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When Bill and I walk the dogs in the morning, we also feed the squirrels in the neighborhood. I took this photograph right after Bill gave this little guy a peanut (unsalted, of course). They are so cute and so friendly. The dogs just get such a kick out of watching them, as do we.

Until next time..... Lorie
What a lovely photo. A perfectly posed squirrel, and strong wood grain on the post.
Beautiful pic! We have a squirrel feeder in our yard so when we were Easter egg hunting the squirrels came to investigate & one ran off with an egg! Too funny. Just thought I'd share my silly story :)
Such a good picture, I feed unsalted peanuts to our squirrels also. They get really friendly, ours come and sit on the window and look in. When I call them to have a nut, Woody (Woodpecker) always comes and I throw him a nut, he flys down and gets it and flys away. I always know when he is coming, he makes a loud sound. Have a nice week.
Wow...that is the friendliest squirrel I've ever seen!
Awesome pic Lorie! The squirrels have been getting into our bird feeders like crazy!
Neat pic!
Hi! Stopping by from MBC. Great blog.
Love this picture!!
We used to feed a squirrel off our back porch before we moved. The cats LOVED to see him come trotting right up to the glass door. :)
what a cutie :) thanks for the warm visit! followin u now :)
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Life Can't Wait and Up Now and What's Next
Now, that is a great picture of a squirrel. Really good shot Lorie.
Squirrel! :D
he's so cute and I just love the b&w :)
He is a cutie! This is a great shot, the lighting is perfect and the details are great.
I missed MW last time but this week I also have a squirrel. Through Squirrel Eyes
Hope you are having a great weekend,
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