My dearest little boy Alexander was born 21 years ago today at 2:07 in the morning. When he came into this world, he was blue, and it scaring the heck out of me. But my doctor said, in the sweet voice that always put me at ease, "Don't worry mommy, it's just because he is so big and he's cold." That's when I found out that my chubby little man was 9 pounds, 10 ounces and it was in the middle of a snow storm, no wonder he was cold. =)
Once they got him under the warming lights and cleaned up and wrapped up, he pinked right up. Actually he was quite red faced with red hair - such a butterball. He loved to snuggle and be sung to and didn't even care that mommy couldn't carry a tune to save her life.
He has these beautiful blue eyes and this hair that always stuck up because of a cowlick, so I would use gel to make him look adorable.
As he grew, he was still a cuddler and a truly loving boy. He became extremely artistic in both the arts and music getting high marks and praise from his teachers every year.

He still loves them both an plays in a rock band. He also has always had a love for animals and grew up with a Beagle named GusGus (short for Octavius from Cinderella) and now has an adorable cat named Wompa. He and his brother, Nikolaus, have always been close and still talk to each other often.
So on your 21st birthday, my little man, I want to let you know how much Pop and I love you and how very proud we are of the man you have become. You are such a special man and anyone who knows you is very lucky to have you in their life.
But, to me, you will always be my little boy.....
Happy Birthday, my darling little boy!!
Happy Birthday to Alex. Wow, what a big baby he was!
Happy Birthday to Alex! What a handsome young man you have Lorie :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAMA'S DARLING & FROM MONDAY'S MUSIC MOVES YOU - They say it's your birthday da da da da da da Ahhhhhh Paul McCarthy does it much better than me. Hope it's the best one ever! CHEERS Hugzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Happy Bday to Alex! They grow up so fast, don't they?
Aww, made me cry, Lorie! I can't imagine my boys being 10...forget 21!!! You must be so proud. What a cutie!
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