone, but not entirely. I think it is gone now, cross your fingers for me... Nasty litte buggers! **
Welcome to a Monday's Music Moves Me, the fantabulistic music meme hosted by me, my dearest of friends Dolly from XmasDolly, Callie from Jamerican Spice and the wonderful Stacy from Stacy Uncorked. This week's theme is FREEBIE WEEK, so you can post anything your little heart desires... what's moving you today???
I can tell you that I've been thinking about all the great music that was on the top of the charts when I was a kid since last week's theme, so I thought I'd post some of my favorite songs by the same artists that I posted last week.
First off, here is another great one from a group I saw when THEY were in their 60's and still sounded awesome.....
You're My Soul and Inspiration ~ The Righteous Brothers
Here is another song from the group I've seen 5 times and plan on seeing again in the spring at Walt Disney's Flower and Garden show during their "Flower Power" concert series.....
Mrs. Brown, You've Got a Lovely Daughter ~ Herman's Hermits
Next, here's one from a very young looking and interestingly dressed.....
The Beat Goes On ~ Sonny and Cher
Now, my favorite song - the best part being the percussion - from an iconic duo from the 60's that has carried over even to this millenium.....
The Boxer - Simon and Garfunkel
An finally, another from a great band that was popular the year I was born and continues to play to sold out crowds even to this day... along with a VERY special guest.....
Mr. Tambourine Man ~ The Byrds with Special Guest Bob Dylan
So what's moving you today? Write up a post and let us know... Here is all you need to do to play along:
First step: Head on over to You Tube, or anywhere you get your music videos and post them on your blog! Upcoming themes are to you LOWER RIGHT of XmasDolly's blog.
Second Step: Grab our "Monday's Music Moves Me" Button, mine is on my right sidebar, or off of any of the hosts' sites.
Third step: SIGN THE LINKY - Follow your hosts, grab their buttons too when you visit them and show them some love by leaving a comment.. (mine is on my right sidebar above the 4M button)
Final step: Go visit the other Rockers on our Linky and PLEASE show them some love by leaving them a comment, you know you like comments, they do too!
Once you write up your post, link up with us (on any of the host's blog - they are all connected) and you may be chosen as our SPOTLIGHT DANCERS like this week's lucky couple in our #1 and #2 linky spots.....
If you are one of the lucky ones who is chosen for our spotlight dance, don't forget to grab the Spotlight Dancer Button from Dolly's right sidebar and proudly display it on your blog... WooHoo!
Now, don't forget to sign the linky, visit the participants, and leave a comment - you know you like them, so does everyone else. For more Monday music fun, visit Lady Estrogen and my friend Denise at Run DMT.
We're very sorry to say there are some people not playing along just using our linky to get traffic for their blogs! Unfortunately, these bloggers will be marked and ignored, you will not get any benefit from our linky, so don't bother. All we ask is that you leave a comment, grab our button, ad/or follow us. If you don't want to post a video, you can post a link to a video, or post some lyrics, but please - at least attempt to make it music related. Thank you for your understanding. We will not follow you and we will not promote your blog!
*** Just one more thing...
PLEASE, we are family friendly blogs and while we really don't want to censor anyone,
but we do ask that you keep your songs rated PG13 or less.
If you find that you need to post songs of an explicit sexual nature or language,
please find a different venue. If your song does contain a small amount of questionable language, please put a disclaimer BEFORE the video.
Thank you very much!***
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.
OK... we know you have all these recipes that you love to make. You got them from your mother, your grandmother, a magazine, or maybe you made it up, perhaps you don't even remember where the recipe came from. Well, how about sharing them with all of us? We are going to share ours with you every Thursday!
My good friend and (according to her husband) excellent cook, Dolly over at XmasDolly and I are now doing a recipe swap; we want to share ours with you and wold LOVE to get some of your favorites as well... So, Welcome to Thursday's Recipe Swap Meet, here is all you have to do:
Post a recipe on your blog, sign the linky on either blog (they will be linked), grab our new button - isn't she cute - hubby says she looks like me... TeeHee? (above, on my sidebar and on my Co-Chef Dolly's blog) and check out the recipes. Don't forget that each week you actually will be getting at least TWO for the price of ONE because both Dolly (Hi, my dear friend!!!) and I will post a recipe on each of our blogs. How simple is that??
