It has been a really busy week here at the Shewbridges. I have had my Physical Torture Therapy on Wednesday, and a Halloween Party on Wednesday night, both which left me in so much pain. Thursday I awoke with migraine that really knocked me out, but had to finish decorating for Halloween and clean up the house for some friends that were coming over Halloween night. Then we had to go grocery shopping on Friday, and I had to start on the 200 baggies of candy and toys I put together to hand out to the trick or treaters, of course I ran out of candy {guess I miscalculated}, however, I was lucky enough to win a 1 day pass to Sam's Club and we went on Saturday... DAMN that store is huge, by the time we finished, I could barely walk! Then, we came home and I had to finish my goody bags, change into my costume, get Nano into his, and get ready for the kiddies... They started coming around 5:00 and we got our last one at 9:45. We handed out 181 baggies, not too bad, about 30 more than last year, so I have some candy left over for me!! Yippee...
By the time I woke up Sunday, I was so exhausted, and had a hard time moving, so I'm just gonna answer emails, visit other blogs and watch football. Tomorrow, I'll catch up on all my blogging, memes, and everything else around my house..... maybe. But I did want to leave my Self Portrait Sunday photos just to give you a taste of Halloween... these are from our Halloween party on Wednesday. In the first one, poor Bill was talking, but I don't have another one of both of us together, and I wanted you to see us both... Uncle Sam and Aunt Samantha.
Hope you all had a WONDERFUL and SAFE Halloween, and your children got LOTS of goodies! {Don't steal all the good stuff from them!}
Don't forget to head on over to Maria's Space, see her beautiful photo and link up your Self Portrait Sunday post.
Until next time..... Lorie

Great costumes! Hope you had a blast!
Just beautiful!!!1 I'm loving these costumes! You both look amazing!!!
What fabulous costumes!! Oh your week sounds like it was incredibly busy. You definitely need a day to rest and relax :)
Look at you hot mama! Ya'll look great.
You go girl! You are rockin that outfit!
Damn Aunt Samantha looks sexy, sultry and so bodacious. Hot costume.
I agree with Felicia, you are rockin' that outfit.
Thanks for your continued support of my little meme.
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