He and Nano got along so well, they played together every day, and Nik was just like my little boy again, it was so adorable. It was really nice having Nikolaus along with us during our walks, too. Nano kept turning around to make sure all of us were together, he was so excited he was running around our feet and jumping on our legs. I think he was just as happy to see Nik as I was.

We visited the Veterans' Memorial in Celebration on Veterans Day and took a couple of pictures in front of the Army emblem. Nikolaus and I talked again about his deployment... I am so nervous for him. I reminded him {actually LOTS of times during his visit} to be careful and to remember his training. Of course his reply was that he will be fine and for me not to worry about him -- Oh, to be 21 and invincible again...

And... of course we took him to EAT... he is, after all, still a growing boy! Applebee's was very gracious to give all veterans and active duty military a free signature meal on Veterans Day. {Thank you very much Applebee's} He was also craving wings, and we have the best wings around at a great restaurant/pub called the Town Tavern here in Celebration. I also made Nik his favorite cake for him - isn't that what mommy's are for?? I made him a Pineapple Upside-Down Cake, he LOVED it!!

Then on Thursday, we had to take him to the airport to head back to Connecticut to get ready for deployment. It was really HARD!!
So, to Nikolaus: Please remember your training, be careful, look out for yourself and your brothers and sisters in arms, come back to me safe and soon, and remember I am SO proud of you and I love you deeply!
Until next time..... Lorie

He leaves Sunday, Nov. 15th, to load up all the equipment for his unit, and they head out to Indiana for a few weeks - they may get a few days off at Christmas to head back to Connecticut. Then they fly over to Afghanistan right after that.
I had a wonderful time with him, I am amazed at the man he has become, and I love him dearly. I am also SO proud of him for the choices he has made.

What a handsome son you have! It's hard to believe he's old enough to be in the military. He has such a sweet, youthful face.
What a blessing to have spent the time with him before his deployment.
God bless your wonderful son.
Thank you to your son and all the other brave men and women for helping to protect and serve our country.
I'm sure every moment you spent with him was precious and it was so hard when he left.
It's great that Applebee's offered free meals! They definitely deserve it!
Wishing him a safe journey and safe return.
What a beautiful post. I enjoyed reading about the reunion and seeing what you did.
I know you are so very, very proud of him (and rightfully so). It is an amazing thing he is doing to serve our country. I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers.
I have been thinking about you...
Wondering how you are holding up.
Remember, feel free to email me whenever you can...
Did you get him some of the "hothands?"
SOunds like u had a wonderful visit with Nikolaus. He is very brave and so are you. Remember your training is like my blanket statement to every young boy I know who has entered. It is so hard to think of him deploying and imagining how you are going to get through it.
I could go for some wings too.
Such a good mommy making his favorite cake. They are never too old to take care of.
My thoughts are with you everyday and then some until Nickolas is back in your arms.
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