We have all heard the terrible stories of babies or children left in hot cars because parents have forgotten that they were there, with disastrous results. Well, Debra over at An Island Life has found this wonderful company Emma's Inspirations that has wonderful static clings for cars, the house, or anywhere you'd like to place them. Please head on over to the site to see what is available, it could just save a precious life.
Until next time..... Lorie

What a great idea! Thanks for the info.
Good idea!
Stopping by from SITS.
This is a great idea. I actually know a family who's father left their baby in the car when he was watching the baby and he died. It was very sad. I don't understand how people can forget about their child, but I guess it happens and it happens way to often.
Bravo for whoever created this.
This is a great idea. It always breaks my heart when I hear a story of children or pets who were "forgotten" in hot cars.
what a great idea and way to help out! I'll have to check it out, thanks my dear!
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