Friday, April 29, 2011

Smartphone Safety


With the proliferation of smartphones these days, it is really important that we are really careful with how we use them. Especially the photo feature and our children, or even ourselves. There are far too many sickos out there in the world. I was sent this video by a friend of mine that I wanted to share with you all, especially my wonderful friends with such beautiful children whom I care about so much!

Now, I have already done this with my iPhone because I don't want anyone to have my address unless I give it to them.... I'm not naive, I'm sure that it is possible for determined people to find it if the REALLY want to search, but I'm not going to make it EASY for them. =)

Hope this helps you and you are able to keep yourselves and your precious little ones safe.

Have a great weekend ~ Happy photo taking!!

Just a silly photo to make you smile!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thursday's Recipe Swap Meet ~ Baked Chicken Breast


OK... we know you have all these recipes that you love to make. You got them from your mother, your grandmother, a magazine, or maybe you made it up, perhaps you don't even remember where the recipe came from. Well, how about sharing them with all of us? We are going to share ours with you every Thursday!

My good friend and (according to her husband) excellent cook, Dolly over at XmasDolly and I are now doing a recipe swap; we want to share ours with you and wold LOVE to get some of your favorites as well... So welcome to Thursday's Recipe Swap Meet, here is all you have to do:


Post a recipe on your blog, sign the linky on either blog (they will be linked), grab our new button - isn't she cute - hubby says she looks like me... TeeHee? (above, on my sidebar and on my Co-Chef Dolly's blog) and check out the recipes. Don't forget that each week you actually will be getting at least TWO for the price of ONE because both Dolly and I will post a recipe on each of our blogs. How simple is that???

Baked Chicken Breast and Potatoes (Plus an additional one thrown in!)

Take 4 boneless/skinless chicken breast and rub EVOO over all of them, also pour approx. 2 Tbls. oil into foil lined baking dish. Season the chicken to taste with salt, pepper and rosemary. Pour 1/2 cup dry white wine, 1/2 cup chicken stock and 1-2 cans whole white potatoes (including liquid) into baking dish.

Bake in preheated 375 degree oven for 45-50 minutes, turning chicken once half-way through cooking. Serve with your favorite veggie.

Don't you LOVE how simple this is??? Another meal that received 6 out of 6 puppy tail wags ~ again I knew they would love the chicken, I cut up one of the breasts to mix with their Mighty Dog and they ate that all down  fast... BUT they also gobbled up the potatoes - these are some strange dogs, or I'm just learning to be a pretty good cook!  =)

Being the kind of cook that I am, I like to make a meal that can serve us the NEXT day, also. SO, for dinner on Friday night (which I forgot to take a photo of) I took the last chicken breast and warmed it up in the microwave and sliced it (gave a little to the doggies - YES, they are spoiled rotten) then I put the slices on some nice delicious Martin's potato bread, a little Hellman's mayo, some sliced fresh tomatoes on the vine and fresh sliced mozzarella and then grilled it on the pannini machine. It came out SO good and filled us up wonderfully.  (I'll try and remember to take a photo next time.)

So now all you have to do is sign our linky so we all can find your recipes. You check out all ours and we will check out all yours. If you don't want to write it all down and you know of one on line just post a link to it on your blog or leave it in a comment if you prefer!

For more recipes, head on over to Ms.BiBi at Daily Organized Chaos.

Let's get cooking..... Bon Appetit!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Monday Mingle ~ April 25th Music and Easter!


“Mingling with you since August 2009!”

"Welcome to Monday Mingle! Each week three questions are asked, and you can answer via a written post, or a vlog post. If you have always wanted to try vlogging, Monday Mingle vlog meme is a fun way to try vlogging. If you’d like to join in the fun, answer the 3 weekly questions in short vlog on your blog, or a written blog post, then link up over on Eighty MPH Mom in the linky. Please post the above button within your post and link to Eighty MPH Mom, so readers can easily find other participants. Visit the other participants, learn about them and have fun! It’s not too late you can link up anytime during the week."

