My wonderful husband just bought me an early Christmas present... a new laptop!!
If you remember, my laptop suffered a horrible virus a couple of months ago, and never really recovered completely. Not to mentioned that it was about 10 years old and ran slower than lava going uphill.
So, we found out from my almost as wonderful (and super computer savvy) step-son that WalMart, yeah, I know - not the most efficient place in the world - was having this fantastic one day sale on a terrific HP Laptop for $298.00 starting at 8:00AM this morning. (Among lots of other stuff.)
So my darling hubby and I got up early this morning and drove over to our local WalMart and got in line... couldn't believe there was a line... to get me a laptop. The very nice people at WalMart actually had orange juice and donuts for all of us in line, totally surprised us, and after about a 1/2 hour wait, I got me a brand spankin' NEW laptop, which I am typing on right now!!

I LOVE IT!!! It is super fast, and really nice, and so easy to set up. The screen is nice a big, I can read everybody's blog SO easily, and there is a keypad on the right side of the keyboard, which I really like.
We also learned that WalMart will be having these one day sales every Saturday from now until Christmas, but you can only find out about them by going on their website on Wednesdays to see what will be on sale. There should be LOTS of great gift ideas for everyone on my list.
Thank you SOOOO much sweetie... I love my new laptop, and I love you, too. Thanks for thinking of me and asking your son for help in finding me this terrific gift - you are the best husband in the whole world!! XXX
Until next time..... Lorie
Update: Sorry, I made a mistake originally when I posted (but it is correct now) - the sales are taking place on Saturdays. I was really tired when I first posted, I'm not used to getting up that early, especially when I was up until 2:00AM the night before. :-) oops
{I have absolutely NO affiliation with WalMart or HP, I just wanted to share with you all the wonderful thing that my husband did for me. Then I found out about the great deals that WalMart would be offering and I wanted to tell all my friends about it so they can save money, too... We all need help in this economy..... Damn the FTC.}

OH! What a nice and well deserved early Christmas present :) I'm sure it will get plenty of good use ;) And thanks for the head's up about those sales!!
What a wonderful gift! Your hubby is terrific! I hope to get myself a laptop one day too. :)
Woohoo! What an awesome early Christmas gift.
I don't think there is anything worse than a slow computer...
Wow I so wish I could get a new one. I saw this on my black Friday emails. Man I'm jealous ;)
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