Monday, March 29, 2010

Nano's Second Birthday

Saturday the 27th was Nano's 2nd birthday and boy did he celebrate in style - would you expect anything else for my baby??? We were so excited to have Nano's mama, Mia (yea, we were singing that song all weekend, too) over for a sleep-over. Our friend Tyna who is the one who gave us Nano and still has Mia also brought lots of birthday presents for him and baked chicken for the doggies along with t-bone steaks for Bill and I for dinner. Tyna also brought a beautiful birthday cake - it tastes delicious and Nano & Mia love the frosting. We still have Mia at the house, she loves it here and we love having her here, we may even have her stay here forever.

The only problem we seem to have is that both Nano and Mia like to sleep with me and Bill. We have a wonderful bed set up for them on the floor of our bedroom, as you can see. It is soft and squishy (I find it comfy, myself), plus there are a few toys for them to play with if they get bored, but if you look at the other pictures, they both choose to sleep on our bed with us. It is only a queen size bed, not really even big enough for Bill & I... we're gonna need a bigger bed!

Until next time..... Lorie


Together We Save said...

Oh that is so cute!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

What fun! Happy Birthday Nano!!!!

Michelle @Flying Giggles said...

Happy Birthday Nano! It seriously looks like he is smiling in the first picture. He knows it is his special day, even a visit from his mama! How fun!

•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Erin.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said...

SO sweet!! Thanks for letting us share in such a fun birthday! :)

fredamans said...

That so awesome!

Happy "belated" birthday Nano baby!

Simply Being Mommy said...

Happy Belated Birthday Nano!

Adaptable Kay said...

Oh my gosh, what a fun post! Happy Birthday to your baby boy :D

Jennifer-Eighty MPH Mom said...

Oh what a special day! Now I know who the other puppy is - Mia!! You sure like to spoil your baby - and Nano really does deserve it for all the happiness he brings to you!

He is the cutest little thing ever!

Alexis AKA MOM said...

Happy Birthday Nano, ok now I see it's moma that came to visit! Yeah I hope she stays. She would love her new home :)

Tami Winbush said...

Good time to get a four poster king size bed with a mirrored top! :)

Beautiful mom and son time then!

Maria's Space said...

So cute. I love that you celebrate his birthday. That bed looks way more comfy then mine. And..the cake...hello, where can I get one?

Happy Belated Birthday Nano

~ Noelle said...

that cake was for nano?
did you make it?

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