This meme was begun by Crazy Sam, here are her words:

"Welcome to Saturday: 9 . What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!"
Saturday 9: When We Was Fab
1. Is there a blog as far as its appearance goes that you think is the most fabulous? Annette at Fairy Blog Mother has just redone her blog, and I am really liking the way it looks. I love the colors and her header is really eye catching. There are a lot that I like, but to be honest, hers is the one I thought of immediately after reading this question!
2. Do you like the look and the contents of your blogs? Um... Yeah, or I wouldn't be writing it.... DUH!
3. Have you ever thought what would happen to your blog in case you died? NO... that is just sick! Although now that you MADE me think of it, I hope my hubby would at least get someone to post what happened so people would know.
4. Has any particular blogger had a great impact on how you set up and write your blog? Crystal at Simply Being Mommy (my very first follower and commenter), Maria at Maria's Space, Felicia at Go Graham Go, Piera at Jolly Mom, Shannon at The Mommy Files, and Jennifer at Eighty MPH Mom. They were all very encouraging and told me to keep writing what I liked and what I knew and that I was doing a good job. They were also there during some really rough times last year. (There have been other wonderful people who have been there also since - Alexis, Connie, Tami, Kaylen, Ryann, Paige - but the above ladies were there at the beginning.)
5. Would you want a fellow blogger to give you suggestions or criticism of what you write? Absolutely, but only if it is constructive, not if it is just tearing down something I have written - I don't think anybody would want that. That is exactly what Crystal did when I first redid my blog, she helped me with repositioning things and gave me constructive advice on what she found worked and didn't work on her blog. (Thank you, my friend!)
6. Is the number of visitors each day to your blog important to you? No! {That is my head talking, my heart say "YES... don't you like me???"} I really only want people who truly like what I write and who are touched by my blog. {But come on, it's a pretty good blog, isn't it??}
7. What percentage of your readers do you think actual comment? A very small amount, I don't get that many comments. But, the ones I do get are really special and I love them all, I try to reply to each and every one.
8. Do you have a favorite blogger who does the memes that you participate in? I LOVE Annette's answers on the memes -- she is SO hysterical an totally honest with her answers. I can always get a laugh from her blog. Maria also does great with her meme answers, and I love participating in her Self Portrait Sunday meme.
9. How often do you update your blog/site and why? I try to update at least once a day... but usually more than that. I like to write and share what is going on in my life and what I find that is important or funny with the people who I consider my friends.
That's it for this weeks Saturday 9. Don't forget to link your post and visit the other participants. Have a wonderful week.
Until next time..... Lorie

"Welcome to Saturday: 9 . What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!"
Saturday 9: When We Was Fab
1. Is there a blog as far as its appearance goes that you think is the most fabulous? Annette at Fairy Blog Mother has just redone her blog, and I am really liking the way it looks. I love the colors and her header is really eye catching. There are a lot that I like, but to be honest, hers is the one I thought of immediately after reading this question!
2. Do you like the look and the contents of your blogs? Um... Yeah, or I wouldn't be writing it.... DUH!
3. Have you ever thought what would happen to your blog in case you died? NO... that is just sick! Although now that you MADE me think of it, I hope my hubby would at least get someone to post what happened so people would know.
4. Has any particular blogger had a great impact on how you set up and write your blog? Crystal at Simply Being Mommy (my very first follower and commenter), Maria at Maria's Space, Felicia at Go Graham Go, Piera at Jolly Mom, Shannon at The Mommy Files, and Jennifer at Eighty MPH Mom. They were all very encouraging and told me to keep writing what I liked and what I knew and that I was doing a good job. They were also there during some really rough times last year. (There have been other wonderful people who have been there also since - Alexis, Connie, Tami, Kaylen, Ryann, Paige - but the above ladies were there at the beginning.)
5. Would you want a fellow blogger to give you suggestions or criticism of what you write? Absolutely, but only if it is constructive, not if it is just tearing down something I have written - I don't think anybody would want that. That is exactly what Crystal did when I first redid my blog, she helped me with repositioning things and gave me constructive advice on what she found worked and didn't work on her blog. (Thank you, my friend!)
6. Is the number of visitors each day to your blog important to you? No! {That is my head talking, my heart say "YES... don't you like me???"} I really only want people who truly like what I write and who are touched by my blog. {But come on, it's a pretty good blog, isn't it??}
7. What percentage of your readers do you think actual comment? A very small amount, I don't get that many comments. But, the ones I do get are really special and I love them all, I try to reply to each and every one.
8. Do you have a favorite blogger who does the memes that you participate in? I LOVE Annette's answers on the memes -- she is SO hysterical an totally honest with her answers. I can always get a laugh from her blog. Maria also does great with her meme answers, and I love participating in her Self Portrait Sunday meme.
9. How often do you update your blog/site and why? I try to update at least once a day... but usually more than that. I like to write and share what is going on in my life and what I find that is important or funny with the people who I consider my friends.
That's it for this weeks Saturday 9. Don't forget to link your post and visit the other participants. Have a wonderful week.
Until next time..... Lorie
EXCELLENT answers! My very favorite kind - you wrote enough to give me a little bit of a sense of who you are. I love that. (I'm not a fan of one word answers so you've made me so so happy!)
Nice to meet you!
Lisa at Snarkypants.com
Thank you for stopping by my playground. I really appreciate it. Too bad it was such a crappy meme for you to visit for the first time LOL. Loved your answers. Especially #2 and 3 :) Your 6 and 7 are right on the mark. I feel the same way. Have a wonderful weekend my friend :)
You always do a great job with this meme! Have a great day...
Wow, that's a lot of work. Loved your questions, and answers. I haven't had time. I've been putting together my new computer, and now I'm trying it out. WOO HOO
I love the Fairy Blog Mother's blog layout! It's clean and pretty to look at.
I have thought about my blog living on after me - It makes me sad because nobody has access to it...would all my blogger friends just think I quit?? How sad.
Aw-you mentioned me!!! I appreciate your kind words on my blog and I enjoy reading your blog. I love the way you write, it's like reading a letter from an old friend.
Thanks for the lovely compliments on my blog...and my meme answers. LOL
I looooove your blog too. <3
Oh...and I'm totally going to have the song When We Was Fab stuck in my head now. I love that song, reminds me of my sister...maybe I'll have to blog about it. LOL
I had to go peek at Annette's blog. I didn't know she had redone it and it does look great!
I've thought about the blog in terms of if something happened to me. I don't know if anyone would know how to post on there to make an announcement. Well, my daughter could, I guess. I'll have to give her my pw. Ok, this is morose. Enough of it!
You do a great job on your blog. I think I've only been with you a couple of months but you have such a big heart and it shows in all you do!
I love your blog and you seem like a truly wonderful person, that is why I keep coming back.
I love Annette's new look. She cracks me up!
Ahh love ya too and stopping by and reading what you have going on in your life or funnies or what new meme you've put up :)
I'm the same, do they love me, do the read or just comment ... LOL :)
Thanks so much for mentioning me. I really appreciate it. Sorry, hopefully I will be back soon the kids are fighting.
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