Questions for the week of April 25, 2011:

1. Do you have an iPod or other music source? Name 3 artists from different genres that you currently have on there.
2. What are your plans for Easter?
3. What traditions did you have for Easter when you were a kid?

Well, that's it for this week, hope you all had a great weekend and you got to spend lots of time with the ones you love.

Now it's your turn - come on, want to get to know you better.... we won't bite. :) Don't forget to link up with Jen at Eighty MPH Mom. Please at least visit some of the other participants and leave a comment - we all love comments... :)

Plus, help us get more players... Tweet the meme by either hitting the retweet button or tweeting this phrase:

"Join Eighty MPH Mom for #mondaymingle- a fun meme to learn about you!"

Have a great week everyone!!

Wordless Wednesday: What Mommy? We're Trying to Sleep!


Welcome to Wordless Wednesday.... You know that I have a billion photos of my fur-babies, so here is one of Lady Mia and Mai-Li, whom we lovingly refer to as "Sister Wives" because they both have children from the same male Yorkie (who unfortunately passed away last year).

For more Wordless Wednesday posts, check out the WW Hub, leave your link, check out the other participants, and don't forget to leave a nice comment - you know you like comments, they do too!!

And don't forget about our recipe sharing meme tomorrow: "Recipe Swap Meet Thursday" - have you got your recipe ready??? Don't forget to grab our button and play along... Happy cooking.



Monday, April 25, 2011

Flag Ceremony at Cape May Point, NJ to Honor Veterans

I saw this and was truly moved by it and wanted to share it with you.... Marvin Hume has been conducting a flag ceremony to honor all who served our country for 38 years, now THAT is a commitment to support our troops.

What can YOU do to support our troops?  God bless Mr. Hume and God bless America!

Monday's Music Moves Me: Freebie Week!



Welcome to Monday's Music Moves Me the fantabulistic music meme hosted by me, Dolly from XmasDolly, Larry from Cakeblast and Callie from Jamerican Spice and this week is a FREEBIE WEEK ~ WooHoo, I love Freebiee Week, because it gives me a chance to see what you all have been thinking about.

So, what's on your mind? This week, I have had the following songs in my head.....

The first one is one that I just can't seem to get out of my head because of last week's friendship theme.

You've Got a Friend in Me ~ Randy Newman

The next two songs have been in my head for the same reason... I've had a busy week and I've been in quite a bit of pain and feeling sorry for myself. Things haven't gone as easily as I wished they would and I've been a bit depressed about feeling so crappy at my age. So the first song came to mind.....

Life is a Lemon ~ Meatloaf

Then after listening to this song, I was in a better mood, which made me think of this song.....

Rock and Roll Dreams Come Through ~ Meatloaf

Sorry, folks, I don't know what my obsession with ugly rockers is, but they really can sing!! What's on your mind this week? Let us know ~ we'd really love to know, here's all you have to do:

First step: Head on over to You Tube, or anywhere you get your music videos and post them on your blog! Upcoming themes are to you LOWER RIGHT of XmasDolly's blog.

Second Step: Grab our "Monday's Music Moves Me" Button, mine is on my right sidebar, or off of any of the hosts' sites.

Third step: SIGN THE LINKY - Follow your hosts, grab their buttons too when you visit them and show them some love by leaving a comment.. (mine is on my right sidebar above the 4M button)

Final step: Go visit the other Rockers on our Linky and PLEASE show them some love by leaving them a comment, you know you like comments, they do too!

Thanks For The Comment

Once you write up your post, link up with us (on any of the host's blog - they are all connected) and you may be chosen as our SPOTLIGHT DANCERS like this week's lucky couple in our #1 and #2 linky spots.....


Now, don't forget to sign the linky, visit the participants, and leave a comment - you know you like them, so does everyone else. For more Monday music fun, visit Amanda, Lady Estrogen, and my friend Denise at Run DMT.