Loaded Potato Soup
4 medium red potatoes
2 tsp. EVOO
1/2 cup chopped onion
1 1/4 cups chicken stock (you can use broth, I just think stock tastes better)
3 Tbls. all-purpose flour
2 cups milk, divided
1/4 cup sour cream
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. freshly ground black pepper
3 bacon slices, halved
1/3 cup shredded cheddar cheese
4 teaspoons thinly sliced green onions
~ First, pierce potatoes with a fork, then, microwave on HIGH 13 minutes or until tender. Cut in half; cool slightly.
~ While potatoes cook, heat oil in a saucepan over medium-high heat; add onion; sauté 3 min.; add stock. Combine flour and 1/2 cup milk; add to pan with 1 1/2 cups milk. Bring to a boil; stirring often. Cook 1 minute. Remove from heat; stir in sour cream, salt, and pepper.
~Arrange bacon on a paper towel on a microwave-safe plate. Cover with a paper towel; microwave on HIGH for 3 - 4 mins., Crumble bacon.
~ Discard potato skins. Coarsely mash potatoes into soup. Top with cheese, green onions, and bacon.
This yummy mean for a cool fall or winter evening gets 6 out of 6 puppy tail wags - especially the bacon! =) I think it's almost as good as good as what they make at the Irish Pub we go to in downtown Celebration, Shannons.
So now all you have to do is sign our linky so we all can find your recipes. You check out all ours and we will check out all yours. If you don't want to write it all down and you know of one on line just post a link to it on your blog or leave it in a comment if you prefer!
Let's get cooking..... Bon Appetit
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.
Welcome to Wordless Wednesday..... I'm looking forward to to seeing all of your photos, so if you leave a comment, please leave your email address so I can come on over and take a look.
Mandie Kathryn Shewbridge ~ How cute am I???
For more Wordless Wednesday posts, head over to the WW Hub, leave your link, check out the other participants, and don't forget to leave a nice comment - you know you like comments, they do too!!
And don't forget about our recipe sharing meme tomorrow: "Recipe Swap Meet Thursday" - have you got your recipe ready??? Don't forget to grab our button and play along... Happy cooking!
Welcome to a Monday's Music Moves Me, the fantabulistic music meme hosted by me, my dearest of friends Dolly from XmasDolly, Callie from Jamerican Spice and the wonderful Stacy from Stacy Uncorked. This week's theme, thanks to one of our constant supporters and participants, Cathy of Cathy Kennedy's Blog, is Songs from the Year you Were Born.
I have mentioned how old I am in the past on my blog, on FB and on Twitter, but I'm not going to tell you what year I was born in this post, let's see if you can guess by the songs I post. This first song is done by a group that I have been lucky enough to see in concert...
You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling ~ The Righteous Brothers
I have also seen this group in concert FIVE times and love this song, they sing it with such enthusiasm and the audience gets excited and sings along so loud... just don't get mad at me if you are singing it ALL DAY LONG.....
I'm Henry The VIII, I Am ~ Herman's Hermits
This next song is one that reminds me of Bill and me when we first got together and we didn't have 2 nickels to rub together. I was only working part-time with 2 little boys to raise and he was working and paying alimony. We lived in a four-room basement apartment with almost no furniture (we watched TV on an air mattress that doubled as a bed for the boys along with their sleeping bags), but we had each other and that was enough for us.....
I Got You Babe ~ Sonny and Cher
I love this next song and singers both when then sing together and as solo artists. I wish I could see them in concert someday. This song is one of my favorites that they do.....
Sound of Silence ~ Simon and Garfunkel
And finally, the following song was #1 on the charts the week I was born, December 7th. I have always loved this song and my dad loved music so this song was probably playing all the time while my mother was pregnant and right after I was born.....
Turn! Turn! Turn! ~ The Byrds
Now, can you guess what year I was born in??? Leave your guess in your comment, please. So what's moving you today? Write up a post and let us know... Here is all you need to do to play along:
First step: Head on over to You Tube, or anywhere you get your music videos and post them on your blog! Upcoming themes are to you LOWER RIGHT of XmasDolly's blog.
Second Step: Grab our "Monday's Music Moves Me" Button, mine is on my right sidebar, or off of any of the hosts' sites.
Third step: SIGN THE LINKY - Follow your hosts, grab their buttons too when you visit them and show them some love by leaving a comment.. (mine is on my right sidebar above the 4M button)
Final step: Go visit the other Rockers on our Linky and PLEASE show them some love by leaving them a comment, you know you like comments, they do too!
Once you write up your post, link up with us (on any of the host's blog - they are all connected) and you may be chosen as our SPOTLIGHT DANCERS like this week's lucky couple in our #1 and #2 linky spots.....
