Monday, October 31, 2011

Monday's Music Moves Me: October 31, 2011 ~ Spooky Halloween Time



Welcome to a Monday's Music Moves Me, the fantabulistic music meme hosted by me, my dearest of friends Dolly from XmasDolly, Callie from Jamerican Spice and the wonderful Stacy from Stacy Uncorked. This week's theme is all about Halloween! So, what's moving you today???

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays... we decorate the house with lots of scary animated spookies, plus some cute Disney items ~ I'm a complicated woman, what can I say. HaHa.  I love the music of the holiday, too, so here are some great songs to get you in the mood.....

I know this one isn't really a Halloween song, but it has that creepy music so it's what I think of when I hear it......

Teddy Bears Picnic ~ Henry Hall and The BBC Dance Orchestra

This is Halloween ~ Disney's Nightmare Before Christmas

The Monster Mash ~ Bobby Pickett and The Cryptkickers

And finally just for the silliness of it.... and because my goal in life is to make you smile.....

Witch Doctor ~ Marvin Suggs and his Muppaphone

Happy Halloween, y'all!!  Now, what's moving you today? Write up a post and let us know... Here is all you need to do to play along:

First step: Head on over to You Tube, or anywhere you get your music videos and post them on your blog! Upcoming themes are to you LOWER RIGHT of XmasDolly's blog.

Second Step: Grab our "Monday's Music Moves Me" Button, mine is on my right sidebar, or off of any of the hosts' sites.
Third step: SIGN THE LINKY - Follow your hosts, grab their buttons too when you visit them and show them some love by leaving a comment.. (mine is on my right sidebar above the 4M button)

Final step: Go visit the other Rockers on our Linky and PLEASE show them some love by leaving them a comment, you know you like comments, they do too!

Once you write up your post, link up with us (on any of the host's blog - they are all connected) and you may be chosen as our SPOTLIGHT DANCERS like this week's lucky couple in our #1 and #2 linky spots.....

Katie of Katie Talks Carolina ~~ and ~~ Tracy of  The Dinner Belle


If you are one of the lucky ones who is chosen for our spotlight dance, don't forget to grab the Spotlight Dancer Button from Dolly's right sidebar and proudly display it on your blog... WooHoo!

Now, don't forget to sign the linky, visit the participants, and leave a comment - you know you like them, so does everyone else. For more Monday music fun, visit Lady Estrogen and my friend Denise at Run DMT.
Wishing you all a happy and safe Halloween, please send any left-over candy my way, I don't have any kids that go trick-or-treating to steal, err share with. HUGGLES!!

We're very sorry to say there are some people not playing along just using our linky to get traffic for their blogs! Unfortunately, these bloggers will be marked and ignored, you will not get any benefit from our linky, so don't bother. All we ask is that you leave a comment, grab our button, ad/or follow us. If you don't want to post a video, you can post a link to a video, or post some lyrics, but please - at least attempt to make it music related.

*** Just one more thing...
PLEASE, we are family friendly blogs and while we really don't want to censor anyone,
but we do ask that you keep your songs rated PG13 or less.
If you find that you need to post songs of an explicit sexual nature or language,
please find a different venue. If your song does contain a small amount of questionable Language, please put a disclaimer BEFORE the video.
Thank you very much!***

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Silly Halloween Funnies


What's a monster's favorite play?
Romeo and Ghouliet

What do you get when you cross Bambi with a ghost?

What's do you call a haunted chicken?
A poultry-geist

Why do mummies make excellent spies?
They're good at keeping things under wraps

What kind of monster is safe to put in the washing machine?
A wash and wear wolf

What do you get when you divide the diameter of a jack-o-lantern by its circumference?
Pumpkin Pi

Why do ghouls and demons hang out together?
Because demons are a ghoul's best friend!

What happened to the guy who couldn't keep up payments to his exorcist?
He was repossessed.

Wishing you all a happy and safe Halloween with those you love and LOTS of candy. 


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Rodan and Fields Giveaway Winner


First of all I'd like to thank all of you who took the time out to enter my giveaway, you are all wonderful! So now for the big momment..... I am SO excited to announce: 

The winner as chosen through, with 68 entries is number 50 who is.....

