As you know my good friend at Maria's Space started this meme called Self-Portrait Sunday so that you can showcase pictures of ... who else but yourself!! Because, when you look through your scrapbooks and your digital photo albums, there are hardly ever any pictures of yourself, because you are always behind the camera. Here are my contributions for the week:
This is me and my baby, Nano... isn't he just the cutest???
This is my good friend, Jill, who will be moving back to California next week {sniff, sniff}, she has a fabulous job opportunity and it is closer to her family, so I guess it is good. I'm really gonna miss her a lot!! We'll get to have one more breakfast together next Sunday.
Hope you all had a fabulous Sunday, and you all have a terrific week. Don't forget to link up your Self-portrait Sunday pictures up to Maria's Space blog.
Until next time..... Lorie
Lorie.. you are such a photogenic person! That is so sad about your friend. My best friend may be moving to Baltimore soon!! I am going to be lost!
Great post and you are right - I always joked with my family that all our vacations as the kids grew up looked as though I wasnt there... I was the camera queen. :)
You are adorable Lorie!
I'm so sorry your friend is moving! That has got to be hard on the both of you {hugs}!
Thanks for doing my sad, little, lonely meme. I am so happy you contribute to it with your beautiful smiling face.
Sorry to hear about your friend moving. I wish her luck on her job though.
Take care and keep smiling.
Great pics, Lorie! Yes Nano is adorable!
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