I would like to let you all know that I am now an Official Event Chaser!! WooHoo... and I am SO excited!! I will be going to see the Trans Siberian Orchestra just in time for my birthday!! I cannot wait, so look for an official Event Chaser Review in the coming weeks.
If you don't know about Event Chaser, just click on the badge on my left sidebar. They are an amazing company that can provide incredible Broadway Tickets, Concert Tickets, and even tickets to Sporting Events.
I cannot wait to see the show, and review it for you all.... Until next time..... Lorie

whohoo awesome! I tried to join but I never got accepted lol. Maybe its because I lived in the sticks? Maybe I should try again now that I am in a city.
That is so cool. I can't tell you how much I pay to see Broadway plays. I love them and so do my children. That'a great memebership.
I gave you an award so stop by my Blog and check it out. http://www.sheress-throughmyeyes.blogspot.com
LOVE them I so need to actually get myself to an event. They are wonderful!
Oh that is exciting! I can't wait to hear about your "adventures"!
Cool title, but even cooler doing the "chasing".....
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