If you are one of the lucky ones who is chosen for our spotlight dance, don't forget to grab the Spotlight Dancer Button from Dolly's right sidebar and proudly display it on your blog... WooHoo!
Now, don't forget to sign the linky, visit the participants, and leave a comment - you know you like them, so does everyone else. For more Monday music fun, visit Lady Estrogen and my friend Denise at Run DMT.
We're very sorry to say there are some people not playing along just using our linky to get traffic for their blogs! Unfortunately, these bloggers will be marked and ignored, you will not get any benefit from our linky, so don't bother. All we ask is that you leave a comment, grab our button, ad/or follow us. If you don't want to post a video, you can post a link to a video, or post some lyrics, but please - at least attempt to make it music related. Thank you for your understanding. We will not follow you and we will not promote your blog!
*** Just one more thing...
PLEASE, we are family friendly blogs and while we really don't want to censor anyone,
but we do ask that you keep your songs rated PG13 or less.
If you find that you need to post songs of an explicit sexual nature or language,
please find a different venue. If your song does contain a small amount of questionable language, please put a disclaimer BEFORE the video.
Thank you very much!***
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.
I'm so excited to let you all know about the 16th annual EPCOT Food and Wine Festival being held at Walt Disney World. This is the event that Bill and I look forward to all year long. There is so much to see and do and EAT!!
This year's event is being held from September 30, 2011 to November 13, 2011, so if you are in the central Florida area during that time, you have to make time to visit EPCOT... All events are included in your admission ticket price (food is extra, ranging in price from $3.00 - $7.00) including the amazing "Eat to the Beat" Concerts at the American Gardens Theater. Bill and I love taking an afternoon and evening going to EPCOT to eat and see these concerts ranging from "Hanson" to "The Pointer Sisters" to our absolute favorite, "Starship, staring Mickey Thomas" - we've seen them six times already. To see the complete list of performers head on over to the Disney World Website.
There are so many other things to do: seminars, beer and wine tastings, Party for the Senses, Culinary Adventures in Signature Dining - it really is absolutely amazing. (Some are included with your admission ticket, others are an additional fee.) Check out the Welcome Center and the Festival Brochure to see all the activities and along with a map showing all the countries and the delicious foods that will be there for you to indulge in.
Bill and I like to walk around (technically he pushes me around in my wheelchair) the circle that is the World Showcase and eat at each country (sharing most stuff) until we have WWIII in our tummies, then go see one of the concerts and then head home to digest - and usually fall asleep. Then in a few days, we do it all again, starting where we left off the previous visit... =)
Seriously, if you are here in central Florida during Sept. 30th - Nov. 13th, try and make it to EPCOT for this MOST fabulous event ~ you will NOT be disappointed ~ we never are!!
I know that you have all had one of "THOSE" weeks... well this was one of mine. I'll spare you all the little details, but give you the overall.....
As you saw by by Monday's Music Moves Me post, I suffered from some terrible vertigo that lasted through Tuesday - along with a spill down a few stairs that aggravated my back and nerves down my right leg. So I've been having trouble walking, sitting and sleeping all week - gotta head back to my neurosurgeon next week to see what's up with that. On top of that with the weather changes we've been having, the air pressure has been having a ball with my migraines - UGH!! So I have had to try and sleep more and take more medication than usual (the naps have been helping make up for the sleep I'm not getting during the night). Add one more issue - problems with my computer, a virus that snuck in somehow - and that was the straw that broke the camels back!
All of this has led to my depression rearing its ugly head. Those of you who suffer from this debilitating disorder (I suffer from PTSD that leads to anxiety and depression) know how these things can just pile on and you think you are doing OK, then - BAM - you finally can't handle it anymore. I am so lucky to have a couple of great friends and my wonderful husband to help me through these times, but it makes it truly hard to write on my blog, which then makes me even more upset because I feel like I'm neglecting my friends and another responsibility. A vicious cycle... many of you may understand.
We have also been trying to get our yard cleaned up for our re-inspection by our HOA as we (along with SEVERAL of our neighbors) received a letter stating that we were in violation of the covenants agreement we all signed when we bought our house. Now I do truly appreciate the HOA keeping our community nice and neat and beautiful, but this year they really seemed to go for the jugular and cited things that had been deemed OK during the last 5 years of inspections... another irritating item in my life. We ended up having to purchase 8 bags of mulch, 3 bags of topsoil, and 85 pieces of sod to fix everything... Can I just say that if I NEVER have to touch a piece of sod again, it will be too soon. This also added to the pain in my back and neck as Bill and I had to do the work ourselves since we didn't have the money to pay someone to do the labor. Our neighbor had similar violations and it cost him over $400 to have someone do the work - no way we could afford that.
