Welcome to Monday's Music Moves Me!!! We want to make this one of the BEST meme's in all of Blogville, but we cannot do that without YOU.... so come share your music with us and bring your friends to share theirs with us, too!!
Running this little dance party of ours is the sweetest and most wonderful Marie of XmasDolly. The cohosts helping to keep the party rockin' and rollin' are three absolutely fabulous women, who I love to call my friends: Callie of JamericanSpice, Stacy of Stacy Uncorked, and Cathy of Cathy Kennedy's Blog. Plus because life gets to be so hectic at times, we occasionally have one of our faithful followers/participants help us with our cohosting duties. This month, we have Danielle of Royalegacy helping us out, so don't forget to go visit her and follow her blog also!
Normally I am also a cohost on this magnificent meme, but my back and neck have been giving me much more difficulty over the last month and I fell last week, causing me even greater pain and the ability to spend less time on the computer. Soooo, I am going to take the month of August off from my hosting duties while I try and recuperate. I will still post the weekly theme and the linky and will do my best to visit as many of you as I can with the time I can spend on the computer.
I do hope you will continue to support the meme, follow the other ladies, and rock your hearts out every week... I know that some Mondays it really is the only thing that gets me going. =)
So, this week the theme is Country Songs or as chosen by last week's Spotlight Dancer Songs about Animals. I cannot wait to see what you post...... Have a great week and keep on rockin!!
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.
***Just one more note,
***Just one more note,
please keep your songs PG - this is a family blog.
If you do have one song that has some questionable lyrics or content,
PLEASE put a disclaimer BEFORE the video
so my readers can make an informed decision
as to whether they wish to view it or not.
Thank you!***
Rest up and GET WELL! Have a very relaxing week.
I hope soon you'll be well!
Ditto on the getting well stuff! Now you really don't have to do the Post sweetie you just get better. Hugzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz and have a great day!
You and me both, we're just not having a good time of it this month! Well, mine has been ongoing, but still, I feel your pain o.O
Things will start getting better for both of us. It may not be right away, but it'll happen. Lots of love and hugs comin' your way!
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