Monday, July 27, 2009


I'm so excited, I got my first award to post on my blog!!!! It came from my friend Amanda over at My Kids Might be Martians. It is one of my favorite blogs - she has the greatest sense of humor, especially when it comes to raising kids.

Now when you go visit her site -- and believe me, you MUST do so -- don't be expecting any June Cleaver or Marion Cunningham (depending on your frame of reference) motherly advice. Think more along the lines of Peg Bundy mixed with a little Roseanne Connor - no offense Amanda. She has the greatest stories and the most adorable kids, and she is a REAL person. Not one of these, "I know everything and I can DO everything and my kids are the best in the world" type of people. She knows life is tough, kids misbehave, the toilet breaks at the worst time, and yet through it all, if you can laugh at yourself and love each other anyway..... you will make it through -- at least until the kids turn 18 and then you can move to New Zealand (Amanda's theory).

So, anyway, about my award..... look over on my left sidebar, I have been graced with....TADA.... a crown (perfect for me because The Hubs calls me his Princess - let's keep the laughter to a minimum, please!) for being..... are you ready..... a "Comment Whore"! My mom would be so proud...... (That is, if she were speaking to me.) O.K. so it's not the Nobel Peace Prize, but it is my first, and I ADORE IT, so thank you so much Amanda, and I'll be over to your blog every day to continue to earn my royal title!!

So, my loyal subjects.... my first royal proclamation is for you all to go over to Amanda's site, My Kids Might be Martians, and visit her to see how wonderful she really is!! I command you! Please go, I'm sure you'll like it, really....

Until next time..... Lorie


Tim said...

Congrats! And get this, since I am a follower of your blog there are (count em) 2 awards waiting for you at my blog! Check it out!

Love and Prayers,


Unknown said...


Simply Being Mommy said...

Congratulations on your first blog award! I'm sure its only one of MANY to come :)

Painter Mommy said...

I love that! "Comment Whore" - that is pretty darn cool! Congratulations!

And I also want to say thankyou so much for taking the time to comment on my Painter Mommy blog about how you also write to do lists. I am sorry to hear that you are disabled, and I completely understand about still having a busy life in spite of that. I have several friends who are disabled and the Dr. appointments in themselves are like a fulltime job!

And thanks so much for your kids words as well. I so appreciate having the support of my virtual bloggy friends! Have an awesome day, DAWN

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