I was lucky enough to talk via Facebook to my son Nik today over in Afghanistan. He is doing well; lonely, cold, and some lousy creep stateside got a hold of his debit card number and stole $400 from him, but otherwise he is OK. He wants me to send him snacks and books. He laughed when he said books, because as he said it, he mentioned that he had just read his first book (one with over 300 pages he added) since 8th grade.
I sent on all the wonderful wishes that you have all given me for him and he wanted me to thank you all on behalf of himself and his unit. So I'll be sending a care package to him soon and if you'd like me to send any wishes, let me know - I'll print out your messages and send them along to him and his unit. I just want to thank you all for your support of our family, it really does make this time so much easier. Love to you all!
Until next time..... Lorie
Nik & unit -
I want to thank you all for risking your lives daily so that I may have the freedom to walk the streets without fear.
Your job, though not glorious, is one that deserves more than we can ever pay you!
God bless you all!
Huggles guys and gals!
I hope Nik stays warm over there. We have a friend who just landed in country and said it's butt cold.
Funny how much reading soldiers do when they're deployed. Must be why my husband hardly reads when he's home.
Thanks for visiting my blog too.
As I maybe said I think your blog is very nice and I am following you now on my other blog.
Than I must say you have a nice looking son, I hope he is ok and not freezing too much. Is he coming home soon?
Yes, a library is a good place if you like books ;) I do like books and I read, but my job there is as a cleaner. Hard job, too. Eight hours a´day, from 06.00 in the morning and four hours at the library and than four hours at a school doing the same, finishing at 15.00.
So you are Irish decents, thats interesting. What is your familynames from the time they were living in Ireland, and from where in Ireland did they come? My man, Brian, is born in Dublin.
I also wonder where in the States you live? I know there is relatives om my side somewhere.As I am interesting in genealogi so you maybe understand my questions ;)
Have a wonderful day/
Ulla & Brian
Thanks Lorie for your quick answer. I wish I could help with your Swedish side of th family but the name Swansson or Svensson, as we say is one of the most common surenames so it´s not easy. Do you have any idéa at all?
I read that you are not 100% well I wish we were a bit closer than I would introduce a very good product that I think might have helped you. It´s not medecine. It´s a Company from Gothenburg in Sweden who is behind all the good health products. They have had a small Company that belonged to it but not any longer. It is too much money involved with export/import.
By the way, my mans surname is Fitzgerald.
All the best,hugs/
Aw, I'm SO SO SO happy that you got to talk to your son! What a wonderful way to start the day :)
I love how he asked for books-It really is a great way to pass the time!! Lol
I'm not sure if he would be interested, but I'm a letter writer so if he wants a sort of pen pal, I'd be more then happy to write to him! You should see my stash of cards and stationary(I need a 12 step program for that, too LOL).
What a smuck, stealing from anyone is pathetic but stealing from a soldier is just sad.
Working on a note for Nickolaus. I hope to email it over, don't want to just toss something together too quick.
WHAT someone stole his money!!!! I hope the bank refunded it quickly!!!
LOL Books are great to pass the time :)
Amen to such an amazing young man you raised!!
Yay - thank you Facebook!!! How great that you were able to have a conversation. Do you have messenger? Can he use that?
I can't believe someone stole his money! It's so frustrating when things like that happen, and to have it happen while you are out of the country?? Ugh-I hope the bank is able to get it back for him.
I'd love to send a little care package, if you'd be okay with sharing his fpo address. Care packages from strangers are fun! :)
I would like to thank your son and all the military who are risking their lives for us. I appreciate what they are doing and as always I am praying for their safety.
Take care, God Bless and come home soon.
Thank you to Nik and everyone else over there for keeping us all safe over there. Without him, who knows what kind of place I'd be raising my little boy in.
Also, thanks for all you who are keeping his homefires burning. I don't know how you do it, but I'm sure glad you are.
Fantastic you were able to talk to him. It is so unfortunate that someone stole from him! Please thank him so much for serving his country, people like him are who let us live the American life!
What kind of books does he like? I have a Halo series that I bought my husband not knowing he already had it. I can send it out to him if he would like them. Or let me know what he likes, I would love to ship something out to him!
I hope you know that you are in our thoughts and prayers... My husband, Marc, should be heading home soon from over there...
Take care and Be safe!
Make sure you go to the POST OFFICE and stock up on the LARGE FLAT RATE boxes.. they are $12.50 to send over whatever you can cram in there... Also, ask them for a stack of customs forms, that way you can have them filled out already before you get there...
Email me and we can talk more about it.. .
Hope you are doing great.. I am sure you LOVED talking to Nik, now.. lets talk about you and him maybe Skypeing...
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