Carolyn G said...
Follow on twitter: carogonza

Random Number Generator
Powered by RANDOM.ORG

Congratulations, Carolyn, I've sent you an email and cannot wait to hear from you and teach you how to use this amazing product.

Again, thank you all for the interest in this wonderful product. If you are still interested in any of the products please feel free to contact me through my website or if you are interested in partnering me in the business, check out the awesome opportunity on my website, or you can contact me via email at

Have a wonderful weekend. HUGGLES!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Rodan and Fields Before/After Photographs


As many of you know, I have recently partnered with the amazing dermatologist, Rodan and Fields, who created Proactiv in their fabulous venture in skincare.  Here is a great video showing some before and after photographs of actual product users (you can see my 2 week progress on Facebook).

Isn't this incredible?  I am in love with these products and would LOVE for all of you to get the chance for you to try them. Head on over to my product website to see the product that is best for you.  If you would like to join me as I build my business, you can also check out how to do that on my website also or contact me via email at

**Don't forget I have a giveaway for the AMP MD System valued at $200 that ends Wednesday at 10pm - so you still have time to enter!!**

Monday's Music Moves Me: October 24, 2011 - I'm Thinking About All My Friends



Welcome to a Monday's Music Moves Me, the fantabulistic music meme hosted by me, my dearest of friends Dolly from XmasDolly, Callie from Jamerican Spice and the wonderful Stacy from Stacy Uncorked. This week's theme is FREEBIE! So, what's moving you today???

I've been thinking about all my friends this week. Some have been having some difficulties, others have been really supportive of me, and I even got to see one of my good bloggy friends that I haven't seen in a year and a half. So today I'm posting songs about FRIENDSHIP.....

You've Got a Friend in Me ~ Randy Newman

You're My Best Friend ~ Queen

With A Little Help From My Friends - The Beetles

And one fun one to close it out......

Thank You For Being a Friend ~ The Golden Girls Theme

So for all of my great friends - and you know who you are - those are for you!  Now, what's moving you today? Write up a post and let us know... Here is all you need to do to play along:

First step: Head on over to You Tube, or anywhere you get your music videos and post them on your blog! Upcoming themes are to you LOWER RIGHT of XmasDolly's blog.

Second Step: Grab our "Monday's Music Moves Me" Button, mine is on my right sidebar, or off of any of the hosts' sites.

Third step: SIGN THE LINKY - Follow your hosts, grab their buttons too when you visit them and show them some love by leaving a comment.. (mine is on my right sidebar above the 4M button)

Final step: Go visit the other Rockers on our Linky and PLEASE show them some love by leaving them a comment, you know you like comments, they do too!

Once you write up your post, link up with us (on any of the host's blog - they are all connected) and you may be chosen as our SPOTLIGHT DANCERS like this week's lucky couple in our #1 and #2 linky spots.....

Cathy of Cathy Kennedy's Blog ~~ and ~~ Stacey of Artsnark's Artifacts


If you are one of the lucky ones who is chosen for our spotlight dance, don't forget to grab the Spotlight Dancer Button from Dolly's right sidebar and proudly display it on your blog... WooHoo!

Now, don't forget to sign the linky, visit the participants, and leave a comment - you know you like them, so does everyone else. For more Monday music fun, visit Lady Estrogen and my friend Denise at Run DMT.


We're very sorry to say there are some people not playing along just using our linky to get traffic for their blogs! Unfortunately, these bloggers will be marked and ignored, you will not get any benefit from our linky, so don't bother. All we ask is that you leave a comment, grab our button, ad/or follow us. If you don't want to post a video, you can post a link to a video, or post some lyrics, but please - at least attempt to make it music related.

*** Just one more thing...
PLEASE, we are family friendly blogs and while we really don't want to censor anyone,
but we do ask that you keep your songs rated PG13 or less.
If you find that you need to post songs of an explicit sexual nature or language,
please find a different venue. If your song does contain a small amount of questionable language, please put a disclaimer BEFORE the video.
Thank you very much!***

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

I LOVE Getting Together with Blogger Friends


I was so thrilled when Crystal of Simply Being Mommy contacted me via Twitter and told me that she was in Orlando at a conference for Ford - make sure subscribe to her blog so you can see WHY she was there, you will be AMAZED!!  She and her family weren't going to be there for too long, but we were able to get together this morning for brunch at the Hilton Bonnet Creek where she was staying. We had such a great time and it wasn't even like we had just been together, not like it had been a year and a half since we'd seen each other. Except for how big her kids had gotten - WOW.