We're very sorry to say there has been some people not playing along, and just signing our linky so other people will stop by their blogs for giveaways or whatever! Unfortunately, these bloggers will be justifiably deleted without prejudice or notice. Leave a comment, grab our button, or follow us. If you don't want to post a video, you can post a link to a video, or post some lyrics, but please - at least attempt to make it music related. Thank you for your understanding.

*** Just one thing to note... We are family friendly blogs and while we don't want to censor anyone, we do ask that you keep your songs rated PG13 or less.
Thank you very much!***

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Saturday, April 23, 2011



This is just south of us on Hwy 75 south. A farmer named Chris Shotton does it with his tractor and not sure if he uses a plow or a disc. He uses GPS to get the letters readable. He has done this every fall for several years now.

Here's the view from the flight pattern into OFFUTT AIR FORCE BASE (Bellevue, NE., just south of Omaha). This is what our servicemen see when landing at Offutt AFB.

Mr. Shotton says he does it to make them "feel welcome, especially when you come back after being gone for quite some time." The airmen call it Freedom Field and photos of the field have been in lots of magazines which have been sent all over the world where our troops are deployed and Mr. Shotton has gotten thanks from the troops many times.

He also changes the saying each year and you can see exactly what is in the field by going to Google Maps. This year he has plowed: YOU! MAKE AMERICA PROUD!

I think this is such a wonderful thing for Mr. Shotton to do that I wanted to spread the word. Thank you sir for doing what you can to help support our troops... God bless you, from this Army mom.

{Some information provided by}


Friday, April 22, 2011

Friday Food Fight: Homemade Mocha Coffee

Denise @ RunDMT

To join the weekly Friday Food Fight, post a picture of your favorite food, meal, snack or drink. Of course, you enjoying your tasty treat would be great, but you don’t need to be in the picture. Then on Friday, post your drool inducing photo and link up with Denise at RunDMT. That’s it!!

This is a new treat I have discovered. I love having mocha coffee, but I refuse to pay those ridiculous prices at the coffee shops so I have found that if I just drop a small square of fudge in the bottom of my coffee cup before making the coffee, it adds just the right amount of chocolate and sweetness to my coffee that I am looking for without adding too many callories. Besides, I don't do it too often.  =)

So head on over to RunDMT and link up to her blog, visit the other participants and leave a comment. While you're at it, how about grabbing Denise's Friday Food Fight Button on her site - I have it on my left side bar. I'd also like to thank Denise for always being supportive of me and my friend Marie at XmasDolly of our memes on Monday and Thursday ~ she really is the true meaning of a bloggy friend - love ya, girlfriend!!

Happy eating and have a great weekend!

Friday Photo Flashback ~ All Dressed Up


Friday Photo Flashback

Alicia from More Than Words says she started Friday Photo Flashback because "I have so many pictures from my PRE-digital camera days. I thought it would be fun to scan them and share them here with you.. I'm having so much fun doing this, that I would love for you to join me, too! So dig out the photo albums and put your scanner to good use! Don't forget to link up so we can all visit and comment on each others blogs!"

Since I began doing this meme, my husband knew that I wanted to be able to share my older photos with everyone, so the absolutely adorable and loving man that he is recently bought me a portable photo scanner. This is one of the photos that I scanned with my present.

This photo is of Bill and I at our nephew's wedding in September 2009. As you can see, I have lost a lot of weight since then... I am really proud of myself for that!

If you'd like to play along with Friday Photo Flashback, dig out the old photo albums, scan in some photos and write a post to tell us all about what's going on in the photos. Then link up with Alicia at More Than Words, visit the other participants and leave a nice comment.


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thursday's Recipe Swap Meet ~ Tortellini with Bacon


OK... we know you have all these recipes that you love to make. You got them from your mother, your grandmother, a magazine, or maybe you made it up, perhaps you don't even remember where the recipe came from. Well, how about sharing them with all of us? We are going to share ours with you every Thursday!

