I have been trying to win a Keurig Coffee maker for MONTHS - I have been entering every giveaway on every blog I have seen. I have even enlisted the help of my friends... thank you so much Barb (@winterbabe98) for all your emails, tweets and IMs letting me know every time you saw someone giving away one - YOU ROCK!!
Well, my wonderful husband, Bill knew how much I wanted one and saw a terrific deal on Amazon.com and bought me one as a gift... WOOHOO!!! What a great guy - isn't he??? He also got me a really nice carousel that holds 30 K-Cups and a K-Cup Reusable Coffee Filter.
Of course, as soon as it arrived, I had to make myself a cup of something, but it was after dinner and I really didn't want coffee, so I made myself some Earl Gray Tea. It was SO simple and so quick. It tasted so good and I LOVE it so much!!
Every time I make a cup of tea or coffee with my Keurig, I get so excited and happy, I have to give Bill a kiss and a hug because he was so sweet to get it for me. How could you not love this adorable man:
How was your week, anything exciting happen to you?

{FTC Disclosure: I did not receive any products from the companies mentioned, I just love the products and wanted to share my thoughts with my wonderful friends. I am an Amazon.com associate and the link is from my account. Thank you!}

How nice of him! Aww! Keurigs are great :) Welcome to the K-cup club lol!
My week was fine, flew by and I am utterly behind on "work". But that happens. Hopefully next week I can make up for it, on top of getting ready to go camping. Eep!
Wow what a nice present! I love my Keurig. I'm drooling over your carousel...mine sit in the box in a cabinet.
Lucky you! My husband bought one for his office and he loves it. Enjoy.
That was incredibly sweet of him!
You are going to love it! The convenience is wonderful. I use mine every single day.
What a sweetie he is!! I hope you are doing well!
how sweet...
bill is great! lol
my birthday is soon...
i will get a list to him ASAP!
I love mine! If you find you don't care for the taste of the coffee with the reusable filter thingy....try this http://www.my-kap.com/MYK/ I got this and I LOVE being able to be GREEN and have the same taste as the k-cups.
Since the basket they give you brews differently, I don't think it tastes nearly as good as reusing one of the actual k-cups! :)
Too cool!! FInally you've got one!!! Hugs!
We store our extra k-cups in a tupperware container. BJ's carries the Newman's coffee in larger quantities. I've also found different flavors at Bed, Bath, and Beyond. Lorie, if you want to know some sites to get other flavors online, let me know. And we also have the reusable filter, since we have New England coffee and Peet's in beans and ground still to use!
That is an awesome gift. I love my coffee maker. The coffee is awesome and there is something to be said about a fresh brewed up every time.
You are a lucky woman.
Awwwww!! I swear, every time I can't think you guys will get cuter, you prove me wrong! LOL
You best give that sweet hubby of yours a hug for me for proving that there still is hope in man kind. hehe
And enjoy your multitude of coffees and teas xD
What a nice husban, it looks like a nice coffee maker. A kiss and hug everytime you use it, now we have the motive for his madness, ha, ha.
Lorie, my mom just got one of these. She used Kohls cash, 30% off coupon AND her senior discount. I think they ended up giving her money for it! She loves it, so I know you will too...PS. LOVE the babies in the bath. I had no idea you were up to 5!
How sweet! Bill is definitely a keeper for that one! We love our Keurig. I did the same thing. I entered giveaway after giveaway, and didn't win. Then I did a cost analysis of DH stopping at Dunkin Donuts almost every morning, and it was cheaper. Kohl's was running a good deal on the brewers, so I made my move and bought one last fall. They're so easy even a 3yo can brew coffee (mine has done it when I wasn't looking).
Bill you need to help me get Rick to have some giving ideas like this.
I've been trying to win one forever and a vacuum and nothing ... lol
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