We got home and I turn it back on (BTW I was using my wireless laptop - not sure if that makes any difference) and this Windows Police Pro poped up saying it had scanned my computer saying I had all these terrible trojans and viruses that if I didn't purchase (UH YEAH) there clean up product I would damage my hard drive beyond repair.... O.K. I'm not totally naive, so I know that I already have Spy No More and McAfee, so I don't need their product, so I try to say no thank you and click out of it.... of course, there is NO WAY TO DO THIS!!! You continue to get all kinds of error messages and pop-ups saying you are going to damage your computer in ways that there is no way back. I cannot even get into my programs file to try and delete this damn thing. ARRGGHH!!!! I still don't know HOW it got past McAff and Spy No More?????
So fortunately, I go to my desktop and found a solution on this site:
It took the first suggestion along with some of the solutions from the comments in the post, but I finally got rid of the bugger!!! I can use AOL and get around on IE. I also did a full scan with Spy No More which, go figure, found tons of "fake alerts" and "spyware" and "malware" which I promptly got rid of.
I seriously hope NONE of you get infected with this awful virus, but if you do, hope the above link helps.... I am still having a few issues ~ like McAfee is not working properly, but I am going to reinstall and hope that works. So, I am behind, AGAIN, at blog visiting and emails, so be patient, I will try to get around to you all.... know that I miss you and will visit soon.
Hope you all had a wonderful holiday..... until next time..... Lorie
sorry about the computer problems.
You have an award on my blog!
Do you have the McAfee that has the siteadvisor? That's really helped keep me off places that will lead me to the same problem you encountered.
It is a nightmare!
Ugh, so glad you were able to get rid of it.
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