I have been so blessed to receive the Sunshine Award from four of my favorite people from wonderful blogs: Melissa from Outnumbered 3 to 1, Debby from Just Breathe and For Your Tears, Annette from Fairy Blog Mother and Dolly from XmasDolly. I think this is such a truly wonderful honor as I try to make people happy with my blog and bring a little light into their world, so thank you so much Mel, Debby, Annette and Dolly I really appreciate your thinking of me and love you all so much! I also think you all bring a great deal of sunshine to my life as well... Please, dear readers, head on over to their blogs and give them a look, you will NOT be disappointed!
Here are the rules of this award:
- Put the logo on your blog or within your post.
- Pass the award onto 12 bloggers.
- Link the nominees within your post.
- Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
- Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.
Here are the 12 bloggers I would love to share this award with (in no particular order):
- Beth from Manic Mother
- Kailani from An Island Life
- Margaret from Old Digger
- Erin from Mrs. Cox Slice o' Heaven
- Felicia from Go Graham Go
- Karen from 3Garnets & 2Sapphires
- Shannon from The Mommy-Files
- Jennifer from Eighty MPH Mom
- Michelle from Flying Giggles and Lollipops
- Noelle from Jumpin Beans
- Margaret from Nanny Goats in Panties
- Sissy from My Kids Might be Martians
These next two awards I received from my wonderful friend Kayla over at The Eclectic Element. She is a great blogger and has a wonderful Etsy site where she sells her beautiful hand made jewelry.

There are no special rules for this award, so I will just pass it on to my top five blog commentors - well, I have to skip #4 and include #6 because #4 happens to be the one and only Miss Kayla.
- 5. Maria from Maria's Space
- 4. Debby from Just Breathe and For your Tears
- 3. Crystal from Simply Being Mommy
- 2. Noelle from Jumpin Beans; and finally (drum roll, please....)
- 1. Alexis from Running Away? I'll Help You Pack!
I'd like to thank Kayla for also bestowing the Fabulous Sugar Doll Blogger Award on me and in the spirit of the award, I'm supposed to list 10 things about me, you may know some of these and you may not, but here goes:
- My husband, Bill is 24 years older than I am, I am 44 and he is 68.
- I have two children: Nikolaus age 21 and Alexander 18; and two step-children: Del and Denise (ages will be left personal); plus 4 step-grandchildren. None of whom live in Florida, they are in Connecticut and Texas.
- I HATE green peas and will not eat them in anything.
- My middle name is Jean and my maiden name is Sullivan.
- I became the luckiest girl in the world when Bill and I were married on March 15, 1997.
- Bill & I went to Ireland for our honeymoon - we landed on St. Patrick's day.
- I have something Disney in every single room of my house (you probably could have guessed that one - TeeHee).
- My favorite colors are red, green and blue.
- I finally got my dream car in 2004, hubby bought me a blue (to match my eyes, he said) 2000 Jaguar XJ8 4-door Sedan. I LOVE it!!
- I have the most wonderful man in the world as my husband and am extremely lucky to be married to him. I make sure to tell him that every single day!
Annette from Fairy Blog Mother also bestowed upon me the Happy 101 Sweet Friend Award. I like being called a sweet friend so thank you Annette, I think you are a sweet friend also, even with your smartass attitude, when it comes down to it, you have a wonderful heart and soul and I am happy that you are my friend! I have met SO many wonderful people in the blogging and Twitter communities in the last year that I really would have a hard time picking out a few to receive this award, so I'd like to give it to you all - those of you who follow me, those of you who comment, those of you who subscribe and especially those of you who are always there when I need encouragement when I am down or send me an email to make me smile just when I need it most. Thank you for being my friends.
Finally I was tagged by my good friend Michelle at Flying Giggles and Lollipops for the 5-5-5 Tag. I am to answer the five questions with five answers and tag 5 more bloggers, here we go:
Question 1: Where were you five years ago?
- I was 39 years old
- Living in Connecticut
- Working as a Compounding Pharmacy Technician
- I played Pokeeno once a month with my girlfriends for $1.00 a game
- Bill & I went out to dinner every other Saturday evening for dinner at our favorite Italian restaurant (the one we got married at)
Question 2: What is (was) on your to-do list today?
- Laundry
- Give Nano a bath
- Laundry
- Watch movies with Bill
- Laundry
Question 3: What five snacks do you enjoy?
- Chocolate.....mmmmmm!
- Ice Cream
- Jelly Beans
- Potato Chips/Tortilla Chips and Dip
- Cashews
Question 5: What five things would you do if you were a billionaire?
- Pay off my mortgage and pay off the house we are building.
- Buy both my children a home and pay off both my step-children's homes.
- Set up college funds for my grandchildren and pay for my children to go to college.
- Donate to animal, childrens' and battered women's charities.
- Take my marvelous husband and family (and Nano) on a cruise around the world on my own private yacht with a full staff.
And 5 bloggers to pass it on to...
- Amanda from Confessions from HouseholdSix
- Tami from Misc. Ramblings
- Lisa from Crazy Adventures in Parenting
- Connie from Brain Foggles
- Kaylen from It's Serious this Time
So thank you all so very much... Please visit all these fantastic bloggers, they are wonderful to me and have terrific blogs, I'm sure you'll find something you will like something you like.
Until next time..... Lorie
Congratulations on the awards Lorie! You so deserve them. You are one of the nicest bloggers I've ever met.
Thank you for passing on the honor to me. :D
Congrats Lorie! Can't think of many more deserving of such fantastic awards. And thank you for sharing some of that award love :) I always look forward to reading your comments and emailing with ya. You're such a sweetheart!
Thanks for thinking of me - you are the sweetest ever! You are so deserving of all of these awards, as you seem to make each and every blogger feel special and a dear friend.
I enjoyed learning more about you!
Hugs to you
Congrats on the awards Lorie, you deserve them all. You're so nice and supportive to so many other bloggers. I enjoyed reading more about you in this post.
Thank you for gracing me with one as well.
You are so sweet!! This is the most precious award I have ever received. I feel the same way about you as well! :)
Congrats on all the awards! You deserve every one of them and more!
Wow Lorie, so many awards and you deserve them all. Thanks for passing one on to me :)
Congratulation on all your awards, I also think you deserve them. Thank you for thinking of me and giving me the award. Have a nice week.
Wow, how wonderful. Congratulations on your awards and thank you for awarding me. I will put it on my blogs.
Girl - you are awardalicious! Thank you for bestowing one on me....I can't give it back to you though...so where do I go? Einey Meanie Miney Mo!
Thank you for remind me-I need to pass out a few awards myself!
Congratulations on everything you got-You definitely deserve them :D
Wow....you are like the queen of awards. So well deserved and couldn't go to a nicer person.
Thanks for the award my dear. I really appreciate the acknowledgment. I will eventually get it up there. I can only imagine how much email you have to go through as we speak of so often. So I know you will understand if it takes a few days to get it listed.
Congrats on your awards! Thank you so much for thinking of me. I will try to get this posted soon, I have been such a procrastinator lately, not usually like me!
Whoa there! Slow down, show off :)
Thanks for passing one along to me, you're a sweetie.
Wow look at all the awards! Thanks Lorie!
Muah TY sweetie!
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