Here are some photos from our all to short get together......


Rylan and Peyton


Sleepy Peyton, Ryan (Daddy Digest), Taylor and Rylan 

Peyton, Crystal and Me

Crystal and Peyton

I SO can't wait for Crystal, Ryan and the kids to come visit again... for much longer. They are all so sweet and, I know Crystal will disagree with me, but her kids are really just the BEST.

Becoming "real life" friends with your "bloggy" friends is such a magnificent thing that if you EVER have the opportunity to meet some of the people you have gotten to know while blogging, I definitely suggest you take advantage of it... you will NOT regret it.

HUGGLES to you all Crystal, Ryan, Taylor, Peyton and especially to my little buddy Rylan!! =)

{Disclaimer: Text links are provided for my readers because I lubs you guys, I was not paid by any of the companies represented here. However IF any of these companies would like to work with me, I would love to represent you.}

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Larry the Cable Guy's Git-R-Done Foundation Charity Event


Sunday night was Larry the Cable Guy's Git-R-Done Foundation charity event with both silent and live auctions. Bill and I had the privilege to volunteer during the event checking in people as they arrived and helping them check out and pay for their auction items.

The food was delicious and the people were very generous. Larry was SO nice and very grateful to all of the volunteers who helped out during the event. All of the volunteers were even treated to dinner the next night as a thank you for all we did. Here are some photos of the event and the dinner the next night.

Ron "Tater Salad" White

Silent Auction

Silent Auction

Paddle used for Live Auction =)


Bill in his Git-R-Done Cap

Live Auction

Bill and Ron "Tater Salad" White

Volunteer Dinner (that's me in the back)

If you have it in your heart and your wallet (believe me I know times are tough) and can help out this outstanding charity so that so many little children can have the opportunity to walk when no one thought they could, will you please give what you can, either online or through the mail.


Monday, October 17, 2011

So Sad.... No Monday's Music Moves Me for me Today....



I'm so sorry that I didn't get a chance to post any songs this week for M4.... what a week I've had. I spent two days lying down because of vertigo, I had my business launch for Rodan and Fields, then I spent the rest of the week with my friend Lynn running around and getting things ready for the Git-R-Done Foundation Golf Classic charity event. 

I was up Saturday until 1:00a.m. typing for the silent auction then had a glitch in my computer... then stayed up until 4:00a.m. trying to correct it, got up at 8:00a.m. to try and retrieve the info but no such luck. Sooooo I had to retype everything again on Bill's desktop and print them all out... UGH!! You all know how that can be.  But I got them done and over to the golf club in time and helped set up the items for the silent auction - some really AWESOME items. Then me along with 3 very special women, Wendy, Kathy and Amanda were set to check in all the arrivals and then when the auctions were over, we had to check them out and have them pay for their purchased.

It really was a wonderful event... the food was delicious and it was great to be able to meet Larry the Cable Guy and Ron White.  I'll have more on the event with photos later - when I wake up more... By the time we got home last night, I was so tired Bill said I was sound asleep and snoring by the time he got in the bedroom, so he covered me up, moved my computer and turned off the TV and the lights - what a good man.

Don't forget you can still participate in our Monday's Music Moves Me with today's theme being Songs about an animal or their breed .... Let's see what's got you moving today.  Here's all you have to do:

First step: Head on over to You Tube, or anywhere you get your music videos and post them on your blog! Upcoming themes are to you LOWER RIGHT of XmasDolly's blog.

Second Step: Grab our "Monday's Music Moves Me" Button, mine is on my right sidebar, or off of any of the hosts' sites.

Third step: SIGN THE LINKY - Follow your hosts, grab their buttons too when you visit them and show them some love by leaving a comment.. (mine is on my right sidebar above the 4M button)

Final step: Go visit the other Rockers on our Linky and PLEASE show them some love by leaving them a comment, you know you like comments, they do too!


We're very sorry to say there are some people not playing along just using our linky to get traffic for their blogs! Unfortunately, these bloggers will be marked and ignored, you will not get any benefit from our linky, so don't bother. All we ask is that you leave a comment, grab our button, ad/or follow us. If you don't want to post a video, you can post a link to a video, or post some lyrics, but please - at least attempt to make it music related.

