Friday, June 25, 2010

Cartoon of the Day - Advantages???? of Telephone Technology

Sometimes technology can really be a pain in the butt!  I know that when we had a house phone, there were days at our house that were just like this:

Hope you all had a great week, sorry I haven't been visiting and haven't posted much, but my whole week has been like that cartoon - I just can't seem to get organized.  I'm going to try and do better next week.

Until next time..... Lorie


SquirrelQueen said...

Been there, done that! I remember those days, I was so happy when they put the little headset finder button on phones. Of course now I misplace my cell.

Adaptable Kay said...

Haha. Ain't that the truth though! I always misplace my cell phone, so I can't imagine losing a landline. LOL

XmasDolly said...

LOL I can almost picture you doing that too. Running frantically all over trying to find the phone. LOL Have a good weekend.

Alexis AKA MOM said...

I'm sorry I haven't been around it's just been nuts around here. I get a post up and then off and running and barely can stop by and say hi or answer my emails ... ugh sorry I know you sent me an email and I haven't even had a free moment to read it.

Sorry bad bloggy friend. Thank you so much for thinking of me. It's been pretty rough lately, not keeping my head above water :(

~ Noelle said...

it is like that every day...
we got a house phone because of the bundle...
although we never really use it, we get the occasional wrong number

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