When I sit in my chair in the family room, at least 4 of our doggies sit with me on the chair (right now there are 5 with me because Nano is on the ottoman), either behind me on the back of the chair or on the arms. Here is a picture of me and Mumbo as we are watching TV {of course my ever present laptop is with me, too}, he made sure I knew he was there by putting his paw on my shoulder and giving me a kiss on the ear. :)
Isn't he just the cutest? |
If you'd like to participate in Mommy & Me Monday, here is all you need to do Per Krystyn's blog:
"Pop out from behind that camera and capture yourself in action with your kids. Grab the button and link up. Make some new friends and visit some old ones, too. There really is only one requirement here, a picture of you and your baby or babies; your children, your “baby” (i.e. significant other) or even your fur babies."
So head on over, link up, visit the other participants, and don't forget to LEAVE A COMMENT, you love them so you know that other people will too!
Happy Monday, y'all.... :)