*** Just one more thing...
PLEASE, we are family friendly blogs and while we really don't want to censor anyone,
but we do ask that you keep your songs rated PG13 or less.
If you find that you need to post songs of an explicit sexual nature or language,
please find a different venue. If your song does contain a small amount of questionable language, please put a disclaimer BEFORE the video.
Thank you very much!***

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Larry the Cable Guy's "Git-R-Done" Foundation Golf Classic


This weekend I have the privilege of helping my friend Lynn out at a charity event at the Grand Cypress Golf Club in Orlando, FL organized by Larry the Cable Guy's Git-R-Done Foundation to benefit Arnold Palmer Medical Center and the International Hip Dysplasia Institute.

Larry won $300,000 on "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader." He is donating that money to The Arnold Palmer Foundation to further research on hip dysplasia

Hip dysplasia means that the bones of the hip joint are not aligned correctly. It affects thousands of children and adults each year and is known by many different names:
  • Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH)
  • Hip Dislocation
  • Congenital Dislocation of the Hip (CDH)
  • Loose Hips
Hip dysplasia prevents the hip joint from functioning properly and the joint wears out much faster than normal, much like a car's tires will wear out faster when out of alignment. It is also a "silent" condition that means pain is not normally felt until much later stages, making it harder to detect.

Approximately 1 out of every 20 full-term babies has some hip instability and 2-3 out of every 1,000 infants will require treatment. In spite of the frequency of DDH in babies and the potential for life-long disability caused by DDH, the awareness of this condition is poor outside of the medical profession. Early diagnosis, prevention, and simple treatment is the best solution, however many hip dislocations are difficult to treat with the current methods of care. This event will help bring money and recognition to the disease so that more children can be helped and cured.

This two day event on Sunday, Oct. 16th and Monday, Oct. 17th includes golfing, awards dinner and a cocktail party with both a live and silent auction. I am going to be involved in the cocktail party, signing in those who arrive and then taking care of the sales at the auction - I'm really excited about helping out such a fabulous charity. I'm also psyched to be able to meet some of the celebrities who will be there taking part in all of the events, including:

Larry the Cable Guy- Git-R-Done! Larry was born in the back of an El Camino during a Foghat concert. He has been touring for over 20 years and has enjoyed success with his Blue Collar friends, Jeff Foxworthy, Bill Engvall and Ron White. He currently stars in Only in America on The History Channel and will lend his voice to Mater, the lovable tow truck, in this summer’s Cars 2!

Ron White- Comedian Ron “Tater Salad” White is best known as the cigar smoking, scotch drinking funnyman from the “Blue Collar Comedy” phenomenon. He has two Grammy nominations, a Gold Record, two of the top rated one-hour specials in Comedy Central history, and a book that appeared on the New York Times Best Seller List.
Boo Weekley- Since joining the PGA in 2007, Boo already has 35 finishes in the Top 25. He has 2 wins, both at the Verizon Heritage in 2007 and 2008. He is nicknamed after cartoon hero Yogi Bear’s sidekick, “Boo Boo” Bear.
Dennis Rasmussen- Dennis was a starting pitcher for Major League Baseball’s San Diego Padres and then played with New York Yankees Cincinnati Reds,Chicago Cubs and Kansas City Royals He batted and threw left-handed. In 1988, his 14-4 record with the Padres tied him with for the team single season Won-Loss record (.778).
Joey Fatone- Joey Fatone first tasted fame as one of the five pop artists of the popular boy band ‘N Sync. When ‘N Sync disbanded, he decided to use his creative genius elsewhere, appearing in a Broadway production of Little Shop of Horrors and in highly-acclaimed films such as My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Fatone placed second on Dancing with the Stars, season 4 and recently finished work on a new movie, Inkubus
Davey Johnson-As a major league ball player, Johnson reached the World Series 4 times with The Baltimore Orioles in the late 60′s and early 70′s, and won it all twice with them. He has the distinction of being the last person to get a hit off of Sandy Koufax. After his career ended in ’78, Johnson became the head coach of the New York Mets where he won the World Series as a head coach in 1986.
Doc Rivers-Rivers spent most of his playing career with The Atlanta Hawks, showing off is great defensive skills. He became the Head Coach of The Orlando Magic in 1999, winning the Coach of the Year award in 2000. In 2004, he became the Head Coach of The Boston Celtics and it is there that he led the team to win The NBA Championship in 2008!
Lee Janzen- Janzen has won eight times on the PGA Tour, most notably the 1993 and 1998 U.S. Opens. In 1993, Janzen defeated Payne Stewart, en route to tying the 72-hole U.S. Open scoring record of 8-under par. Five years later, he again beat out Stewart to win his second U.S. Open. He overcame a five stroke deficit on Sunday, the best final-round comeback in a U.S. Open since 1973. Janzen also notched a victory at The Players Championship in 1995.
If you have it in your heart and your wallet (believe me I know times are tough) and can help out this outstanding charity so that so many little children can have the opportunity to walk when no one thought they could, will you please give what you can, either online or through the mail.
If you are in the central Florida area and would like to attend any of the events or even have the ability to donate something for the the auctions, please email me at or contact the organizer directly at or 702-370-3691 (the organizers are requesting the value be $100) - where are my wonderful ETSY business owners? You have some beautiful jewelry out there!!
As Larry the Cable Guy says, some of the top minds in the world are working to spread the word about diagnosis, prevention and care for Hip Dysplasia. Thanks to people like all of you and those who join events like this, with all of our help, we will "Git-R-Done!"
The International Hip Dysplasia Institute is making great strides thanks to a $5,000,000 donation from the Git-R-Done Foundation.


