My wonderful friend Tami over at Misc. Ramblings has been so kind as to pass along to me The Irresistibly Sweet Blog Award. I thank her SO much because I happen to think she is one of the sweetest people I know, she definitely deserved receiving this award. Love you girlfriend!!
The rules: Give 7 random facts about yourself and then pass this award on to 10 deserving bloggers and let them know they have been awarded. So, here goes:
Seven random facts about myself:
1. I didn't get braces until I was 28 years old and had to wear them until I was 32.
2. I have two titanium rods in my spine and 8 screws - it's fun going through an airport.
3. My favorite thing to drink in the whole world is ice water... really!
4. My son's "gave me away" at my wedding to Bill - they looked SO cute.
5. I have kissed the Blarney stone in Ireland.
6. Cinderella's Carousel and It's a Small World are my favorite rides at Walt Disney World.
7. Bill is 24 years older than me... I'm his "trophy wife" and I am a "kept woman!" TeeHee!!
Here are the 10 absolutely sweet bloggers I want to pass this award on to:
1. Noelle of Jumpin Beans
2. Marie of XmasDolly
3. Maria of Maria's Space
4. Alexis of Running Away? I'll Help You Pack!
5. Grace of Sandier Pastures
6. Tricia of The Night Owl Mama
7. Amanda of Confessions from Householdsix
8. Krystyn of Really, Are You Serious?
9. Tanya of Mommy Goggles
10. Kathleen of Life with 4 Boys
So, thank you again, my dear friend Tami... and to all those I passed this on to... please display it with pride, you deserve it!

congrats on the award...
and thank you so much for passing it to me!!!!
You totally deserve it!!
awwww thanks so much Lori that is so sweet of you.
Congratulations on this very apropos award xD I love learning more about you-I had no idea you've kissed the Blarney stone! That's so COOL xD
You deserve the award honey - cause you are the best of the best and the cream of the crop. I love you and will always stand by your side and hold your hand, your puppies, or anything else that needs held!
Congrats on your award. Happy Fourth of July ! Have a wonderful safe holiday. Stopping by from MMMMM
Congrats on the award Lorie! I can think of no one who deserves this particular award more than you. You are one of the sweetest, most cheerful and giving people I know.
So much I did not know about you though. Can't wait to go kiss that Blarney stone one day too. Thank-you so much for passing on the award to me, it means a lot coming from you!
THIS is definitely YOUR award. Sweetest blogger, ever. Congratulatory hugs to you. :o)
Ahh sweets you so deserve this award.
You're the best thing ever to pass it on! Thank you for thinking of me. LOVE you lots!!!!
I think we talked about how we got braces around the same time in life. Lord my brain is toast ... lol
So I knew you were a trophy wife but I didn't realize 24 yrs :). You go Bill :)
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