This is a photo of me putting together the 200 Halloween baggies for the kiddos in the neighborhood. I know I never did my Halloween post... I had such pain after all the decorating and the getting ready for the holiday, I just never got around to the post. I figured that now it's too late... so I'll probably just use the photos for some of my memes. BTW, of the 200 baggies I put together, we handed out 181... believe it or not, we actually STILL have some candy left over...

Don't forget to head on over to Maria's Space to see her gorgeous photos, link up your post, and visit the other participants.
Until next time..... Lorie

I love this picture and all those bags you did are way too sweet! I wish we lived closer ;) Do I see a furry head :)
Very cute picture of you! How sweet that you all make up bags for them.
This is a great pic (nice tan!)! And how fun that you make little giftbags! This is so much better than just having them take a couple from the bowl. I love this idea!! I want to do this next year.
Nice picture. That is a lot of goodie bags to put together, so sweet of you!
Now that is a lot of candy!
181 bags is a lot. Must have a lot of kiddies were you are. We only had 2 treaters this year. So sad. Still have so much candy.
You look like you had fun and I adore the little bear behind you.
THanks for your continued support of my little meme.
Love ya.
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