Recipe for the Perfect Thanksgiving Dinner
Prep time: 4 days, 10 minutes
Active Time: 25 minutes
2 tablespoons National Football League
2 each fire extinguisher (never can be too careful)
41 cups hard alcohol
Scant 1 tablespoon soda, coke or tonic (or forget it all together)
2 Spanx body slimmers, one for each thigh
1 muzzle for Uncle George
6 pounds unsalted butter (have extra on hand, just in case)
1 phone number to Butterball Turkey Hotline
Mix together bunch of hard-core football fans, with a ton of yelling, a little beer, chips & whatever is available in the fridge.
Make sure the cook is running around in a frenzy and … at some point, is elbow deep inside parts that are embarrassing even to a dead turkey.
Welcome throngs of people into the kitchen to offer tidbits of advice and quips about failed Thanksgiving dinners. Make sure to get extra advice about the gravy, this seems to be the area of expertise for so many people.
Eat, slurp and guzzle as much food as possible. Repeat with the remaining ingredients and don’t give it another thought because it’s worth every calorie.
Kidding aside, serve up your dinner with a generous helping of appreciation for the things we have and the love of our friends and family.
Happy Thanksgiving to our Relish! family and especially to our many military families.
Prep time: 4 days, 10 minutes
Active Time: 25 minutes
2 tablespoons National Football League
2 each fire extinguisher (never can be too careful)
41 cups hard alcohol
Scant 1 tablespoon soda, coke or tonic (or forget it all together)
2 Spanx body slimmers, one for each thigh
1 muzzle for Uncle George
6 pounds unsalted butter (have extra on hand, just in case)
1 phone number to Butterball Turkey Hotline
Mix together bunch of hard-core football fans, with a ton of yelling, a little beer, chips & whatever is available in the fridge.
Make sure the cook is running around in a frenzy and … at some point, is elbow deep inside parts that are embarrassing even to a dead turkey.
Welcome throngs of people into the kitchen to offer tidbits of advice and quips about failed Thanksgiving dinners. Make sure to get extra advice about the gravy, this seems to be the area of expertise for so many people.
Eat, slurp and guzzle as much food as possible. Repeat with the remaining ingredients and don’t give it another thought because it’s worth every calorie.
Kidding aside, serve up your dinner with a generous helping of appreciation for the things we have and the love of our friends and family.
Happy Thanksgiving to our Relish! family and especially to our many military families.
I received this from Relish! - a wonderful company that helps busy women prepare menus and grocery lists for their families. I was lucky enough to win a years subscription to this fabulous site, and have been LOVING it so far. Check it out if you have a chance, and have a terrific holiday!!
Until next time..... Lorie
Awww that was funny. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Lorie. My mine was loads of fun with a packed house full of kids and family. Happy late turkey turkey to you.
Very funny! I'll have to check out Relish too!
LOL loved the 41 cups of alcohol. They must've had a holiday with my extended family.
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
LOL! I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving!
LOL that is to freaking funny! Burp the way to end a good meal :)
That turkey looks delicious. It is 9:30 and I am now hungry. BTW...that sounds like the way most of us spend our holiday. I ran around like a chicken without its head for my little family of 4 mostly to get everything on the table at the same time and dinner was over in less than 15 minutes.
I could totally use some Spanx right about now.
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