My good friend and (according to her husband) excellent cook, Dolly over at XmasDolly and I are now doing a recipe swap; we want to share ours with you and wold LOVE to get some of your favorites as well... So welcome to Thursday's Recipe Swap Meet, here is all you have to do:


Post a recipe on your blog, sign the linky on either blog (they will be linked), grab our new button - isn't she cute - hubby says she looks like me... TeeHee? (above, on my sidebar and on my Co-Chef Dolly's blog) and check out the recipes. Don't forget that each week you actually will be getting at least TWO for the price of ONE because both Dolly and I will post a recipe on each of our blogs. How simple is that???

Tortellini with Bacon

Cook about a pound of fresh or frozen tortellini according to package directions while you are preparing the bacon topping.

Cut up 6 slices of bacon (I used 8 because I was making extra for the doggies) and saute them in 2 Tbls. of EVOO until half cooked.

Add 3 cloves of garlic (I like to grate it in because I don't like big chunks in it) and saute it with the bacon until they are both lightly brown.

Deglaze the pan with about 1/4 cup of dry white wine. Then add the following spices to taste: salt, pepper, basil and oregano. Next add 1 stick of butter and saute all flavors together - about 5 minutes.

Add tortellini to pan and turn over to coat each piece with the bacon, butter and spices.

Serve with grated cheese if desired... Bill likes it, I don't.

This received 6 out of 6 puppy tail wags... I knew the doggies would like the bacon, what I didn't know was that they would LOVE the tortellini. I swear they are part Italian. =)

So now all you have to do is sign our linky so we all can find your recipes. You check out all ours and we will check out all yours. If you don't want to write it all down and you know of one on line just post a link to it on your blog or leave it in a comment if you prefer!

For more recipes, head on over to Ms.BiBi at Daily Organized Chaos.

Let's get cooking..... Bon Appetit!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Happy 5th Birthday Lady Mia!!


Welcome to Wordless Wednesday.... Today is our Lady Mia's 5th birthday so I decided to post the many faces of our beautiful baby.

Lady Mia and her baby Nano Bytes

Our little Princess ~ Lady Mia
Happy birthday Lady Mia, we love you very much and are so happy that you came into our life a year and a half ago.  You are the sweetest little baby (and totally spoiled by Daddy) doggy that ever lived.


For more Wordless Wednesday posts, check out the WW Hub, leave your link, check out the other participants, and don't forget to leave a nice comment - you know you like comments, they do too!!

And don't forget about our recipe sharing meme tomorrow: "Recipe Swap Meet Thursday" - have you got your recipe ready??? Don't forget to grab our button and play along... Happy cooking.


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

In My Neighborhood Tuesday April 19: Wildlife

Eighty MPH Mom In My Neighborhood Tuesday

I'm joining my friend Jennifer over at Eighty MPH Mom called In My Neighborhood Tuesday – a fun photo meme where you spend some quality time with your family and friends and discover average things in a new light, get creative and try and get outdoors on occasion. There will be an assignment/prompt for each week, and hopefully you will have some time to take a walk and show us what you found in your neighborhood!

This week's theme is Wildlife in your neighborhood. I love to take photos of wildlife in our neighborhood and I have done a post with several photos before. So now I have some new ones of smaller, different critters. Hope you enjoy.....

And of course the wildest wildlife of all:

So that's my post for In My Neighborhood Tuesday... if you'd like to join, here is all you have to do: It is easy to join in! Just take your picture and post it on your blog, with the button above and link up on Eighty MPH Mom. Make sure you visit the other participants to see what they have found in their neighborhood {or house or wherever} recently! Don’t worry if you didn’t have a chance to take a walk over the weekend to snap the perfect shot. If you already have a picture that fits into the “assignment” of the week, feel free to use it. If you want to write down the upcoming assignments and take photos for several of them while you are on a walk, you can do that too! There really aren’t many rules, except to stick with the theme of the week and be creative! You can even post more than one photo, as if you didn't notice... HaHa!

Let's also help Jen out by tweeting about this meme:

Please RT: What cool things are in your neighborhood? Photo meme: This week’s theme: Wildlife!

Enjoy the rest of the week and happy photographing!

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