Friday, November 20, 2009

The Dating Profiles Meme: Hard Times

New Meme from Judd Corizan that has begun this week. Thought I'd give it a try, here goes:

Welcome to The Dating Profiles Meme. This meme is based on a feature from WTIT: The Blog authored by Bud Weiser. Either you have used sites such as or Yahoo Personals or you’ve read them. Weekly, we scour those on-line dating sites to respond either a person's profile or often their headlines as most of us would really like to do. We use only "lines" that are gender-neutral. So, your mission is to respond to ten we choose each week. Seriously or with humor is your choice! The spelling or grammar errors were in the original profiles. Join us each and every Friday!

The Dating Profiles Meme: Hard Times

1. Why is this so hard? If you don't know... you are definitely NOT for me!

2. Walk with me. Why, are you gonna take me to the woods and murder me????

3. My software is state of the art. Is that code for "Wanna see my etchings?"

4. Can’t believe I did this. Are you referring to another girl in the woods?????

5. Life is an adventure or nothing. I think in our case, it is going to be: NOTHING!

6. Looking for someone to get to no. Is that like getting to 1st base, 2nd base, and NO base!
7. I am absolutely terrible at this!! YES, yes you are...

8. Anything is possible, right? No, not really, there is no possibility of your being with an actual living human.

9. It’s your last day to live, live it. Again, with taking me into the wood, you are beginning to freak me out, man!!!

10. I enjoy text messages. Yeah, see #8 - no actual human, just virtual relationship! Sorry dude, looks like you lose....

Thank you for playing this week on The Dating Profiles Meme. Please leave a comment or link when you have posted. Feel free to stop back and visit other player’s posts. Have a great week. Join us for Sunday Stealing. See you next Friday!

Hope you enjoyed this meme..... Until next time..... Lorie


I am Harriet said...

Loved your #8!

Bud Fisher said...

ROFL at "Is that code for "Wanna see my etchings?"" Thanks for playing!

Tami Winbush said...

Girl you are funny = you must come see mine.

Alexis AKA MOM said...

You freaking crack me up!

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