On a MUCH happier note, besides the fact that I think I have gotten rid of my computer virus (WooHoo), Bill and I are working on a new business venture together with a wonderful friend of ours. It is a fabulous skin care line designed by dermatologists with prescription ingredients to help with all our needs from adult acne, rosacea, to (my favorite) anti-aging. I cannot wait to introduce it to you... once we are all set up, I'll give you all the details and have a marvelous giveaway worth $300.00!! I hope you are as impressed with it as I am, Bill has even noticed how much softer my face is and I notice a difference in the fine lines. YAY!! So keep your eyes open for all the info and the giveaway coming in the next couple of weeks.
One more thing... my PSA For the Week: I have scheduled my annual mammogram for next month. I just want to remind all my darling friends to get your boobies checked... take a friend, take your sister, take your mother, remind a stranger ~~ it could save a life, maybe even YOURS!
Don't Forget..... Get Your Mammies Grammed!!
Hope you all had a great week and are enjoying the last few days of summer. Things should be getting back to normal around here ~ well as normal as things can be with an old man, a crippled wife =) and six doggies. HaHa
Love you all and thanks for all your support... HUGGLES!
Welcome to a Monday's Music Moves Me, the fantabulistic music meme hosted by me, my dearest of friends Dolly from XmasDolly, Larry from Cakeblast, Callie from Jamerican Spice and the wonderful Stacy from Stacy Uncorked. This week's theme is FREEBIE... so you can post anything you want to!! Go for it everyone.
I am really late posting this due to some serious vertigo I've been suffering - I even fell down the stairs - (and only slight relief from my medication) last night and this morning. So to go along with this, I chose the following songs.....
Dizzy ~ Tommy Roe
You Spin Me Round ~ Dead or Alive(How weird did we look in the 80's??)
Vertigo ~ U2
So what's moving you today? Write up a post and let us know... Here is all you need to do to play along:
First step: Head on over to You Tube, or anywhere you get your music videos and post them on your blog! Upcoming themes are to you LOWER RIGHT of XmasDolly's blog.
Second Step: Grab our "Monday's Music Moves Me" Button, mine is on my right sidebar, or off of any of the hosts' sites.
Third step: SIGN THE LINKY - Follow your hosts, grab their buttons too when you visit them and show them some love by leaving a comment.. (mine is on my right sidebar above the 4M button)
Final step: Go visit the other Rockers on our Linky and PLEASE show them some love by leaving them a comment, you know you like comments, they do too!
Once you write up your post, link up with us (on any of the host's blog - they are all connected) and you may be chosen as our SPOTLIGHT DANCERS like this week's lucky couple in our #1 and #2 linky spots.....
If you are one of the lucky ones who is chosen for our spotlight dance, don't forget to grab the Spotlight Dancer Button from Dolly's right sidebar and proudly display it on your blog... WooHoo!
Now, don't forget to sign the linky, visit the participants, and leave a comment - you know you like them, so does everyone else. For more Monday music fun, visit Lady Estrogen and my friend Denise at Run DMT.
We're very sorry to say there are some people not playing along just using our linky to get traffic for their blogs! Unfortunately, these bloggers will be marked and ignored, you will not get any benefit from our linky, so don't bother. All we ask is that you leave a comment, grab our button, ad/or follow us. If you don't want to post a video, you can post a link to a video, or post some lyrics, but please - at least attempt to make it music related. Thank you for your understanding. We will not follow you and we will not promote your blog!
*** Just one more thing...
PLEASE, we are family friendly blogs and while we really don't want to censor anyone,
but we do ask that you keep your songs rated PG13 or less.
If you find that you need to post songs of an explicit sexual nature or language,
please find a different venue. If your song does contain a small amount of questionable language, please put a disclaimer BEFORE the video.
Thank you very much!***
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.
Today we will all be thinking about where we were and what we were doing 10 years ago when our lives changed forever. From that point on, it would always be before 9/11 or the attack and after 9/11 or the attack. Things would never be the same: security, travel, life in general....
I had just started a new job the day before and didn't know anyone that I worked with, but instantly became bonded with these people in our grief and unity as Americans. I was worried about not being able to reach Bill who was working on the Connecticut shoreline just across from Long Island Sound. I couldn't get in touch with him by phone - either by cell or land line, and with each news report or rumor my stomach and heart ached more and more...
