The Dating Memes Profiles: Go Fish
1. Like to go fishing. Not really interested in hunting anymore. I'm guessing that's because you packed on about 50 pounds of beer belly and can;t run around the woods chasing animals, but can sit in a boat drinking???
2. When describing my best traits, I kind of sound like I'm describing a puppy. Don't need another one of those to clean up after, I already have the cutest one in the world... and you can even vote for him.... {Shameless plug, sorry, but I can't help it}
3. I'm not an alcoholic or anything, but I do enjoy high proof beverages. Do you get that from Exxon or do you prefer Texaco?
4. I seriously have a radar for freaks so stay clear because I won’t respond. So do I ..... so you will NOT be hearing from me..... WEIRDO!!
5. With the exception of living out my dreams of spending my life on the shoreline, there is absolutely nothing I lack. Except modesty, tact, self-respect, common decency... need I go on.... {Ego-maniac!!}
6. Sight unseen, trust me when I say this. On a scale of 1-10, I am an absolute 10! Yeah, I bet your mommy told you that!! Does she let you go out on school nights? Or do you have to be in by 10 PM, too??? PAH-LEEZZE!
7. I can be so intense sometimes I even scare myself. You know, they make medication for that... Can I suggest a psychiatrist? Mine has worked wonders for me....
8. I want someone funny but not a spaz. Well, I am a spaz... but I take lots of meds for it, so I guess I'm not for you... and you are probably not that funny anyway.
9. Well, the truth is, I'm a nerd who's looking for another nerd to spend happy hours doing nerd-like things together. I had my fill of nerds in high school, now I'm looking for a real man, who wants to take me to exotic & exciting places, so Bye-Bye!!
10. I'm looking for a long term sizzle rather than jet-lagged flash. I don't even have a CLUE what that means.... so just keep on looking!!!
That's it for this week on The Dating Profiles Meme. Don't forget to leave a comment or link when you have posted. Feel free to stop back and visit other player’s posts. Have a great week. Join us for Sunday Stealing. See you next Friday, hopefully, I'll remember and be on time.... :-)
Until next time..... Lorie

Girlie you're going to make me wet my pants! Those pictures you picked with it just make me freaking crackup!!!
u know that [url=http://moourl.com/37lxu]Cute.[/url]
Can u be of help and i get pics unlocked
well, if you're disabled u have it pretty tough in the dating game
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