We had a visit with his urologist last Thursday and after an x-ray, the kidney stone in his right side is NOT completely gone.... there is STILL a pretty good size piece lodged in one of the branches of the kidney that does not appear to be moving!! What that means is that he needs to go in for another round of lythotripsy..... crap!! If we leave it there, it will only get bigger and start to cause more problems again like pain and severe infection. We certainly don't want to go through that again..... the PICC catheter, I.V. antibiotics, and all that business: NO THANK YOU!!
So in the middle of August, when the machine is available at Celebration Hospital again, we go back for more "blasting" of his kidney. My poor sweetie..... let's hope and pray this is the last of it for a while....... I mean it's only been since, what, NOVEMBER.
Thanks for letting me bitch...... And, oh yea, I STILL haven't gotten an answer from the insurance company about my physical therapy...... Who says we have a health care problem in this country????
Until next time......... Lorie
OH man!! I am so sorry.. i have heard they are so painful. I will be keeping him in my prayers.
Oh Lorie, sorry to hear that! I hope all goes well soon and that he won't have to bear any pain!
I'm so sorry~ That really is hard to have your husband be struggling with health.
I wanted to Thank you for stopping by on my SITS day and for all the sweet words you said:)
Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that. and I hope after the "blasting" is done next month he'll be all better...for real this time.
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