Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: 2/1/2012 ~ My Son, Nikolaus and his Girlfriend, Michelle


Welcome to Wordless Wednesday..... I'm looking forward to seeing all of your photos, so if you leave a comment, please leave your email address so I can come on over and take a look.
I miss Nikolaus SO much, and I can't wait to meet Michelle in person!
For more Wordless Wednesday posts, head over to the WW Hub, leave your link, check out the other participants, and don't forget to leave a nice comment - you know you like comments, they do too!!



Maryann said...

Cute couple!

•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Erin.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said...

So sweet! Hope you get to meet her very soon :)

@therebelchick said...

What a beautiful couple!

Katie said...

what a cute couple!

Tricia Nightowlmama said...

so handsome and she's a beautiful girl. hope you get to see him and her soon

Stacey @ Not Just Baby Brain said...

Cute couple :)

Amy said...

Cute couple!

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

What a cute couple!!

Whitney said...

Your son is very good looking and they look great together!

Jenna said...

So sweet! Hope you get to see them sooner rather than later!

Carolyn G said...

Cute couple and handsome boy!

Jenn@Sweet T Makes Three said...

Cute couple! When will you get to see them both?

Marianna said...

what a great looking couple!

Anne - Mommy Has to Work said...

What a handsome couple!!

Nolie said...

What a cute couple

Cat Davis said...

Well they sure are a cute pair. Is there wedding bells in the future?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing - think it'll work out for them?

Henrietta said...

They look so happy! Hope you get to see them soon :)

Adaptable Kay said...

They are such a cute couple!
Hopefully you'll get to see both of them real soon :)

Unknown said...

What a cute couple!

Alexis AKA MOM said...

Ahhh they are adorable! She looks like a real sweetie!

~ Noelle said...

cute! i am sure you are ready to meet her... and give a huge hug to your hero :)

Kathy said...

They are adorable!

Anne said...

Nice picture, hope you get to meet her soon.

Alison said...

They are an adorable coupole!!

Katie @ Domestic Debacle said...

They look like such a sweet couple!

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