I woke up early one morning to use the bathroom and saw this magnificent sky and I just had to get my camera and take a few photos of it. They don't do justice to what it really looked like, but I hope you enjoy the pictures:

Make sure you head over to Mary's blog The Work of the Poet to take a look at the other participants' photos and to add your post to the link.
Until next time..... Lorie

It almost looks like cotton candy in the sky. It's beautiful! That is a great thing to wake up to. Too bad I don't get up that early.
If you'd like to stop by my blog I'm at Cake Crumbs.
I was up early looking for meteors, but I didn't see anything as pretty as this.
Hi Lorie-
I want to thank you for playing Sunday Stealing. We are excited to announce our new Friday meme, The Dating Profiles Meme (datingprofilememe.blogspot.com), and I'm inviting you to give it a shot. Every Friday we will find 10 of the strangest, lamest profile quotes from sites like Match.com or Yahoo Personals. We will choose gender neutral statements. This meme will ask you to give an honest reply or quip to the statement. Married or single, we know you'll enjoy it!
And whether you join us this Friday or not, thanks for playing with us Sundays.
That looks amazing.
Great capture.
Wow that rocks!
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