I still cannot believe how much of a grown man he has become (and kind-of handsome, too).... he is 21, but the Army training has really made a man out of him. He is solid muscle and all heart - but no partiality here!!
These are some photos that he gave me from his training in New Jersey where he said it rained EVERY day and was SO cold - they were soaked through the whole two weeks. They had to sleep in tents (to get ready for Afghanistan). He is an Infantry Mortarman also specializes in machine gun firing. He is in the Company 1/102nd INF 86th
Mountain BCT.

It so great to have him here... There will be more photos later as we spend time together. I just love talking to him, he is so mature and so well prepared for what his about to do. I am so proud (and scared) of him.
Until next time..... Lorie

Oh Lorie~~give him a hug and a big Thank You for me!
Enjoy every second together....
~Let FREEDOM Ring!~
So young!!! Good lookin kid, minus the tattoos!! ;-)
Glad you get some time with him Lorie, enjoy every second.
so glad you have this time together. I can hear the happiness in your voice when I read this post!
Ohh look at him, what a cutie! Oh boy now I sound like a cougar with 12 years on him ... LOL
What amazing pictures! Wish him a Happy Veterans Day from me!
Big HUGS, I'm so glad he was able to visit before shipping off. Enjoy your time my dear hope the pain is better today!
Hooray....he is here. I am so happy for you guys.
Have a wonderful time and don't let go until he leaves.
Check out all the ink! That is hot.
I am so glad he gets to spend time with his Mommy before he leaves. Sorry NJ sucked for him. It really is a great state.
Look at Nate taking a snooze with the boy. So cute.
Give him a hug from NY.
What does he think of his momma's blog?
My heart hurts for you because I can only imagine how hard it is going to be for you to let him go when he has to leave.
That's awesome that you're getting to spend time with him! The last photo made me laugh!
Great pics....Give the boy a beer!
I see that I am not the only one that makes kids with beautiful eyes! Thank you for the compliment on Chloe's eyes. Your son also has beautiful eyes.
Please send a huge thank you to him!
Enjoy your time with your son! I hear it's cold in Afghanistan this time of year. Sounds like his training prepared him well. Unlike my husband who was sent to Ft. Drum in upstate NY to train in the fall before going to Iraq. They didn't exactly get climatized until they hit Kuwait.
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