Monday, October 10, 2011

Monday's Music Moves Me: Oct. 10, 2011 ~ I'm in an Elvis Kinda Mood



Welcome to a Monday's Music Moves Me, the fantabulistic music meme hosted by me, my dearest of friends Dolly from XmasDolly, Callie from Jamerican Spice and the wonderful Stacy from Stacy Uncorked. This week's theme is FREEBIE! So, what's moving you today???

I'm pretty sure that you all know I adore Elvis and today I'm really in the mood to share some of his most wonderful songs with you all.....

Photo Credit
Love Me Tender

Are You Lonesome Tonight?

Crying in the Chapel

And lastly, my very favorite Elvis song which I have shared before, but is worth sharing again.....

In the Ghetto

So now that Elvis is in your head too... what's moving you today? Write up a post and let us know... Here is all you need to do to play along:

First step: Head on over to You Tube, or anywhere you get your music videos and post them on your blog! Upcoming themes are to you LOWER RIGHT of XmasDolly's blog.

Second Step: Grab our "Monday's Music Moves Me" Button, mine is on my right sidebar, or off of any of the hosts' sites.

Third step: SIGN THE LINKY - Follow your hosts, grab their buttons too when you visit them and show them some love by leaving a comment.. (mine is on my right sidebar above the 4M button)

Final step: Go visit the other Rockers on our Linky and PLEASE show them some love by leaving them a comment, you know you like comments, they do too!

Once you write up your post, link up with us (on any of the host's blog - they are all connected) and you may be chosen as our SPOTLIGHT DANCERS like this week's lucky couple in our #1 and #2 linky spots.....

Karen of If I Could Escape ~~ and ~~ Hazel of Stasia Desiderata


If you are one of the lucky ones who is chosen for our spotlight dance, don't forget to grab the Spotlight Dancer Button from Dolly's right sidebar and proudly display it on your blog... WooHoo!

Now, don't forget to sign the linky, visit the participants, and leave a comment - you know you like them, so does everyone else. For more Monday music fun, visit Lady Estrogen and my friend Denise at Run DMT.


We're very sorry to say there are some people not playing along just using our linky to get traffic for their blogs! Unfortunately, these bloggers will be marked and ignored, you will not get any benefit from our linky, so don't bother. All we ask is that you leave a comment, grab our button, ad/or follow us. If you don't want to post a video, you can post a link to a video, or post some lyrics, but please - at least attempt to make it music related.

*** Just one more thing...
PLEASE, we are family friendly blogs and while we really don't want to censor anyone,
but we do ask that you keep your songs rated PG13 or less.
If you find that you need to post songs of an explicit sexual nature or language,
please find a different venue. If your song does contain a small amount of questionable language, please put a disclaimer BEFORE the video.
Thank you very much!***

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.
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