I just wanted to wish my wonderful friend Felicia over at
Go Graham Go a hearty Congratulations!!
This morning her feedburner stats showed that she now has....
are you ready...

I want to tell you all that she has a fabulous blog with wonderful posts, terrific reviews and great giveaways. She has the best pictures of her adorable son Graham, also. So please, head on over to her site, take a look around, and tell her congratulations!!
Until next time..... Lorie
Wow, that is amazing!
Yay. I'll go check her out.
Woop! Thats a huge deal! I'll hafta go stop by and subscribe :)
Lorie.. .. you just made me cry! You are so sweet to post that. I really needed that tonight too...well.... I guess I'd better head to bed before I drudge through the H1N1 infested halls of the school! :)
2000 Readers!
That is amazing. Good for her.
Way to go Felicia! Keep up the good work.
Wow go Felicia, I can't even remember what you were at when I first started to follow. That is just amazing and a wonderful about of followers. Love ya and Graham!
And Lorie I agree you're the sweetest thing in the world to post that! Just proves what an amazing person you are!
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