First you have to get everybody nekked, take out the girls bows and ponytails, and line them all up on the counter while the tub is filling with water.
Then you put all five of them in the tub and try to keep them in there.....
That generally doesn't work, so mommy ends up getting in the tub with them.
Everyone gets scrubbed up and then conditioned with a special shampoo and conditioner to make their hair nice and smooth and their skin itch free.
Next, mommy gets out and dries off first while the babies wait.
There are no photos of the drying of the babies.... do you know how hard it is to wrangle 5 wet Yorkies? It took both Bill and I to get them out of the tub and dry them off without getting EVERYTHING soaking wet. I put my camera out of the way of flying water and running puppies. It really was fun watching them all run around shaking and wrapping themselves up in their towels, plus coming up to us to have their ears, heads and bellies dried off.
Next came the brushing, dressing and bows.....
Lady Mia
... and my baby, Nano...
So ends the adventure. It was really a lot of fun and all the babies LOVED having their backs, bellies and heads scrubbed clean and getting a mini-massage with the conditioner. By the end, my back was killing me, but all the puppy kisses I got was an amazing reward.....

oh my goodness...
there is no way!
i am so glad you can do it!!!!
they are so cute though...
broxton would have a ball with all of them!
LOL! Oh...that's an adventure alright. We have had to give our cats baths before, not so fun :D
Ha - love the pics!! They are so adorable. I love seeing animals with wet fur looking all helpless and shrunken.
The beauty shots after are wonderful! Well worth the work of giving them a bath to have them so soft and fluffy right?
OK, why do you bathe the puppies in a small pool? Hold on, that's not a pool that's your bathtub. :)
Oh, I'm definitely coming to stay at your house!
**starts walking now**
hahaahha..I love it. Too cute. Look at all those babies. How amazing that you even attempt this. I have to tell you, I would not. They all look so cute waiting to be beautified!
So cute!!!
I gave Ewok her first bath and had to get in with her also. She was good until I tried to get her out!!! LOL
Adorable as always! The pups are cute too. ;o)
I've always liked how a freshly bathed dog becomes so spunky. Washes years off my old dog.
Where the heck have I been? I only remember Nano, where did all those other pups come from? Are they all yours? To keep? Hahaha
As cute as they are (love the bows!)...I don't know that I could handle five dogs. Ethan on the other hand would love it. Hahaha!
Those faces are just too much to stand!! LOL
Kudos to you and hubby for giving all 5 of those babies a bath at the SAME time...
I can't even imagine doing that. LOL
This is such a wonderful post. Love all the pictures, they are so cute, I also like the smell of a freshly bathed dog. Hope your back is feeling better. Have a nice week.
Oh they are so adorable~!! 5! the most I had was 3 at one time, and still bathed them one at a time in the kitchen sink... they then would run around the house, plow up the carpet or the sofa cushions for good measure to help dry off, didn't matter how many towels you had, it was part of the fun. Mine sadly are all gone. my DH & I are in a similar condition you are, except we both are disabled. My 1st visit, tho I recognize your name from several other blogs. Happy to meet you & your furry family!
Faythe @ GrammyMousetails
You are a VERY brave woman! I guess that's how moms with multiples do the whole bath thing. They are just darling!
I love that tub!
I had no idea you had 5 doggies! I knew you had a few LOL
OMgosh Lorie! How stinkin' cute are your pictures. You are awesome and I'm sure the puppies thank you.
Just look at all of those cuties. I think that's the way I would do it too! Jump right in there with them - LOL too funny!
They're so cute! Just like trying to bathe human babies and trying to keep everything from becoming a swamp when they're done.
That is too freaking cute :), I don't know how you do it I would have lost my mind.
You're looking so cute in your swim suit
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