Welcome back to Sunday Stealing originated on WTIT: The Blog authored by Bud Weiser. Here we will steal all types of memes from every corner of the blogosphere.
Today we ripped off a blogger named Lonnie at the blog In Real Life No. She does not state where she got the meme. But, it was probably stolen there as well. So, of course, that will be as far as we go. Tracing back our theft's thieves might take some time. Link back to us at Sunday Stealing!
Sunday Stealing: The Meme Time Meme
01. Real First Name: Lorie
02. Birthday: December 7th
03. Where do you live: Celebration, Florida
04: What are you studying/What are you working as: Being a kept woman!
05. What makes you happy: See question #04 - TeeHee!!
06. What are you listening to now/have listened to last: I'm watching a Nicolas Cage movie called "Lord of War." It was actually pretty good.
07. What is particularly good/bad about your blog: Everything is good on my blog, or I would stop writing it... DUH!!
08. An interesting fact about you: I got braces at 28 years old.
09. Are you in love/have a crush at the moment: I am very deeply in love!
10. Favorite place to be: Wherever my husband is.
11. Favorite lyric: Bryan Adams: "Forever we will be- together- just you and me. The more I get to know ya- the more I really care, with all of my heart- ya know I'll always be... and ya know I really love ya- nothin' can compare, for all of my life, ya know I'll always be- right there." {It was Bill and my wedding song... all together now, AWWW}
12. Best time of the year: Summer
13. Weirdest food you like: I am really picky... I don't really like strange food.
01. A film: I really enjoyed 2012.
02. A book: Anything by Robin Cook
03. A song:
04: A band: Styx
01. One thing you like about a blogger that you have not met: There are too many to pick just one, but the common thing about all of them is the fact that they are so sweet and genuine!
02. Two things you like about yourself: I try really hard to: 1. See the good in people; and 2. Make people feel good about themselves and make them smile.
03. Name three things that you need in a lover: Kindness, thoughtfulness, and stamina! {TeeHee} I've just described Bill - be jealous ladies, be very jealous!!
That brings us to the close of another Sunday Stealing. Now don't forget to visit the other participants of this meme, I'm sure there are lots of great answers... see you next week.
Until next time..... Lorie
28 for brace? Brave & bold. Great job today. Enjoy the evening... :)
I was 35 when I got braces on my teeth my leg braces well that's been forever like age 4. Love ya Lorie!
Forgot to say your are definately aperson that makes others feel good about themselves. That's why I love ya!
oh i like styx too!
way to go bill!!! lol
your birthday is very historical
Let me know when you figure out that kept woman thing. I keep having to compete with this wench called the Army.
Ah - I don't have to be jealous of you girl - I got that too! But I can be VERY happy for you!
If you don't read another post on my blog....(but I hope you do) read this one:
I looooooooove Styx. We've seen them three times and we're going to see them again next month.
I got braces at 27 :), so alike :)
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