I am overwhelmed by the support I have received for my blog that I have been reduced to tears. Now don't you all, or as we say down here in the south: ya'll start laughing at me, because, The Hubs had me begin blogging a little to occupy my mind while I recovered from my spinal surgery. He thought I could enter a few sweepstakes, like he does, but he thought I was a better writer than he was, so he had me enter the blog sweepstakes. I found that although I enjoyed entering, and oh, yes, WINNING, the sweepstakes, I REALLY enjoyed learning about people and their families ON the blogs. And, I truly enjoyed interacting with these people all over the country and all over the world -- a shout out to you Grace...
So, as I lie on the couch in pain, trying not to move too much with the laptop entering sweeps and learning, laughing, and crying about other people and their families, I found that I wanted to do more with my own blog that had just been sitting there for years. So with the help of other people that I met through blogging, thank you Crystal and Felicia, I was able to fix up and upgrade my blog and make it a little prettier. And look at me now... three awards in 2 days (o.k., so 1 calls me a whore, but I'll take it... thank you very much Amanda).
So, now onto my awards.... and here are the rules for the Awards:
1. Include the award logo in your blog or post.
2. Nominate as many blogs which you like.
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.
The first award is the "Adorable Blog" award, which I truly appreciate and I know just who I have to pass this onto... I pass this to the following people:
- Felicia at Go Graham Go Blog (http://www.gograhamgo.com/)
- Piera at The Jolly Mom Blog (http://www.jollymom.com/)
- Paige at The Nurse Mommy Blog (http://www.thenursemommy.com/)
- Ryann at A Working Blogging Mommy, and last but definitely NOT least (http://taylorsmommy-taysmommy.blogspot.com/)
- Crystal at Simply Being Mommy: my very first follower!!! (http://simplybeingmommy.com/)

The next award I got, I don't even know if I deserve... but it is the "Uplifting Blogger" award. Thank you Tim for this one, I hope I have, in some way uplifted someone, some where's day at sometime. I know there are a lot of you out there who have helped me heal by just leaving a comment on my blog - just knowing that someone ACTUALLY reads what I write is amazing. So this award I pass onto:
-Crystal at Simply Being Mommy (http://simplybeingmommy.com/): again she was there for me from day one
- Kaye at J. Kaye's Book Blog (http://j-kaye-book-blog.blogspot.com/) : she always responds to comments on her blog - I wanna be like Kaye
- Amanda at My Kids Might be Martians (http://www.mykidsmightbemartians.com/) : she can always make me laugh; and lastly
-Maria at Maria's Space (http://reesspace.blogspot.com/) : she is so inspirational she has been through a LOT, but she has such love to give and it can be seen through her children and her photographs

So, Tim, thank you so much for the awards, and I hope I have done you justice in my paying them forward....
Until next time.... Lorie
You did a great job and Im honored to pass them on to you!
Love and Prayers,
You are so sweet to think of me! You definitely deserve these awards.
Thank you so much Lorie! I'm working on my post now :)
"Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest" just stoppin by to say HI!!
aww thank you!!!
You have no idea how your words have touched me. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. I'm adding this to the award's page, but will be blogging about this next Saturday.
Thank you!
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