Wishing all the fathers, step-fathers, grandfathers, foster fathers, and single mothers acting as mother and father a very happy Father's Day. Hope you are surrounded by family, happiness, and lots of love.
Although I had a difficult relationship with my father, he was a wonderful grandfather to my boys and they miss him terribly. For all you did for my boys, thank you and wish you were still here, Dad.
The last photo of my boys with my dad
As for my husband, Bill, he is not only the most wonderful husband in the world, he is the best father and step-father ever. When we got married in 1997, my boys were 9 and 6 and Bill has always been there for them, whether it is for a school function, help with repairing a bicycle, or just to talk... he especially has a way of making our lives special by always having a way to make us laugh. For that and so much more, I want to say thank you and I love you with my whole heart.
Bill and Nikolaus at his Army Basic Training Graduation
Bill and Alex at Universal Studios.
The first summer Alex was taller than both of us.
May you all have a fabulous Father's Day and a wonderful weekend, surrounded by those you love.
P.S. The babies would like to say that they love daddy so much and thank him for all he has done for them.
Our Babies: (L-R) Nano, Mia, Mandie, Wiggles, and Mumbo