I just wanted to pass along a very nice experience I had with a representative named Patrick from Panda Cub Productions. Patrick noticed a comment I had left on Go Graham Go regarding an iPhone app that she had reviewed, and offered me the chance to review the app on my blog. I had to decline the review because of my recent surgery and I would not have been able to give the time I felt the company deserved for a real review. Here is the response I received from Patrick:
"Hi Lorie,
I hope you have a fast recovery! I had an operation some years back, and I know all about the ups and downs of the post operation time...so you have my full support!
Here is a free promo code and don't worry about reviewing it...just take it and enjoy...if it helps to lighten the load and bring a smile to you, then that is good enough for me :P
XXXXXXXXXXXX (actual code given to me and used by my grandson)
if down the road you do want to give a review, then let me know and i can give you our press release/pics...does that sound good?
Hope you have a wonderful New Year and a speedy recovery!
With Peace,
"Hi Lorie,
I hope you have a fast recovery! I had an operation some years back, and I know all about the ups and downs of the post operation time...so you have my full support!
Here is a free promo code and don't worry about reviewing it...just take it and enjoy...if it helps to lighten the load and bring a smile to you, then that is good enough for me :P
XXXXXXXXXXXX (actual code given to me and used by my grandson)
if down the road you do want to give a review, then let me know and i can give you our press release/pics...does that sound good?
Hope you have a wonderful New Year and a speedy recovery!
With Peace,
I have never worked with this company before, so there was no need for Patrick to give this to me, it was just a very kind thing for him to do, so I wanted to let you all know about it. If you have the opportunity to work with this company, please do so. I hope I get another chance, as I was really impressed.
By the way, I had already purchased the iPhone app "iMoo", and it is really cute, you can check out the review on Go Graham Go to see all of its capabilities - Nano really likes how I recorded my voice saying, "Mommy loves you!"
Thank you very much Patrick for your generosity, and I look forward to a continued relationship.
Until next time..... Lorie
{I received no compensation for this post, I just wanted you to know about a great experience I received from a wonderful company... Full FTC Disclaimer on bottom of blog.}
Oh wow! What a nice company to work with.
That is very cool! If only everyone could give and appreciate these little random acts of kindness the world would be a much better place. :)
So very kind of him. He is a very kind person to work with!
wow what an amazing company I love working with ones like that. It shows how great they are. That is such a wonderful thing and you so deserve it!
I so want a IPhone :)
That is really nice and I believe there are a lot of people who are just like Patrick. The world is full of them.
I am not savvy with the whole app thing but I am sure you will love it.
Thank you for the very kind post! That really is thoughtful of you. It is pretty simple really, just treat everyone as how you wish to be treated. It is that same philosophy that I want to carry over to my little company. People come first!
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