Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Monochromatic Monday - Flowers

Join Aileni on Monochrome Weekly here.
Here are my contributions for the week, taken from around Celebration.

To see more monochromatic photos check out Maria's Space;
and don't forget to link up on The Monochrome Weekly.
Until next time..... Lorie.


Anonymous said...

Nice contrast - but flowers are rather wasted in B&W. A personal view - it is known to be my thing.
Have a good week.

Felicia said...

Gorgeous flowers!!

Anonymous said...

Just stopping by from SITS to say hi! Love the pics! Come over to my place and check out my "5 DAYS OF GIVE-A-WAYS"..today is the last day.


Maria's Space said...

Very cool! They have a totally different feel in b&w.

I am loving that rose!!

Gem said...

Wow--didn't realize flowers could look so much prettier in black and white!

Anonymous said...

Love how I can click on these photos and it blows up. :)

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