Ok, not quite ALL month, Nano and Lady Mia are both house broken, but the three dogs that we are dog sitting, not so much, and I am trying to teach them to go outside or at least on the puppy pads. I am having some success, but they are still having some accidents around the house. Poor Bill has washed the carpet four times already, he is such a great guy! But each time they have an accident and I discipline the guilty party, I get a face just like the one above and I can't get mad... could you? Look at these faces.....
The extra babies should be going home sometime this week... boy am I going to miss them!

Your Bill and my Rob - they must have been cut from the same cloth!
I know you are going to miss the babies (who wouldn't) but it will be nice to get back into your normal routine. (or at least if you are like me....come on school....LOL)
I see why you can't be mad, such cuteness. Your husband is such a sweetheart.
lol, they look like porcelain figures!
He is so sweet, Rick would be having a fit over cleaning the carpets.
Sorry to see they are leaving I know how much you love them.
Man, those are some pampered dogs. Look at those faces, they are perfect show dogs.
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