Today we will all be thinking about where we were and what we were doing 10 years ago when our lives changed forever. From that point on, it would always be before 9/11 or the attack and after 9/11 or the attack. Things would never be the same: security, travel, life in general....

I was finally able to talk to him and to my children around 5pm that day and couldn't wait to leave work, just so I could hold them in my arms. Then we all sat on the couch and watched TV in silence and shock with the rest of the country. We cried. We stared. We couldn't believe what was happening. We watched as America's Finest and Bravest risked and lost their lives to try and rescue their fellow Americans from burning and collapsing buildings in New York and Virginia... We heard how fearless Americans saved countless lives by stopping hijackers in Pennsylvania by taking down their plane and sacrificing their own lives.
We all came together as Americans... giving until it hurt: money, blood, food, water, anything and everything we had. Flags flew everywhere, my house included.....
Then we tried to get back to normal, as normal as we could. The late night comedians went back to work so that the terrorist wouldn't win!
Little by little we returned to our daily routine never to forget what happened and those we lost.
So as you go about your day today, please take a moment to fly your flag and to remember those that lost their lives 10 years ago today, the innocent civilians, the heroes "just doing what they do," and those amazing Americans in Pennsylvania. Also keep in mind those of our military who are fighting the terrorists who attacked us that day and who protect us every day so we can have the freedoms we have every day.
God bless you all and God bless America.
This terrible tragedy changed our country forever. It is amazing to me that my kids and grandkids will learn about this in history one day and I will have a "where were you" story from that day.
Sadly it has made us all less tolerant of Muslim people (or anyone we perceive is Muslim) and made us fearful and suspicious.
Also sad, obviously were the lives lost and the families torn apart.
So many heroes emerged on that day...
My American flag is small, but it's still a flag, and I'm going outside right now to get my newspaper and hang it up on my flag stand.
I was only 11 or 12 when this happened, but I definitely remember where I was and everything about that day-Even in a 6th grade classroom, we were all aware of what was going on. My teacher even stopped teaching us and turned on the television and we all just sat there watching it for an hour.
My thoughts and prayers go to everyone who was affected that day.
All I know is my husband, and I were glued to the television for weeks after that. That's all we watched. I wish I would have taped more, but I only got about an hour of it when I had to go some place not sure where it was or maybe Now that I think about it it might have been where hubby worked late, so I taped it for him. You did a great job on your Post, and the one song I never heard. Okay better go now. I can only handle talking about this for so long. hugzzz
thank you to your son for serving. today is always emotional, but I will always be grateful every day for those who serve.
Thanks for sharing that story. I have seen themes in the blogs about that day: the horror of it all, how we wanted to talk to and be with our family and how we bonded. What a way to start a new job but I'm that brought you all together quickly.
I was teaching third grade and shared on my blog how one student seemed to understand the significance of it all.
Thanks for sharing. Sending you lots of hugs
Such a sad, sad day.
Thanks for sharing your story.
what a lovely tribute post lorie!
what a great post...
we will never forget
I never understood my parents when I heard them say, "I remember where I was when JFK was shot" until 9/11. Just something about the profundity of tragedy that etches every detail into your mind. What a great tribute, thanks.
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