Nano has learned from Bill exactly how he should watch football:

I have chosen the winner of the DigitalRoom.Com 18x24” Rolled Poster Print Giveaway . I'd like to thank all of the wonderful readers who entered the giveaway and joined my subscription list and started following me. I was very excited to do my first giveaway, and so pleased that some of you chose to blog about my giveaway -- even though I know you were even doing the same type of giveaway yourself!! {A special thank you to that outstanding woman, you know who you are!!}
SO, without further wait, through Random.org, the number chosen was:
True Random Number Generator
Min: 1
Max: 24
Powered by RANDOM.ORG
#6 is collyn23 said...
i subscribe
Congratulations Toni... I hope you enjoy the enlargement of the picture of your children.
Until next time..... Lorie
Here are the blogs that I pass this award on to:
Maria's Space ~~ Maria always has such beautiful photographs of her children, who are such wonderful, and special human beings. She also has such other gorgeous photos that she has inspired me to increase my photographic work and experiment more with black & white and sepia tones. She also does wonderful book reviews, and writes incredible posts about all things in life; plus she has an Etsy site Street Angel where she sells her gorgeous artistic jewelry creations. I feel like I have known her forever, and like I am SO lucky to be her friend.
Sandier Pastures ~~ Grace is always writing about her lovely daughter Pristine and about their amazing life in Dubai. She is Japanese and so graciously talks about the customs of her heritage and showing photos of family celebrations. Grace also highlights the old and new parts of Dubai through essays and photographs on her blog, while explaining Muslim customs in such a way that we can all understand. I feel like I am getting an education from a long time friend every time I read Grace's blog......;
and finally.....
Running Away, I'll Help You Pack ~~ Alexis is one funny chick!! She also LOVES to share, her recipes, her favorite books, her favorite shopping tips and finds, anything and everything that makes her happy, so it will make you happy! She has the two sweetest little boys that say and do the cutest (to those of us who aren't their mother) things. When you read her blog, it is like being at her kitchen table having a cup of coffee chatting with an old friend.
Head on over to Shannon's site to see all her wonderful content... She is a wonderful person and you will adore her blog as much as I do... I visit almost every day!!
Until next time..... Lorie
Annette over at Fairy Blog Mother (my hero) started this meme to, in her words "vent your frustrations, bitch about your hubby, your job, that you ran out of dog food. No gripe is excluded. Anything that irritated you this week...bitch and moan about it!
Grab the button and link up your bitch and moan blog post.
Let it all out before the weekend!"
So here goes:
~Let's just say, since I am sure you are all so totally sick of me going on and on and on about my insurance company... Wellcare Insurance "customer service" really SUCKS!!! As soon as open enrollment begins for Medicare recipients, we are SOOOOO there!!
~ Junk mail! I really cannot stand it anymore... I am taking Andy Rooney's advice: I am going to mail my junk mail from one company and send it in the paid envelopes to other junk mail companies!! HA! (It may not really be from Andy Rooney, but it's a great idea anyway, and it will give me satisfaction!)
~ I am sick & tired of getting mail at my house for The Hubs EX-WIFE!!! She has NEVER lived here, and she NEVER WILL!! They have been divorced for 14 years and we have been married for 12, so WTF... her name isn't even Shewbridge anymore, so WHY are they sending it to her with that last name AND to her with her maiden name??????? UUUURRRGGGHHHH!!!!!
~ One more thing..... will the owner of the HUMONGOUS canine please STOP letting your doggie poop (I am trying to keep a family friendly blog) on my lawn. I know that it's not Nano's poopie, because he only weighs a little over 7 pounds and if he pooped that stuff out of him, he would be in the HOSPITAL!!! The poop itself must weigh at least 5 pounds... I clean up after my little man's minuscule poopies, will ya'll please pick up yours!!
OK, I'm done... Don't forget to link your post up to Annette over at Fairy Blog Mother.
Have a terrific weekend..... Until next time..... Lorie