I couldn't believe it when I looked back on my blog and saw that this week marked the one year anniversary of my regularly blogging. I cannot believe how quickly it has gone by and how much has changed - for the good!
I first started blogging quite sporadically in 2005 and really just let it fall by the wayside. Then in 2009 after my spinal surgery while I was recuperating on the couch and couldn't do much of anything but watch TV, my darling husband {who is the most wonderful man in the world, by the way} suggested I try entering some giveaways on blogs that he saw on a sweepstakes site that he was entering other giveaways. He told me I had a "flare for that kind of thing," and it might keep me from being bored for the next 3 months. So, I started to enter the giveaways and then I won a few... but more than that, I started to read other posts on the blogs. I started to learn about the incredible women (and a few men), some who where a lot like me, some who where nothing like me, but had these interesting lives and these great families with whom I started to become friends.
Then I thought, maybe, I could start to write about what we were doing and start posting photos of us and even post things that others might find interesting. So, I started posting, first about my doggie, Nano - my little baby and love of my life, and then some info about nutritional supplements I learned from other sites and then a Father's Day post. Interspersed with posts about other people's giveaways, I did my posts about what we were doing and uploading photos of our daily life here in beautiful central Florida.
I remember how excited I was to get my very first follower and my very first commenter - they were both the same person ~~ Crystal from Simply Being Mommy. Crystal has been there for me since then as a follower, commenter and most especially as my friend. I was so lucky to meet her at the Disney Social Media Moms Conference this past February.
I continued to make new friends and read other people's blogs with their wonderful reviews and enter their giveaways... then I was offered MY very first review. I was so excited and I gave it my all, as I continue to do with each and every review I do to this date. Then came my first giveaway and I felt like a giddy school girl with my first crush... I still get this way each time I'm fortunate to represent a company and giveaway one of their products.

Happy Blogoversary!!!! May you have many, many more years!
Happy One Year Blogiversary!
You have built a lot of great memories, and a fantastic blog, in the past year. Here's to many more years to come.
Happy blogoversary Lorie!!! We love you dearly!!
Happy Blogoversary! I am so glad you decided to blog, you are a wonderful bloggy friend!
Aw Lorie, congratulations and happy, happy blogaversary!!
It goes by so fast doesn't it!?! I almost MISSED mine this year >.< LOL
It sounds like you and I had the same type of start-Look how far both of us have gotten!
Many congrats :D
Oh wow! What a milestone Lorie. Happy One Year!
I'm sorry I haven't been around too much. Things have just been so busy and I feel terrible about not visiting like I used too :(
Congrats sweetie, I can't tell you enough how great it is to have such a wonderful friend :)
Happy Blogiversary honey! I'm glad you've been with us so long. I think August will be my 2 year blogiversary, or July. :)
happy anniversary! lol, late
Happy Blogiversary to you! Isn't it fun? I know it changed my life.
Congratulations on one year old!!! I love reading your blogs and finally figured out how to subscribe!
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