I am extremely humbled ..... and totally embarrassed to have waited so long in acknowledging them all. I have become the recipient of some wonderful awards by some of the greatest bloggers in the world - people whom I have the greatest respect for. I have been very neglectful in giving them the respect they deserve by showing the recognition they deserve here on MY blog. {Please forgive my negligence, but know in my heart I am eternally grateful!} I have thanked them all personally, but it is time for me to let YOU all know how I feel about them, and to pass on the love...
I received The Heartfelt Award from Bridget at Readaholic.
Do you reach for a cup of cocoa or tea when your relaxing, seeking comfort, sharing a plate of cookies with family and friends? You know the feeling you get when you drink a
Awe... that is just so sweet of Bridget! She has one blog that I always enjoy reading because of her book reviews and giveaways. Plus she has great info on all kinds of things all over the web. She also runs a site called Deal Detective that helps link you up to ALL kinds of giveaways and free things; it is truly fantastic. Nothing is more warm and fuzzy than FREE stuff!! Thanks so much Bridget.....
1. Put the logo on your blog/post.
2. Nominate up to 9 blogs which make you feel comfy or warm inside.
3. Be sure to link your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have been nominated by commenting on their blog.
5. Remember to link to the person from whom you received your award.
Here are the blogs that I pass this award on to:
Maria's Space ~~ Maria always has such beautiful photographs of her children, who are such wonderful, and special human beings. She also has such other gorgeous photos that she has inspired me to increase my photographic work and experiment more with black & white and sepia tones. She also does wonderful book reviews, and writes incredible posts about all things in life; plus she has an Etsy site Street Angel where she sells her gorgeous artistic jewelry creations. I feel like I have known her forever, and like I am SO lucky to be her friend.
Sandier Pastures ~~ Grace is always writing about her lovely daughter Pristine and about their amazing life in Dubai. She is Japanese and so graciously talks about the customs of her heritage and showing photos of family celebrations. Grace also highlights the old and new parts of Dubai through essays and photographs on her blog, while explaining Muslim customs in such a way that we can all understand. I feel like I am getting an education from a long time friend every time I read Grace's blog......;
and finally.....
Running Away, I'll Help You Pack ~~ Alexis is one funny chick!! She also LOVES to share, her recipes, her favorite books, her favorite shopping tips and finds, anything and everything that makes her happy, so it will make you happy! She has the two sweetest little boys that say and do the cutest (to those of us who aren't their mother) things. When you read her blog, it is like being at her kitchen table having a cup of coffee chatting with an old friend.
The Uplifting Blogger Award I have received from Annette over at Fairy Blog Mother... I am so happy to receive this from her as she has a wonderful blog and she always makes me laugh with her terrific sense of humor and her fabulous way of looking at life - I am the one uplifted from reading her posts. Annette never lets life get her down, and always sees the funny side of things! One of my favorite parts of her blog is Bitch & Moan Friday, a meme I participate in, grab the button and join in if you want - it is really cathartic!! Thank you Annette.....
The Rules:
1. Include the award logo in your blog or post.
2. Nominate as many blogs which you like.
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.
Here is who I would like to pass the Uplifting Blogger Award to:
Manic Mother ~~ Beth is an incredible woman... she has gone through a lot in her young life, but will not let it define her. She has 2 young sons (which I used to have, mine are now very BIG boys), and her youngest, Ezra, has leukemia. I admire her honesty and strength in dealing with this horrendous disease. She NEVER gives up the fight for her son and because of her, neither will I... he has the most gorgeous smile and when you go to her site, you cannot help but leave uplifted. Please go there and find out how we can ALL help those dealing with cancer.
The Mommy-Files ~~ Shannon always tries to post things that are truly uplifting and beneficial to everyone who reads her blog. She has wonderful giveaways, reviews, and does amazing videos that are interesting and just plain fun! There have been some who have tried to rip her down recently - all while hiding behind the "anonymous" moniker, but she has always taken the high road and been the bigger person, and I for one am so glad that I am following her and constantly read her blog. I am so very glad to "know" her.

I received this Award from Kaye over at J. Kaye's Book Blog. The Who Love's You Baby! Award is designed with one purpose in mind: pass this on to other bloggers who have awarded you in the past.
I am thrilled to receive this from Kaye, because she is such a busy blogger, I don't even know HOW she has the time to look at my little ole' blog. Kaye has reads tons of books every week and writes reviews for them all, not only for her blog, but for as well. She is also really smart when it comes to blogging, and is always offering tips on how to get the most out of your blog. She always takes the time to respond to you when you post a comment on her blog or answer a question when you ask her one. When I become a grown-up blogger, I wanna BE Kaye!! Thank you Kaye.....
Please head over to the following blogs that I pass this on to. I KNOW you will see why I love each and every one of them:
~ My Kids Might Be Martians : Sissy is hysterical and so down to earth!
~ Fairy Blog Mother : Annette just oozes humor and realism.
~ Readaholic : Bridget is a terrific writer a so socially aware and loves animal as much as I do.
~ S3x in the Pantry : Lynn is so spicy and articulate that I truly think she should write a book.

Rules for the Superior Scribbler:
• Each Superior Scribbler must pass The Award on to 5 Bloggy Friends.
• Each Superior Scribbler must link to the author & the name of the blog from whom he/she has received The Award.
• Each Superior Scribbler must display The Award on his/her blog, and link to this post, which explains The Award.
• Each Blogger who wins The Superior Scribbler Award must visit this post and add his/her name to the Mr. Linky List. To keep a list of everyone who receives This Prestigious Honor.
• Each Superior Scribbler must post these rules on his/her blog
So the following blogs are the ones that I pass this award onto. I think that they each are Superior Scribblers, no matter what subject they choose to write about! Please visit them to see what I mean.....
~ Piera at Jolly Mom
~ Felicia at Go Graham Go
~ Margaret at Nanny Goats in Panties
~ Jo at The A-Priori Mommy
~ Tonya at A Day in My Life....
I am very grateful to these wonderful bloggers who passed these awards onto me, and I do hope that all of my readers will go and visit these beautiful people that I have given these awards to. They are all terrific women and I know you will enjoy their blogs, please let them know that I sent you over and say hello for me.
If I have forgotten anyone who generously gave me a wonderful award, please forgive me, accept my sincere apology, and give me a swift kick in the butt by leaving me a comment.
Until next time..... Lorie
So many awards - all well deserved! Thanks for passing on to me!
you are so sweet! I have an award for you too.. it just isn't published yet! LOL!
Thank you so much, Lorie! You are such a doll! Luv ya, girl! : )
Congratulations award recipients!
Congrats on all these great awards!
I live really close by to you- and I spend a lot of time in Celebration:) If you have ever seen a group of moms with triplets and twins walking around, that's me and my moms group!
I wanted to invite you to stop by and join the Blog For A Cure blog Party that I am hosting at it's a great way to get new followers, win prizes, and support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society! Hope to see you over there!
You deserve all of them and more:)
MUAH Thank you Lorie you're the BEST ever and your kind words bring a tear to my eyes, yup they are wonderful little boys when they are NOT yours .... LOL just playing :)
I so appreciate it and you deserve it all.
You're an amazing friend, thank you again!!!!
That's right - I can scribble with the best of 'em - HAHA!!
Thanks for the award, sweetie!
And congratulations on your armload of trophies today! Zowies!
Ooooh, one I've never gotten! Thanks!
I'm totally working on getting these all accepted and thanking you all the proper way.
So sweet. What a wonderful tribute. So many blogs that I have to start reading. Thanks for passing them on.
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