I was finally able to talk to him and to my children around 5pm that day and couldn't wait to leave work, just so I could hold them in my arms. Then we all sat on the couch and watched TV in silence and shock with the rest of the country. We cried. We stared. We couldn't believe what was happening. We watched as America's Finest and Bravest risked and lost their lives to try and rescue their fellow Americans from burning and collapsing buildings in New York and Virginia... We heard how fearless Americans saved countless lives by stopping hijackers in Pennsylvania by taking down their plane and sacrificing their own lives.
We all came together as Americans... giving until it hurt: money, blood, food, water, anything and everything we had. Flags flew everywhere, my house included.....
Then we tried to get back to normal, as normal as we could. The late night comedians went back to work so that the terrorist wouldn't win!
Little by little we returned to our daily routine never to forget what happened and those we lost.
So as you go about your day today, please take a moment to fly your flag and to remember those that lost their lives 10 years ago today, the innocent civilians, the heroes "just doing what they do," and those amazing Americans in Pennsylvania. Also keep in mind those of our military who are fighting the terrorists who attacked us that day and who protect us every day so we can have the freedoms we have every day.
OK... we know you have all these recipes that you love to make. You got them from your mother, your grandmother, a magazine, or maybe you made it up, perhaps you don't even remember where the recipe came from. Well, how about sharing them with all of us? We are going to share ours with you every Thursday!
My good friend and (according to her husband) excellent cook, Dolly over at XmasDolly and I are now doing a recipe swap; we want to share ours with you and wold LOVE to get some of your favorites as well... So, Welcome to Thursday's Recipe Swap Meet, here is all you have to do:
Post a recipe on your blog, sign the linky on either blog (they will be linked), grab our new button - isn't she cute - hubby says she looks like me... TeeHee? (above, on my sidebar and on my Co-Chef Dolly's blog) and check out the recipes. Don't forget that each week you actually will be getting at least TWO for the price of ONE because both Dolly (Hi, my dear friend!!!) and I will post a recipe on each of our blogs. How simple is that??
Family Style Macaroni and Cheese
2 Cups elbow macaroni cooked according to pkg. directions (Barilla is the best, IMHO) 2 1/2 Tbls. butter, divided (don't use margarine, real butter makes it taste best) 1 1/2 Tbls. all purpose flour (King Arthur unbleached is my favorite) 1 1/2 cups milk (whole milk gives the best flavor, but you can use 2% if you MUST) 1/4 tsp. salt 1/4 tsp. ground black pepper 1 1/2 cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese (Sargento Fancy Shredded works/tastes really good) 1/4 cup dried unflavored breadcrumbs (I only use Progresso)
~ Preheat oven to 350 degrees F; spray casserole dish with Pam non-stick cooking spray.
~ Melt 1 Tbls. butter in a small skillet on medium heat; add bread crumbs cook and stir until toasted slightly, about 2-3 minutes. Set aside.
~ In medium sauce pan, melt remaining butter; add flour, cook over low heat stirring constantly for 1 minute. Gradually add milk while continuing to stir constantly. Cook, stirring occasionally, until thickened; add salt and pepper.
~ Remove pan from heat; add cheese, stirring constantly until melted and smooth. Stir macaroni into cheese mixture; spoon into prepared casserole dish and sprinkle toasted breadcrumbs over top. Bake in preheated oven for 7-10 minutes until bubbly and top is crusty.
Enjoy with steamed broccoli or green beans. You can add protein to the meal by adding cutting up pieces of smoked sausage or kielbasa right before you mix the pasta into the cheese mixture and then baking. YUMMY ~ This received 6 out of 6 puppy tail wags (with and without the sausage) because my doggies LOVE pasta and cheese. Hope you try it and like it, it is total comfort food and is great for the coming fall weather. Of course I don't have any photos of it because it has been too hot for me to make it down here in Florida, but as soon as the weather cools down, I will be making this for all of us: me, Bill and the puppies. =)
So now all you have to do is sign our linky so we all can find your recipes. You check out all ours and we will check out all yours. If you don't want to write it all down and you know of one on line just post a link to it on your blog or leave it in a comment if you prefer!
Let's get cooking..... Bon Appetit!
{Disclosure: I have not been paid by any of the companies who's links I have included. I have found that they work best in my recipe and wanted to share them with my friends. However, if any of these companies want to contact me to do any reviews or giveaways, I am more than happy to oblige!}
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available. .